Anyone else disillusioned with gaming now?


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Is it just me or have the big, hyped up games that have come out in the last year all ended being nowhere near as good as they've said, and mostly just turned out to be really average?

Doom 3 was a corridor crawl, Halo 2 was incredibly repetitive, GTA:SA is repetitive as well despite having a massive landscape. Battlefield 2 plays exactly like Desert Combat would in a new engine. The demo for Splinter Cell 3 was good but the full game felt like an expansion of the original where as the co-op had too few levels. To put it bluntly i'm just totally disillusioned with gaming. Every big name game that gets churned out to rave reviews ends up being either entirely average or just a little bit above average. The only exceptions in the last few months have been from a few rare games like Resident Evil 4, Ninja Gaiden, Rome:Total War and of course a game so obvious that i can't be bothered mentioning it.

Heck, now i'm even disillusioned with World of Warcraft because after reaching level 40 and not having money to pay for another game card i sat back and thought if pouring 180 bucks into a game is really worth it, if all you do is the exact same quests you've been doing since you started the game. Bah, this sucks.

Anyone else beginning to feel this way?
well were not finished with games coming out, im still eagerly awating age of empires 3, f.e.a.r, company of heroes, and stalker.

i guess well have to wait till the end of the year...
Sounds like someone just doesnt like games as much anymore. I do agree that alot of games have been subpar, but thats always the way of things. I only play the odd game now and then, Bf2 is damn good, and World of warcraft I been playing since day 1 (Of EU release), and its fantastic.
BF2, I think, is FANTASTIC.

Other than that, I agree with you.
I don't see how people think BF2 is fantastic. Its just Desert Combat in a new engine. Same old Battlefield 1942 flaws are inherent in BF2 as well. And spawn camping just ridiculous beyond belief on that Gulf of Oman map.
Sparta said:
I don't see how people think BF2 is fantastic.

Because people have different opinions to you, Sparta.
Ritz said:
Because people have different opinions to you, Sparta.

Don't get me wrong i'm not saying BF2 sucks but its just DC in a new engine. Its good fun but its not absolutely amazing. It's just taken the fun that was Desert Combat and mixed it in with a few new features and a new engine and everyone is over the moon about it. If this was just another iteration of Desert Combat rather then BF2 i seriously doubt it would be getting anywhere near as much attention or hype or praise that it's getting.

And on that note, i'm going to go play it now.
There aren't enough good sword fighting games on the PC with either a Ninja Gaiden, Zone of the Enders or Devil May Cry-esque combat system. This is why I'm afraid the next Prince of Persia game won't be worth the wait for me. Sword fighting is the main reason I love the series but the mechanics seem slow and needs to be more like the games I mentioned above.
Prince of China said:
There aren't enough good sword fighting games on the PC with either a Ninja Gaiden, Zone of the Enders or Devil May Cry-esque combat system. This is why I'm afraid the next Prince of Persia game won't be worth the wait for me. Sword fighting is the main reason I love the series but the mechanics seem slow and needs to be more like the games I mentioned above.
Definately. The fighting system in the PoP series really needs an update and needs to become faster paced and needs to flow alot more then it does right now if they ever actually want the series to remain successful. Otherwise its just gonna be like MoH and end up using the same gimmick over and over.
I think BF2 is the shit but other than that i agree with you.
yep I had all but given up on gaming until I played BF2

and the I loathe the desert combat arguement, I wish people would just play the game it was meant to be played, WITH A SQUAD, then they would realize the genius of BF2.
Maybe you people are just spending too much time playing them and becoming desensitized. Modify, god dammit, play and then modify!
I'm of the opinion that the gaming scene is as good, if not better, than it has ever been.
You're growing up, man. Pretty soon you'll be one of those old men who say things like, "Games cause violence!" "Games? Why do you need games? Go out and play like a real boy!"
Raziaar said:
You're growing up, man. Pretty soon you'll be one of those old men who say things like, "Games cause violence!" "Games? Why do you need games? Go out and play like a real boy!"


