Anyone else not shaving for Movember? :D

Real men need no excuse.

Also by some whacky coincidence that includes me.
F*ck that, I hate having a mustache/beard.
hah, I was growing a beard/tash combination anyway, but now I have a proper excuse!
i shall try and grow a beard
just for you's

You arent fooling anyone you know. We already know you're just a lonely, hairy man.

I already have a mustache and beard, so I win.
I dunno about a moustache but I aint shaved for weeks and I don't intent to yet.
I didn't shave for one week during my exams. It was a mess.
I miss my facial hair. Now if my boss gives me crap over regrowing it, I can just say "It's Movember, you cock! :D".

I'm sure he'll understand.
I thought I was going to be the only one, nice to see some one make a thread for it. But I do think I will be the only one not shaving at my school... :frown:
November is a good time to grow facial hair. Keeps you warm in the cold months.
Don't say that unless you want hair in your face.
only the 3rd (here anyway) and I've already have some thick facial hair.
I just shaved my pubes actually. I hadn't for well over 6 months now, I am very lazy about shaving, especially shaving pubes.

But now, now I feel good! Dunununa nah! So good! Duh nuh! So Good! I shaved my pubes! DUN-NUH-NUHHH, HEEYYYYY!
Dont feel like getting fired nor do I want to look like a hermit in public sorry lol.
man what the hell do you guys say to ladies when they venture down there? "careful its a jungle down there" :LOL:

My ex made me get a shave down there, but she turned out to be a f***ing bitch, now I'm regretting putting in the effort for her.
I miss my facial hair. Now if my boss gives me crap over regrowing it, I can just say "It's Movember, you cock! :D".

I'm sure he'll understand.
What right does the boss have to comment on your facial hair?
You should totally do a sped up beard-growing video.

Just sit there for the next month and don't move.

It'd be fascinating.
You should totally do a sped up beard-growing video.

Just sit there for the next month and don't move.

It'd be fascinating.
If I didn't have to worry about my grades, or even worse, not being able to play Left 4 Dead when it comes out, I would def be down for that.
Don't think a blond beard will go well with me some how.
I shaved this morning, whatever.

I already have all the facial hair I need, big-ass sideburns and my little lip-shadow on the bottom.