Anyone have this problem?


Oct 23, 2003
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So I'm working on my map, there are no problems with it, I export to map and compile with Batch Compiler and XP-Cagey's Tools. The map compiles perfectly fine. I've checked the log and there is nothing wrong with it. I run Half-Life, try to run the map, and as soon as I hit enter the game exits to the desktop. I imagine it may have something to do with texture memory, but I'm not sure. Has anyone else had this problem?

I also had a few problems running VIS earlier when I checked Max VIS Distance. The Windows XP error box came up and said VIS needed to close. Funny thing is, the map worked fine when that happened.
Try compiling without VIS (for testing purposes) it's not needed for running the map, it's just there to make the final map faster. I tend not to run it for test compiles.

It would give you an allocblock:full error when running the game when you have gone over whatever sort of memory limit.
I actually tried that, and it still does the same thing. I cut half the geometry out of my map, and recompiled to see if it was a localized issue, and it happened again. So now I'm compiling the other half. Hopefully that'll work.