Anyone else extremely disappointed in Source?

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I was commenting on CS:Source, not the engine itself... I think Half-Life 2 looks pretty good.

Holy shit, what the **** did you people expect in terms of graphics? CS:S is essentially a Source port of Counter-Strike. Honestly, did you exepct it to look like god damn Far Cry?
Its just annoying, you know, when you read comments like the one below...

I think the graphics are pretty darn great for how long they have been working on CS:S better then doom 3's 1 texture fits all situation.(yes i do realise that dust is mainly yellow)

:rolling: ka-razy guy
Woggy said:
The screenshots look pretty shit, in my entirely correct and unbiased opinion.
Its terrible performance is pretty suprising... I was expecting near half-life performance. The graphics are terrible, honestly. Im not sure what you guys see in them.

This is so average and boring looking. A boxe here, a blocky arch there. Yawn.

Well done, you've completely forgotten the fact that the dome is made of brick. It might just be me, but I don't ever recall seeing banana-shaped bricks using for construction, usually they're straight.

Although I don't exactly agree with your post, I can see where you're coming from.

There is no spoone
-Teh Matricks
I cant even play it *snif*
Is this going to go out to the general public?
Absinthe said:
Holy shit, what the **** did you people expect in terms of graphics? CS:S is essentially a Source port of Counter-Strike. Honestly, did you exepct it to look like god damn Far Cry?

To me it actually looks a whole lot better than farcry to be honest :)
^Ben said:
I think the graphics are pretty darn great for how long they have been working on CS:S better then doom 3's 1 texture fits all situation.(yes i do realise that dust is mainly yellow)

You have to be kidding, i know this is a hl2 forum, but don´t throw objectivity to the bin please.
iamaelephant said:
I have had a go with CS:S, and I have to say, Source is not all it's cracked up to be. The physics are really bad compared with Far Cry (barrels as light as a feather, uninteresting human ragdolls, lots of weird physics bugs). The graphics are boring as hell (low poly, uninteresting textures). The engine does not run as fast as it should, considering the low poly models, low poly (and small) maps and low res textures. The load times are comparable with Far Cry and Doom 3, which is just ridiculous considering the size of the map (de_dust).

These are the things I have noticed thus far. What do you all think?

Is that sh!t I smell? Oh, wait, iamaelephant opened his fat mouth again.
Well done, you've completely forgotten the fact that the dome is made of brick.

Please highlight any section of my post which was reffering to any type of dome.

Is that sh!t I smell? Oh, wait, iamaelephant opened his fat mouth again.

Thank you for your input, please eat a dick.
iamaelephant said:
I have had a go with CS:S, and I have to say, Source is not all it's cracked up to be. The physics are really bad compared with Far Cry (barrels as light as a feather, uninteresting human ragdolls, lots of weird physics bugs). The graphics are boring as hell (low poly, uninteresting textures). The engine does not run as fast as it should, considering the low poly models, low poly (and small) maps and low res textures. The load times are comparable with Far Cry and Doom 3, which is just ridiculous considering the size of the map (de_dust).

These are the things I have noticed thus far. What do you all think?

CS:S has toned down physics, and that's for a reason -- performance.
I thougth someone like you would know that... =/
Yet another post from the negative mind of Iamelephant. From what I've seen, Source is possibly the best engine ever made. If that's not good enough for you then I suggest you step away from the PC and go play in the 'real world' (if thats good enough for you).

CS:S looks great and plays great. It's a finely tuned game that balances good graphics against performance over a network. I recommend an upgrade if your computer chugs but if you insist on playing the max settings on a lame PC over a network then what do u expect?

Oh well. Someone had to post a crap thread like this eventually.
azz0r said:
So gabes fat, who cares.

No, I was just posting pictures of Gabe and his Security person >.> The picture of gabe just had the krispy kreme remark on it and I couldn't find a better one. :o
Wow theres a crap load of rampant fanboys in here.

You might care to notice hes only ever said he disliked Valve, quite rightly since they are literaly a joke.

