Anyone else getting sick of hearing about Hilary Duff?

:D Give it a few more years, she'll turn into the Jenna Jameson of Pop. Har Har.
haha , i dont really care about her it just gets annoying that every time i watch tv ( which is not much ) they have to mention her somehow it just becomes annoying. and yea people got different tastes so i cant argue saying herm usic sucks since some actually like it . i just hate when they OVER-Advertise lol.
I bought my brother Hilary Duff's CD for Christmas as a gag gift.. the look on his face was priceless
hahahah that would be hilarious if caught on camera
Hilary Duff? Heh...funny name. Anyway, ive never heard of her so really i wouldnt get sick of her, in fact ive not even looked at a picure yet. Ah well...
Her song "Come Clean" has the lyrics, "Blah blah blah, and wash away all obscenity"

F*ck that, obscenity is the shit.

She's hot though...that's all I give her.
Hilary Duff is sometimes known as Lizzie McQuire, she got the from her T.V. show and a Disney movie;Could be her hotel alias.
In my opinion she wears way too much makeup sometimes. I saw her on Des n' Mel the other day and you could barely see her face under all that makeup. I really don't think she needs all that makeup personally, she isn't bad-looking, but she came close under all that mascara and whatever.

I will always know her as 'that girl from Lizzy McGuire' (sp?).
This is the consequence of your own actions.

Celebs just evolved with society. Western modern society is like this.