On anouther note Raz - Xfire killed itself, sorry.
:dozey: There's all these games that I wanted to get. But, none really appealing to me enough for me to shell out money, or even the time to even download a game. I guess gaming, to me is getting kinda boring. But I promised myself that i'll buy BF2, STALKER, and FEAR... I think there's little bit more games i'm looking forward too, just can't remember right now.
If things don't get better with games and I do have to grow up and stop gaming, I'll do it after Duke Nukem Forever comes out. Not only have I been waiting for that one at least as long as for hl2, but that way it's a nice safety contingency to never stop gaming in case it never comes out :p
Maybe you're just in a rut, Sparta. Or your taste in games has changed, so all these games that've been coming out are just "blah" to you. I had a similar thing recently; I used to love action games where you storm through levels beating up on things (Prince of Persia, God of War, etc.), but I've recently found that I now find those kinds of games incredibly pointless and boring to me.

Maybe you just need to find a new genre of game, or find a really outstanding game in one of your favorite genres to play. Also, some of the games you mentioned...I don't think anyone expected Doom 3 to be a good game. It was just something to show off the engine, everyone knew that's what it was for. Id is in the business of selling engines now, not making games. That's what Raven is for.
Halo 2, eh, I didn't play enough of it to really comment but I found it OK. A friend and I had a grand old time with that game though thanks to this NPC who refused to die (we called him "The Texan," on account of his accent).
I've never gotten behind ANY of the GTA games. I'll tell you why. Oh sure I always try to do the missions, but eventually it always ends up the same: I've got this here bat, and there's an old woman walking down the street, and I just don't WANNA pick up that telephone and listen to what the guy on the other end has to say.
Never played DC, only played the demo of 1942 very briefly (didn't like it), so BF2 doesn't feel old to me and I love it.

So yeah, my advice would be either find something that you think would really interest you, or go back to an old game you love, or--God forbid--go outside and do something other than gaming.

(No, I can't believe I said that either)
I somewhat agree. I haven't played through a game for a while and nothing really interests me. I remember years ago thinking that the games of the future could be so far ahead in how immersive, complex, spontaneous, emotional, and thought-provoking they would be. Yet there have been only minor changes and steps taken in that direction. It feels like games are just another industry now. Even when I look at what's coming up it's not that exciting.

-PC games (and games in general) are just recycling ideas and sticking to proven designs. Genres have become so staid it seems like developers have altogether settled on the rules for each type of game and have given up experimenting.
-The PS3 and X360 are mainly focussing on better graphics. Nothing new interface-wise and apparently AI and physics are taking a backseat to graphics.
-The Revolution, according to interviews, is trying to be family/non-gamer oriented. I'm sure it's a great business strategy and will produce some "charming" games but this is not the kind of thing that gets me interested.
I'm going to get the Battlefield 2 demo off my magazine in 10 days, I can't download it.
It sposed to be really good, I've seen two videos of it and it looks really smooth. I've read some articles about it covering the "Action Cam" etc. Looks nice.
I don't think I will be able to play the Multiplayer game that well, but do they still have bots?
Half Life 2 was a disappointment to me in replayablity but first to see atompshere was great. I still take Warcraft III as my best source of wasting time as the maps created by the community are vast.
I'm not looking foward to F.E.A.R, looks just like another action game.
Action Gaming is doomed, long live MMORGS and RPG's!
I was dissapointed when Doom 3 came out. I played it again just recently and it was great I love that game now. I only wish it had cooler levels and more open spaces because some of the levels get really old real quick, but oh well. I'll guess I have to look forward to Quake 4 for that.

(I was dissapointed with HL2 as well and I tried playing it recently but ****ing steam won't let me.)
Dont' forget that as you get older you may not see games as you used to. What i mean is that things that REALLY floated your boat may not now, as you have seen more and more of them. I liked, for example, the first Half-life more than the second, but as games in themselves they are probably equally as good. THe difference was, as a younger kid, i involved myself more in the first, and was more affected by the atmosphere and feeling of the game. This same rule applies for many games and their sequels, as well as new games that are heavily influenced by others.
Mr. Redundant said:
yep I had all but given up on gaming until I played BF2

and the I loathe the desert combat arguement, I wish people would just play the game it was meant to be played, WITH A SQUAD, then they would realize the genius of BF2.
I actually play the game in a squad and i'm very good at it. I'm often in the top 3 spots on the server because i'm usually the guy who prefers to sacrifice himself to get the job done rather then live just so i have a good death-kill ratio. I really do play the game as its meant to and i still dont see why everyone says its the shizznit.

