anyone here in the MILITARY??? please serious ppl only.

If you'd bother to use proper ****ing words and use capitals you'd get more respectful answers.

If I walked into your ****ing house(internet) naked (No Avatar or Sig)
and started saying "yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit"
You wouldn't give me helpful advice would you? You'd be: get the **** out of my house, get some ****ing clothes on and talk in ****ing English.

LOL! Yeah i guess these days if your di assaulted ya, u could probably sue the bastard... (unless there is some type of physical-mental-abuse contract u sign... dunno)...

Anyway, that would be tha american way to do it i suppose...

The aussie way wud b to take the shit from ur di; then shout the bastard a drink after u graduate...

I wanted to get drafted, but the bastards at the "duty department" turned me down. We're doing some huge cuts in our military. They say there're no potential threats to our nation, but before you know it, the red Satan in the east will have risen again. We're gonna have to be prepared for that. I'm serious, I don't trust Putin one bit.

Heh, our "Manpower Services Department" never turns down people.

I learned how to fire rifles, does that count?

Anyway, when I get drafted, I plan to go ROTC or something similiar, and go frontline/mobile infantry/mechanized infantry, and go career all the way! Woo!
The shrink classed me as "Not suitable for being a soldier" when I drafted... So I hang around here instead. I study in a military town so I get to see them (and hear them!) driving and playing around all the time, most of my mates are there as well. First few days will be a pain in the butt but you will come over it. I had a few calls from my friends asking me to take them home the first few days :P
Koola Mena said:
LOL! Yeah i guess these days if your di assaulted ya, u could probably sue the bastard... (unless there is some type of physical-mental-abuse contract u sign... dunno)...

Anyway, that would be tha american way to do it i suppose...

The aussie way wud b to take the shit from ur di; then shout the bastard a drink after u graduate...

This man does not represent us.
hi, i was wondering if anyone here was in ANY branch of the military. i'd like to ask a few questions.

1. how was your experience in the military? Good? Bad? do you regret it?

2. did the military give you the discipline you needed? or did it build your character in any way.

3.what branch of military are you? army? marines? navy?

4. when your active duty was served, did you re-enlist? and why.

5. is the military like the movies?? like do they call you racist names and stuff like that during boot camp?

6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.

I'm currently serving in her majesty's Royal Air Force Regiment Reserves.

1. how was your experience in the military? Very good, still in as well

2. did the military give you the discipline you needed? Yes, a bit. But my Muay Thai fighting has helped me a lot more

3.what branch of military are you? RAF

4. when your active duty was served, did you re-enlist? Still in, not really wanting to go full time as i'll lose a lot of my freedoms.

5. is the military like the movies?? like do they call you racist names and stuff like that during boot camp? It depends on which branch, if you join the air force or the navy, it's going to be a bit more relaxed than the Marines. The Royal Marines is a lot more physical than the US marines but a lot of the shouting is cut out, the US Marines it's very physical but there is just too much screaming and shouting.

6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people. - Gay people aren't allowed in the military as far as i'm aware, however, the British and i presume American military, have a policy where it's a don't ask, don't tell. What that means is, the military will never ask your sexuality and they expect you to keep it covered up, if you are found to be homosexual, you'll be removed from military service.