So maybe you bloody fanatics that would say it owned even if it was worse than the original game just becuase you wouldnt want to admit that for the past year youuve been hypeing a POS should shut the hell up and realise that not everying thing valve touches is the greatest thing ever.
iamaelephant said:
I challenge you to find one single post where I complain about HL2. Yeah, I bitch about Valve because they are a pathetic excuse for a game developer. They make excellent games (well, they've made on excellent game) but they may aswell have George Bush running their PR department and Peter Griffin running their security and estimating release dates.

I wouldn't call them pathetic, i'd call them horrible at organising. But, yeah you're right, you haven't complained about HL2, so i apoligse for that remark, i'm sorry.

But i still think that your Anti-Valve attitude is effecting the way you see the Source engine.

If you look at the CS:Source Beta, and then look at those screen's that were shown at SIGGRAPH 2004, you can REALLY see what the source engine is capable of. There really isn't any comparison to the two, if only in some area's (I.E not every surface is bump-mapped or has specular mapping etc.).
RoguePsi said:
From what I've seen, Source is possibly the best engine ever made.

I wouldn't go that fair, its a great engine from everything i've seen/played but i wouldn't say its the best ever.
Absinthe said:
Holy shit, what the **** did you people expect in terms of graphics? CS:S is essentially a Source port of Counter-Strike.

What he said....

All these dumbasses expecting Counter-Strike:2 need to calm down.
I can't believe there's no water to show off like at E3, one of Sources coolest effects (or am I missing something? Does it rain occasionally? I haven't played long...). The "dust particle" effect wasn't as nice as I thought it'd be, just square clumps fading in and out, floating by. Looks like it could have been done with HL1 engine...
TechnoHippyChic said:
I can't believe there's no water to show off like at E3, one of Sources coolest effects (or am I missing something? Does it rain occasionally? I haven't played long...). The "dust particle" effect wasn't as nice as I thought it'd be, just square clumps fading in and out, floating by. Looks like it could have been done with HL1 engine...

It's a port of something made on the HL1 engine... :rolleyes:
Can someone post a movie which doesnt require me signing up to some crappy site which i will never visit again? From the screenshots Ive seen, it looks no where near as good as you would think from the descriptions Im reading here.
Here's an average screenshot, everythings on high, but because its a beta somethings are missing. In the E3 Demo there was normal mapping on the players arms (In first person mode anyway) which looked really cool but that aint in there. Anyway there's bumpmaps and shit on the walls that remind me alot of the palm trees you find in Far Cry. Anyway enough babbling

1026x768 or something, all settings on High, No AA or AF, And for some reason the shader settings aren't enabled

Headshot :(


  • de_dust0005.jpg
    84 KB · Views: 331
Sparta said:
Also i'm not really surprised about you complaining about it, you've been complaining about the game ever since the delay :rolleyes:

Quoted for emphasis.

Show me a multiplayer FPS that has better physics.
Then, and only then, will I care.
Just rewatched the Aztec CSS bink and there is nothing diffrent about the arms apart from the fact the bink video arms are less detailed.

So the Sparta makes no sense.
Well, as said before in this thread, no one is suprised that you're complaining. It's all that you do. You're just a standard anti-VALVe with a high postcount.
iamaelephant works for the fry cry team i think, every one of his posts seem to be aimed against valve
mutt said:
iamaelephant works for the fry cry team i think, every one of his posts seem to be aimed against valve

He probably does...a secret far cry team employee :O
Well this is going to get me a load of fans but...

CS:S beta is pritty dire atm.

Now I played 40 mins of it before going to Uni and during that period posted 6 bugs that forced me to restart the game cause it was unplayable.

During the stress test I averaged 31 fps on everything max, not great but no awful. Playing CS:S on the other hand.

All this talk about how its going to add skill to the game so far isn't burdening truth. The hitboxes are totally screwy on net play (worked fine in the Cyber Cafe but online no). Everyone is spraying and praying. No carefully aimed shots. The awp is really buggy to, loads of cheap shots noware near the people you're shooting at. I know I used one for 3 rounds racking up 9 kills, I think my crosshairs were on 2 people tops.

