Anyone got SH4 on PC?


Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Well theres no way to say this without making out im a big girls blouse :( Ive got it but im too scared to play it now lol :o The last silent hill i played was silent hill 2 on my ps2 and i payed £40 for it and didnt play it past the very start (before you even see a monster :dozey: ) and the one before that (silent hill 1) i played on my ps1 and didnt play it past the first boss because i got scared of it - mentally disturbing.

Is this one even scarier?! :)

Im such a wuss, i managed to play through doom3 at night time and it did scare me to death but i still carried on and i cant even watch the opening scene of this game (before you even click "new game" :o ). Theres just something about all the silent hill games that is just 'wrong!' ....hospitals...schools.... nighttime....alone....atmosphere....*shudder*. So is this scary and if you've played it is it good enough to make myself overcome my longlasting fear of silent hill to play this one through?
I almost picked this up for ps2 the other day, but then I realised I haven't even played Silent Hill 3 yet, and I don't want some wierd plot detail to bite me in the arse and confuse me or something.

And yes, Silent Hill is a ridiculously scary game series. :)
Care to tell us some scary bits ?...i'm itching to pick up this game :D
I dont know any scary bits man! :p i have'nt played it although i installed it about 2 hours ago.... if this counts...the opening just after the publisher/dev part is scary! :p
not sure about this one... I'm a big Silent Hill fan, but this isn't the scariest one in the series nor is it one of the best.

Alig how did you get it? The PC version isn't released until next friday?
mortiz said:
not sure about this one... I'm a big Silent Hill fan, but this isn't the scariest one in the series nor is it one of the best.

Alig how did you get it? The PC version isn't released until next friday?

BUSTED! Someones in trouble!
You cant just assume im doing do you know i didnt get it imported ? :angel:
not relased till friday? wtf?!?! I was just at best buy today and they had copies out already, not empty preorder boxes, the real thing.
AzzMan said:
not relased till friday? wtf?!?! I was just at best buy today and they had copies out already, not empty preorder boxes, the real thing.

Yeah, but you're not in the UK. The world does not revolve around the US dammit! :p
lmao Oops didnt catch you were in the UK, sorry bout that mate.