anyone here planning to pay $500-$600 for a Playstation 3?


Sep 13, 2006
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Maybe I am too cheap but.... $500 is way too much. I'd much rather buy a Wii and 5 games. Anyone here planning to buy a PS3 or knows someone who is planning to?
I don't know anyone who's going to buy one.
I'm planning, got one pre-ordered so hopefully I'll get one once it hits Europe.
Nope. Don't plan to get one until the price has dropped quite a bit. Probably to about half of what it is now.

Also depends on what games it has. Seems that most of the exclusives are comming to the 360 too, which I already own, so really there would be no need for a PS3.
I'm definitely getting one. Just not sure when. I know once the second, third, and so-forth batches are released, I will be purchasing one.
I might. I haven't bought a console since N64, but I definately won't be getting a first batch model.
I'm sure I'll buy a PS3 if its ever any of the new consoles, just because really. How much is a 360 these days?
For me it would cost..

$1000 - console
$80~ - secondary controller
$120~ - one game
$xx - component or hdmi cable

So, no way in hell I'm getting one and besides, it's not out till after March next year.
I'll just borrow one from a friend for a while, beat MGS4, get my fair share of exclusives and return it to him. Won't pay a buck. :thumbs:
Buying consoles on release is a bad idea. Period. If I do end up buying a Playstation 3 it will be a while after launch when I'm pretty sure the thing will work and I won't have to send it to Sony for some ungodly amount of time. Futhermore, there isn't even really any reason to get a console on release when at most 2-3 launch titles will appeal to me. Probably less. 500$ for 20 hours of gameplay isn't really worth it.

No, no. If anything I'de pick up a Gamecube off of Ebay for cheap and hold out until we see more titles for the 360, PS3, and Wii. Then I'll get one and enjoy a large selection of games that I know are good on a console I know will work.
Ill be waiting on line for 20 hours like the 360 and will buy the 600$ version. 100% its like i already have it. 1st one on the line for sure.
No way in hell.

I'll wait a year for good games to be released and price drop.

Anyone who even has to think about it shouldn't buy it, especially if they have a PC. Just wait!
I'll probably wait 3-4 months after release. Give time for more games to be released and problems to be fixed.
I'll probably wait 3-4 months after release. Give time for more games to be released and problems to be fixed.
Do not purchase anything until you fix your car.
I've actually made it my goal to not buy one, and convince others to do the same. I hope it fails miserably.
After seeing the completely bullshit ad campaign for this pop-culture behemoth, I might actually go out destroying other people's PS3's.
I'll wait a little while, until there is a decent selection of games worth buying. But chances are the price won't have dropped by the time I buy it, so yeah I'll be paying $500.
at least its cheaper than relase price of PS2...
well, 500-600 USD is 15000-18000 Sk.
then count how much is 28000 Sk, if one USD is abou 30 Sk (read Slovak crowns)
its more than 1/3 of price cheaper!

and it will go down
I don't think I'd get anymore fun than from the wii.
I don't really give a shit about graphics, I want gameplay and innovation.
Not gonna happen. Until there's a pretty substantial price drop it's just not gonna happen with me, not to mention I actually I can't really think of one PS3 exclusive game that even interests me, let alone one that I care about enough to drop $600 like that. Agreed solaris I'm gonna buy a Wii as well, but probably not right away.
If I get the job at Best Buy, my 20% discount brings 600 down to 480 :naughty:

Even then I won't buy it :|
No way. I will hopefully be buying a Wii in January though.
I just bought a 360. I agree though I cant see paying that kind of money on a video game system.
Not at launch, but later when prices drop.
The PS3 will probably have a bad start, but with firmware upgrades and as the developers get comfortable with the system, it could become a very good system.
I'm gonna wait for a long time and I may even just wait until the PS4 comes out cause by then I should be out of college (if they release it in 4 years) and I should have a nice source of income hopefully.

*Edit* DeusExMachina: Erm, my friend is working at Best Buy and they don't get a 20% discount. What you get is whatever Best Buy pays for the item + 10% IIRC.
If someone gave me 500-600 dollars and told me to guy buy a PS3 I'd be all "Yeah, ok". And then I'd go buy a new bass or something with it. And not a PS3.
im gonna wait til the price drops and they iron out any problems with the first batch :P