Anyone else think the E3 2003 binks looked better than the final game ended up?

God, this is like the 10000000th post relating the binks to the final version. It gets old.
Looks better graphically or gameplay-wise?

On both accounts I think not. There are some nice things gameplay-wise, but there are some even cooler moments in the full game.
They tried to jam pack as much action as they could into one segment, they had a guy play as if he didnt know that an antlion would jump out of the ground, they had the PURTIEST scripted events and badass fights, and they made sure to point out the pretty water

Of course its going to look better
Well, I was hoping those alien gunships would come crashing down on me :( But that was the only dissapointment (that must've been too hard to pull off)
SubKamran said:
Well, I was hoping those alien gunships would come crashing down on me But that was the only dissapointment (that must've been too hard to pull off)

They can. I've played each of the gunship parts numerous times and I have in fact had a gunship crash kill me twice.
I thought the final was alright, just miss those sceens from the e3 vid :(
huh, an alien gunship did crash on me. It actually killed me.
I don't agree with you. :) Overall, there's lots of things in the game that look better than the binks.

ie. The airboat sequence, ravenholm, the bridge sequence and inside the citadel.
The other things are pretty much all on par with the binks.

Edit: I forgot... for some reason, the striders in the binks seemed more interesting than in the game.
In no way shape or form did the E3 vids look better than the final version. Man if you see what the G-man looked like in E3 compared to what he looks like in the final game, there's a hooooge difference. Also hardly any characters had normal mapping on them in the E3 2k3 vids, and that's just the characters...
The striders looked infinitely more impressive in the binks for some reason, i thought they were incredibly dull in the full game. Apart from that i think most of the stuff that is possible to compare (ie, stuff from the binks that was actually in the full game) looks pretty much identical in the final release.
They cut out the High Dynamic range lighting

That lighting thing, it makes it very realistic!

But it makes it run at 25fps
Every aspect of the Final game was better than the binks, imo...
The only thing I think I would have liked better from the binks was the Strider battle. That was it.
phatman said:
They cut out the High Dynamic range lighting

That lighting thing, it makes it very realistic!

But it makes it run at 25fps

someones playing a different game to me, it ran like a leopard on speed

the striders definitly looked less imposing but i think that's because they moved quicker and you could figure out ways to avoid they didn't use lazer shooty thing as much as hoped. When a strider dashed toward me kicking a massive combine tank onto me i shat myself, it was amazing!