Anyone else extremely disappointed in Source?

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Hmm, ive been here a year of so not been a big poster thats all im sorry. But im chatting with ppl over the game instead.
guys, this beta software isnt working like it should, i want my money back.
Nm, if CS:S is just a port of CS to the source engine then I guess it looks good for the 5-6 months that they put into developing it. The textures look muddy due to the old textures from CS if im correct? The only thing I dont get is why are the physical objects like barrels and tires not able to be stood on? Does it really take that much bandwith away to claculate this server side? This couldn't be done client side because the other players would not see you standing on a physical object correct? Sorry I'm just getting used to what is done client and server side.
Sorry lol i didnt actually read the join date :P

But all the cases i have come across there have only been a couple like you'res hopefully they will sort it.
Ok, well thats a thing that could be done with patching the game (or make it final) but the fact still remains that it looks old and hopefully dont give a right picture of the source engine.
9 pages of unproductive criticism...

That's why message boards were made. :laugh:
I have no idea what HL2 will look like, but I'm severly less than impressed by CS:S. After playing D3 it just looks like a slightly glorified CS. Seriously, with a bit of tweaking I bet you could create almost the exact same CS:S dust map in the original CS. There's just nothing all that new or special looking in it. NS maps have more detail. Also, the complete lack of bumpmapping is annoying too. HL2 better be better than this.

I do hope that when new maps and model packs come out we can hopefully see a bit more of it's potential. I dont' know why they had to go remake the most boring and plain map in the entire game. Hopefully when maps are made with the potential of source in mind we can see a big improvement.
ben i do know a bit about mapping , i made maps for cs from 1.4 onwards and ur wrong theres no way u can have a level 50 times the size of dust. Haver u pld the HL2 leak? Have u seen the size of the levels?
I was hoping that they would slip aztec in the update :D
Yes i have played the leak and i dont base off incomplete levels. Coast map anyone?

If you have mapped then you would know about breaking up the levels so not to much is on screen at once?

It could easily be done.
Well if I were a game developer I would definately be reading some forums about the game I just recently released in beta phase to find out what the general populos finds irritating about that game so I would know what needs to be adjusted for the final version. I realize there is a small chance of Valve actually reading my posts but I usually post with the hope that my posts will hopefully be read. (With the exception of this post strictly being an informative post so you can understand the human psychy better.) On a more realistic note, forums are just another way for human beings to express their opinions just like speech and paintings have done before. Even if nothing gets physically accomplished from the ideas posted on forums, everyone apart of the conversation feels a little less lonely which is the goal of basically every human desire.
negativecreep934 said:
Well if I were a game developer I would definately be reading some forums about the game I just recently released in beta phase to find out what the general populos finds irritating about that game so I would know what needs to be adjusted for the final version. I realize there is a small chance of Valve actually reading my posts but I usually post with the hope that my posts will hopefully be read. (With the exception of this post strictly being an informative post so you can understand the human psychy better.) On a more realistic note, forums are just another way for human beings to express their opinions just like speech and paintings have done before. Even if nothing gets physically accomplished from the ideas posted on forums, everyone apart of the conversation feels a little less lonely which is the goal of basically every human desire.

you are my fire and my desire
lans said:
9 pages of unproductive criticism...

That's why message boards were made. :laugh:

My previous post was in reply to this quote.
yes the coasts maps are the biggest but note how empty and barren they are! and notice what they do to ur fps. Those levels really push the engine as far as it goes it seems alot of brushes in a big open space is still a big no no.(same in hl1)

and those coast levels are not 50x dust lol . also u would need a collosal amount of ram to run a level that size.
Well no i could get into a bit more detail into how it actually does it.