In other news i just tried reinstalling Far Cry again and played it for about 20 mintues just running and gunning on Challenging difficulty. The game really feels like any other shooter if you run and gun, as the A.I just can't stop a one man run-and-gun machine. I've found that swapping the approaches i used with Half-Life 2 (which i runned and gunned) and Far Cry (stealthy ninja) makes Half-Life 2 alot harder and Far Cry a shit load easier.

One thing that i think games need more of are puzzle baddies. Like those Freddy Kruger type guys in Resident Evil 4, or Hunters from Halo. Bad guys that can only be killed by applying a certain strategy or weapon or timing or something like that. Because shooting them with different guns gets hella boring now.
Well for one thing saying BF2 is just dc on a better engine is absolutly 100 percent incorrect BF2 is a incredible game and yet all we have seen of it is a demo....and this is all coming from someone who is very critical on pc games. Give BF2 some time wait till the full release is out and people play around for a bit... until everyone starts taking advantage of the squad system becuase thats when this game gets really really fun once you start working together and the enemy does as well and you start having fronts form as your fighting o man there is nothing better.
Sparta said:
I don't see how people think BF2 is fantastic. Its just Desert Combat in a new engine. Same old Battlefield 1942 flaws are inherent in BF2 as well. And spawn camping just ridiculous beyond belief on that Gulf of Oman map.
DC is different in so many ways. And the spawn camping is minimal because if you don't own all the flags it is pointless, and the spawn is spread out enough that one vehicle can't camp it.
Jets -
Dogfights are way different now, so many difference I won't list them all but the main reason are flares and heat seeking missles.
There is no more A10 so armor is much harder to take out, and only the bomber can really bomb it.

Helis -
They are much harder to control
The missles do a lot less damage and have a lower splash radius
The pilot only gets on type of missle
The gunner has most of the weapons, and now a TV guided missle

Infintry -
You can res now
The medic is now its own class
There are no resupply crates, so the support class took that role
You can sprint
Iron sites on the weapons
Pistols that work
Teamwork is encouraged
Bah I could keep listing all the small details but you know them already.
Sparta said:
Definately. The fighting system in the PoP series really needs an update and needs to become faster paced and needs to flow alot more then it does right now if they ever actually want the series to remain successful. Otherwise its just gonna be like MoH and end up using the same gimmick over and over.
I'll be really afraid of that. Ubisoft manages to make unique and interesting innovations such as the free-form fighting and speed-kill system, but it's not enough. Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades is said to be the last of the Sands of Time trilogy, but they could still make more. If they still make more, the combat system should be one of those context-based systems.
Agent.M said:
Well for one thing saying BF2 is just dc on a better engine is absolutly 100 percent incorrect

Foxtrot said:
Teamwork is encouraged

I hate these kinds of arguments because they completely lack any kind of factual backing.

All the changes I've seen fanatically listed off to anybody who dares to compare BF2 to DC have come off to me as minor. Some for the better, some for the worse. I still think that the core gameplay is, on the whole, no different or improved over the previous games, and that much of its flaws still persist.

Couple that with annoying bugs and ridiculously steep system requirements (come on, the game doesn't look that good), and it's a title I'll pass on unless the full product somehow manages to wash out the bitter aftertaste I had with the demo.
I know what you feel but my reazon is that when I finished a very good game,almost all the games looks inferior and all I do is to wait for a big game to come

also I recomend to play diferent types of games cuz sometimes when I get dedicated to play one type of game I get bored of it easily and when I play another type I get excited whit it so maybe play diferents games dont matter the reviews they got is a good way to be entertained

EDIT:I think do something apart of gaming can help too
Sparta said:
Is it just me or have the big, hyped up games that have come out in the last year all ended being nowhere near as good as they've said, and mostly just turned out to be really average?

Doom 3 was a corridor crawl, Halo 2 was incredibly repetitive, GTA:SA is repetitive as well despite having a massive landscape. Battlefield 2 plays exactly like Desert Combat would in a new engine. The demo for Splinter Cell 3 was good but the full game felt like an expansion of the original where as the co-op had too few levels. To put it bluntly i'm just totally disillusioned with gaming. Every big name game that gets churned out to rave reviews ends up being either entirely average or just a little bit above average. The only exceptions in the last few months have been from a few rare games like Resident Evil 4, Ninja Gaiden, Rome:Total War and of course a game so obvious that i can't be bothered mentioning it.