The game seems very laggy and the net code doesn't seem to be up to HL's standard.

and if anyone opens their mouth to say its a beta, I know its a damn beta, I've sent my reports about it and I'm giving it a little cool down, because for me I played the beta for 40 mins, had to restart 6 times and currently have no desire to play the beta any more. I will however to help valve out, however if at the end of the beta this game is still like it is and not like CS/CZ i will not be buying it.
See this is the thing when ever i have played the hitboxes have been amazing.

The game is smooth.

Now it does have some bugs with the game and they are pretty easy to spot, but it's not to-do with the actual engine it's how they balanced a couple of the guns.

Ragdolls are amazing, it's not just legs and arms akimbo like ut2003 or farcry, In CS:S they actually mould into intresting positions or knock back against walls really well.

And the comment about doom 3 is absoloutly true the only texture colours i noticed where grey, dark grey, light grey, red(blood),orange(mars) and slightly green. Wooopdefecking doo, they had 4 years to build the art assets the CS:S has had 5-10 months to build their art assets and that's alot of maps and alot of variety.
Hey I got an idea -

Why don't we ****in wait for the full game.
I have to say that I am really impressed with CS:S. I love the graphics. The ragdolls look great. The physics are pretty good too. The problem I'm have is that a lot of the servers are unplayable or laggy but it is a beta right now. Atleast they are working on it now so when the full game comes out we won't be having all these problems.
lans said:
Hey I got an idea -

Why don't we ****in wait for the full game.
We can't do that, that would make sense!

Edit: Oh yeah, and the ragdolls are badarse. I like the splatter too;)
Number one, i belive this is close to the final game. Beta is Beta yes but remember they are packing hl2 up now to get it ready for the world. Really, the beta that was released to the cafe's was better than what we are playing now. For all of you talking about how much the barrels phys suck, imagine this: earlyer this week i was at a cafe and the barrels were "full" as you put it and didnt move unless you really beat the crap out of them. They where fun to play with but they are much more useable now. I belive the server can set what the physics are becuase on some servers ive played the barrels are still the heavy same way that they used to be and their are a few "matrix" servers where the physics all run like your in the matrix.

I think we will be happy when valve turns that shader on and enables some of the graphics options that for some reason they dont feel we need to play with.
iamaelephant said:
I have had a go with CS:S, and I have to say, Source is not all it's cracked up to be. The physics are really bad compared with Far Cry (barrels as light as a feather, uninteresting human ragdolls, lots of weird physics bugs). The graphics are boring as hell (low poly, uninteresting textures). The engine does not run as fast as it should, considering the low poly models, low poly (and small) maps and low res textures. The load times are comparable with Far Cry and Doom 3, which is just ridiculous considering the size of the map (de_dust).

These are the things I have noticed thus far. What do you all think?

One less moron in hl2 mods online.
I'm disappointed to hear about load times; I mean, what's it loading? CS:S load times should be instantaneous. The graphics aren't that snazzy (low res textures etc), the map is low-poly, there's two characters...

I think many of you are going to be rather disappointed by CS:S in its entirety. Instead of judging the final product on some heavenly glowing mind's-eye astral projection of perfection, base it on what you've seen so far. You're playing on 6 years of engine here, folks. Would you have guessed it?

Don't worry iamelephant, you're still sane, and if not, at least you've got my company! :laugh:
Well, if CS:S in its current state *is* a representation of what Source has to offer, then yes, I am dissapointed. There is no denying the textures, esp. the ground, are way too bland.


I believe that CS:S is *not* currently the best example of what Source can do. The shader options are disabled, there are no detail textures, and the models look quite low-poly.

That makes me wonder whether or not Valve will do some sort of spin control, because a lot of people (however wrong they may be) will go away from this beta thinking that HL2 is not going to look any better than CS:S beta.
iamaelephant - I found a page that compares source's physics with Farcry's and Doom 3's. You might be a bit suprised.

Physics compare
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