anyone else see this and wet there pants!?

:thumbs: That SLI stuff is impressive. PCI- Express isn't needed YET!
id so like to get that when it comes out, but it basically means upgrading everything + the cost of 2 video cards. argh. im envious of those who do get that though. maybe someday..
WOW and i thought my dad was the only one who did SLI with voodoo cards!!! This was an old method back in the day to do something, i forgot. But seems like nVidea is going old school!
supposedly the SLI broke 21,000 in 3dmark03 according to the inq :rolling:
I find the picture that says "Two PCI-E GeForce 6800 Ultra graphics cards running in a SLI configuration"...wait with no mobo, CPU etc?? wow they must be good boards. NOT.

I have been waiting for the return of 3DFX ways for a lonngg time.

ATI - The ball is in your court.