Heck, now i'm even disillusioned with World of Warcraft because after reaching level 40 and not having money to pay for another game card i sat back and thought if pouring 180 bucks into a game is really worth it, if all you do is the exact same quests you've been doing since you started the game. Bah, this sucks.

Anyone else beginning to feel this way?

Aside from HL2 , I have had real trouble finding something that holds my interest for longer than 30 days. Splinter Cell Choas Theory I played for a day and took it back to EB. Rome Total War I played for about three weeks. World of Warcraft I played for 90 days just till my sub ran out. Counter Strike Source is fun for mindless killing but not really the interest grabber of previous incarnations. So this is what I did :

Played HalfLife and HL2 back too back , then played some old Homeworld ( found my disc doubling as a coaster ) , then I bought GW and am actually enjoying that. And yes Guild Wars has elements that hold my interest.
What I want :
and anything that will entertain rather than just suck money out of my pocket.
Absinthe said:
I hate these kinds of arguments because they completely lack any kind of factual backing.

All the changes I've seen fanatically listed off to anybody who dares to compare BF2 to DC have come off to me as minor. Some for the better, some for the worse. I still think that the core gameplay is, on the whole, no different or improved over the previous games, and that much of its flaws still persist.

Couple that with annoying bugs and ridiculously steep system requirements (come on, the game doesn't look that good), and it's a title I'll pass on unless the full product somehow manages to wash out the bitter aftertaste I had with the demo.

Of course the core of the gameplay hasn't changed. It's a team-based FPS with vehicles, just like the other BF games. What did you expect to change? Did you want an RTS element where each team builds a base? Did you want an RPG aspect where you level up and gain more hp? Did you want a money system like in CS? Because it doesn't seem like you wanted another BF game. The core aspects of a game shouldn't change for sequels unless they're trying to dig the series out of a hole or something (which they didn't need to do).

The core aspects of gameplay in HL2 didn't change from HL1 and I didn't see any bitching. I could go on with examples of many good games and their sequels.

You're right. DC is very similar to BF2 in that it's set in the same time period, using the BF-style of gameplay (which I don't want them to completely change), using lots of the same equipment.

DC felt like a mod, not a game. Sure DC had tons of new additions and maps but that's all they did, add more and more vehicles and maps. What they should've worked on were the game mechanics and balancing because if you didn't have a vehicle in DC you were screwed.

The game may technically be very much like DC but as an experience I find it completely different. Not only has teamwork completely solidified (in servers I've played) and actually come in as a good aspect of the game rather than something forced by yelling at your losing team full of lone-wolves, but they've improved on BF1942 & DC in every way I can find.

Graphics - Check
Gameplay - (Teamwork, VOIP, commander mode, balancing, scalable maps, cool equipment (coming with some nice changes itself)
Replayability - Stat system (one thing I am most hyped about for the full release). I love ranking systems and all the little rewards and medals you can earn allow the player to really track his/her progression in skill throughout the whole experience - Unlockable weapons

I have not had big problems with spawn camping unless I'm on a server with no autobalance. If there's spawn camping on a balanced server it usually lasts less than 3 minutes.

The biggest problem I see with BF2 is the players that still jump ship from the losing team to the winning team. I was MEC on a small server. We had 6 players (all eventually in my squad) vs. 14 on their team. At first I wasn't in a squad at all because I was just testing out my new graphics settings and such, but after some fun I started to get serious. I made a squad and invited my team into it. At first just one guy joined but we just WORKED the other team with the MEC attack chopper. I was pilot and for once I flew for like 10 minutes straight without firing a single rocket. It was all about the gunner. I only thought to get in better position for him to gun and it worked wonders. He racked up 40+ kills by the end of the game just from our helo runs. Eventually the other guys on our team came around and joined the squad and we did more than just do helo runs. We came back from a 150 ticket deficit to win the game. At the end our team had 12 players and they had 8... Stupid lamers just jumping teams.

One small gripe. On autobalance servers they should swap people from the "Unnasigned" category of people rather than anybody. I have been swapped when I was COMMANDER once and a couple other times when I was squad leader...that's just plain retarded.

EDIT: Oh yeah, other games. I've been having trouble finding games that interest me as well. I find myself going back to the older console rpgs such as FF6,7,4, Chrono Trigger, Star Ocean. They keep me entertained for at least 40 hrs each. I haven't kept up to date with console rpg's but I gotta find some more to play.
Combine Elite said:
Aside from HL2 , I have had real trouble finding something that holds my interest for longer than 30 days.

