Anyone here play Warhammer?

Do you play Warhammer or collect the miniatures?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • What's Warhammer?

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • You wasted 5 seconds of my life and I want them back!

    Votes: 6 23.1%

  • Total voters


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Do any of you play warhammer (not the PC game) or collect the figures? I used to play years ago and now I'm repainting my entire 40K army :sniper:
You wasted 5 seconds of my life and I want them back!
I broke this guy's figure once and put it back before he could notice :(
Yes, I play Tau. I'm more into painting and terrain creation than gaming, though I enjoy both immensely.
original warhammer back when I was like 12. I have a couple hundred dollars worth of Chaos Dwarf sitting in my room
Bad^Hat said:
I broke this guy's figure once and put it back before he could notice :(

Ooh, I hated people that did that. Little buggers always had to break a piece off of a model that took hundreds of hours to paint. ;(

I used to play 40k, Ultramarines. Had to give it up eventually though, just couldn't afford to keep playing it. Pacified many a Ork army though. They waagh!'d no more.
That was ages ago, it was an accident and I was about to tell him but I knew he'd beat me up >_<
i am terrified of the men who work in games workshop near me.
I used to collect and play, i was very good at painting (when i say that its not a n00b "i'm good at painting" )
I had Ultra marines force, dark angels, chaos marines (my custom paintjob) and before i gave up i had some dark eldar..........since then i have occaisionly seen some wierd things..........necrons came up recently and i was like WTF are they?.......and then tau???
I used to play :)

Got into PCs instead.. I was always rubbish at gaming, but good at painting and converting.. for me building the figures was the most fun :)
Murray_H said:

I was scared of the Games Workshop shops

Jangle said:
i am terrified of the men who work in games workshop near me.

lol why are you people scared of GW people???

Ennui said:
Yes, I play Tau. I'm more into painting and terrain creation than gaming, though I enjoy both immensely.

short recoil said:
I used to collect and play, i was very good at painting (when i say that its not a n00b "i'm good at painting" )
I had Ultra marines force, dark angels, chaos marines (my custom paintjob) and before i gave up i had some dark eldar..........since then i have occaisionly seen some wierd things..........necrons came up recently and i was like WTF are they?.......and then tau???

I enjoy the painting part of it more as well. I haven't played one real game yet (only got like 20 guys). I used to collect them when I was 12, stopped for 4 years. Now that I'm older and more patient, I actually take the time to learn new techniques, thin my paints, and add highlights. I think my guys look pretty cool - will post a pic soon.
I used to play WHFB but it was a bit too expensive to think it was worth it plus I hate painting minatures.
Used to...

...I played the reptile guys in the fantasy one.

...and the Space Marines in 40k

Still have the figures, can't seem to sell them :p
Tried it once when i was a kid. I had a few Undead figures...then i got tired of it and stomped on them...
I voted yes, but I haven't actually played in a while. I used to love it, but its just so expensive. I ended up making landscapes, builigns and general scenery most of the time. Which was also good. Shame I didn't keep most of it, it'd be really useful now with college.

Ah well, maybe I'l get back into it.

I played Space Marines (Of course :p). Don't think I ever name my chapter, but I did have custom colours.

I had 1 regular squad, a heavy weapons squad, a terminator squad, a predator tank and a bike. I keep meaning to dig it out again, because I need to fix it all up.

My brother has imperial guard, but I can't remember the stuff hes got. I know he has about 4 different vehicles and some squads.

My other brother, had some of the old Warhammer.

I never atually played many games, but I just enjoyed displaying it all on the battlefields I'd made. Used a full size table tennis table, which was perfect. Shame we got rid of it.

I really like the story behind warhammer, its fun reading up on it. I expecially like the way its all integrated. For instance, Wahammer World, which is where the old style fantasty stuff goes on, exists in the Warhammer 40k universe, but its inaccessable. Its tied in with Chaos and the Warp....Fun stuff :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
I really like the story behind warhammer, its fun reading up on it. I expecially like the way its all integrated. For instance, Wahammer World, which is where the old style fantasty stuff goes on, exists in the Warhammer 40k universe, but its inaccessable. Its tied in with Chaos and the Warp....Fun stuff :)

I never bothered to read all the background stuff. I though it was just made to fill in pages but I guess it might be a good read. Warhammer is really expensive. I especially hate their pricing system; they don't charge for how much it cost to make the miniature but for how many points it's worth in a battle. So one guy who is really good in combat costs $20 while another guy, who cost the same amount to make, costs $10 because he's weaker.