But if you do the maps right then you can realisticly get over a very big mapsize.
no valve have already stated u cant have huge maps. e,g the size of bf1942 & far cry.

more evidence of the true power is those domes on dust arnt rendered in the level theyre rendered in the skybox. same with trees & treetops if they can get away with it.
i recon hl2 will be able to make characters (and everything else) look like they are made out of rubber just as well as doom 3 has :) (if someone wanted to, i dont know why they would tho)
i dont get all those ppl that say cs:s looks ugly what other multiplayergame have u guys played that looks better then cs:s?

i think the gfx rock and CS just kicks ass
compare Farcry's MP to Counter-Strike:Source, compare FarCry's singleplayer to HL2's singleplayer when it comes out. Why don't you all stop crying about this beta for Counter-Strike and wait for the game to get released. Holy sh..
I can't believe the idiot that started this thread is basing this on one 1 BETA map from CS:S. Doesn't he understand that the souce engine was created for Half-Life 2 which has been in developement for 5+ years while CS:S has only been in development for little over a year and had that time to add polish to maps, textures, physics. Expect Half-Life 2's 5+ years of polish to outshine CS:S in everyway. Especially the extra time they've had since the code leak. Any idoit would expect CS:S not be as polished as HL2. But noooo not these idiots. Why to even bother read message boards sometimes, youd swear 99% of posters are idiots.
cyberman_sa said:
I can't believe the idiot that started this thread is basing this one 1 BETA map from CS:S.

iamelephant is our resident troll, don't take his comments too seriously ;)
The screenshots look pretty shit, in my entirely correct and unbiased opinion.
Its terrible performance is pretty suprising... I was expecting near half-life performance. The graphics are terrible, honestly. Im not sure what you guys see in them.

This is so average and boring looking. A boxe here, a blocky arch there. Yawn.
What you're complaining about are the beta's art content, not the graphics (well, not in terms of the engine anyways).
Neutrino said:
I have no idea what HL2 will look like, but I'm severly less than impressed by CS:S. After playing D3 it just looks like a slightly glorified CS. Seriously, with a bit of tweaking I bet you could create almost the exact same CS:S dust map in the original CS. There's just nothing all that new or special looking in it. NS maps have more detail. Also, the complete lack of bumpmapping is annoying too. HL2 better be better than this.

I do hope that when new maps and model packs come out we can hopefully see a bit more of it's potential. I dont' know why they had to go remake the most boring and plain map in the entire game. Hopefully when maps are made with the potential of source in mind we can see a big improvement.

How are you even gonna begin to compare cs source BETA with Doom3! :laugh:
Wow. Some of you people have a really hard time accepting a little bit of criticism about Source. About 50% of the posts in this thread are just name calling :rolleyes:

Also, how the hell am I a troll? I have about a thousand posts, have been registered for bloody ages (longer than my join date because my brother got into my first account and got it banned and the mods didn't believe that it wasn't me) and I am one of the only people in this thread that's actually being honest and stating what I really think about CS:S.
How are you even gonna begin to compare cs source BETA with Doom3! :laugh:

I was just saying that after seeing what is possible with the D3 engine (even multiplayer maps) I just expected a lot more from CS:S since it's being run by the engine that is supposedly suppose to give D3 a run for it's money. (though I'm beginning to have doubts about that) Seems like a legitimage comparison of the two newest game engines to hit the market.
Yeh can you imagine putting CS:S onto the d3 engine? those guys complaining about perfomance wouldnt be able to run the game :|

And i don't really want most of it in darkness all the time.
can someone please lock this thread? I'm getting sleepy after reading those 10 pages with meaningless posts (mine included =))
^Ben said:
Yeh can you imagine putting CS:S onto the d3 engine? those guys complaining about perfomance wouldnt be able to run the game :|

And i don't really want most of it in darkness all the time.

I'm not saying that CS:S could be put on the D3 engine. It of course doesn't support that many players. And yes I realize that more can be done with D3 since it has higher requirements, but that's mostly due to the dynamic lighting, which source doesn't have to worry about. I still think CS:S just looks bland though and could be better. And yes I realize I'm basing this off of dust which is a really plain map.

Also, darkness levels have absolutely nothing to do with the engine whatsoever. It merely depends on how many light sources are in the map and what the brightness settings are. :rolleyes:
Neutrino said:
Seriously, with a bit of tweaking I bet you could create almost the exact same CS:S dust map in the original CS.

ROTFL!!! not at the dis... but the disser! :cheers:
alehm said:
ROTFL!!! not at the dis... but the disser! :cheers:

What do you mean? I meant that I think the geometry of the CS:S dust map could be recreated in the original CS without much problem and probably run decently too. I don't see the funny part, but please share. :)
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