HL2 kept you occupied longer than 30 days? It occupied me for 2-4 days and then I beat it.
DeusExMachinia said:
HL2 kept you occupied longer than 30 days? It occupied me for 2-4 days and then I beat it.

Yes I played it a few times over and over. Loved the Graphics Engine. Two days ? AI on Easy eh ?
Absinthe said:
I hate these kinds of arguments because they completely lack any kind of factual backing.

All the changes I've seen fanatically listed off to anybody who dares to compare BF2 to DC have come off to me as minor. Some for the better, some for the worse. I still think that the core gameplay is, on the whole, no different or improved over the previous games, and that much of its flaws still persist.

Couple that with annoying bugs and ridiculously steep system requirements (come on, the game doesn't look that good), and it's a title I'll pass on unless the full product somehow manages to wash out the bitter aftertaste I had with the demo.
I hate these kind of arguments, you make outrageous claims and don't say what you actually want. DC clan matches were a joke for the most part, dog fights would last the entire match and 6 infintry guys would be killed by 1 tank.
Combine Elite said:
Yes I played it a few times over and over. Loved the Graphics Engine. Two days ? AI on Easy eh ?

If by Easy you mean the AI for Normal difficulty, then yes, the AI was pretty easy. People can beat it in one day on Hard mode, its not that hard.
Foxtrot said:
I hate these kind of arguments, you make outrageous claims and don't say what you actually want. DC clan matches were a joke for the most part, dog fights would last the entire match and 6 infintry guys would be killed by 1 tank.

Why would 6 guys not be killed by a Tank ? Do the Math 7 Tons of steel and Guns versus 6 guys,, hmmmmm..... seems like an unfair match. In the Tanks favour.
Combine Elite said:
Why would 6 guys not be killed by a Tank ? Do the Math 7 Tons of steel and Guns versus 6 guys,, hmmmmm..... seems like an unfair match. In the Tanks favour.

Yes, in real life. Arcade games shouldn't be realistic though. It totally ruins the fun. If my entire squad was killed by one guy in a tank...that'd be outrageous. The game would turn into DC again except with less vehicles. Everyone would go AT. Infantry had NO place in DC because of realism and vehicle overload. The only kit that's sem-effective against vehicles was of course, Anti-tank. EVERYBODY was anti-tank with the exception of a guy that like to play sniper or spec ops. It was a joke. 1/3 of the game was practically pointless.

BF2 sacrifices realism for fun, balanced gameplay and it works. People that suck at the game or just get frustrated from better players just complain about the lack of realism too much. Example, people think that the AT missile should be better (faster, more dmg, better guidance or something). The missiles are just fine the way they are, this guy is just sick of missing his target.
AmishSlayer said:
Yes, in real life. Arcade games shouldn't be realistic though. It totally ruins the fun. If my entire squad was killed by one guy in a tank...that'd be outrageous. The game would turn into DC again except with less vehicles. Everyone would go AT. Infantry had NO place in DC because of realism and vehicle overload. The only kit that's sem-effective against vehicles was of course, Anti-tank. EVERYBODY was anti-tank with the exception of a guy that like to play sniper or spec ops. It was a joke. 1/3 of the game was practically pointless.

BF2 sacrifices realism for fun, balanced gameplay and it works. People that suck at the game or just get frustrated from better players just complain about the lack of realism too much. Example, people think that the AT missile should be better (faster, more dmg, better guidance or something). The missiles are just fine the way they are, this guy is just sick of missing his target.
The thing that works with BF2 this time around is that you're offered much more opportunity to specialise. In the other Battlefields it was more a case of 'saying' that you're a specialist driver/pilot/whatever, but it was more a case of using that equipment more than anyone else rather than taking any excelled skill in it.

You're right in saying that it's outrageous and annoying if one regular person in a tank could take out waves of men, but someone who specialised in tank use could easily take the task on in BF2 - there are certain intricate skills and methods to use that really give you an edge; the addition of smoke cannisters, for example. If I got into a chopper and started trying to cause some havoc, I reckon I'd kill a few people then meet my end. Someone like you though Amish (who I know is a good pilot), can do so much more, just like I can use the Assault's grenade launcher to great effect.