anyone here use drugs?

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Wow, I love how you guys think drugs are "OK".

And yeah, making a thread asking people if they do drugs just screams "hey maybe I can relate to other **** tards!"
BF2slut said:
I love close minded idiots.. who cares if he tryed E, I would understand if he was shooting up heroin.. but he's not, its just E.

I only smoke pot and sometimes pop pills, nothing serious..

I only drink a few pints and smoke a few drinking and smoking is now socially acceptable?
yea, why not lol

edit: and theres no such thing as a few drinks and few fags
not right now, pesmerga. im just pissing about... im just waiting for retards such as yoursef to get addicted
BF2slut said:
I love close minded idiots.. who cares if he tryed E, I would understand if he was shooting up heroin.. but he's not, its just E.

I only smoke pot and sometimes pop pills, nothing serious..
Wow, "just E." You can't say "Just E", it's a very dangerous drug.

Is it "just cocaine"? He's just doing a "little" shooting up? At the very least, people can try to defend pot as being less dangerous, they don't have that luxury with Extacy, it's idiocy to do it.
You try to have to it both ways saying how cool it is to pop a few E’s, smoke a few joints and on the flip side you are appalled by smokers and drinkers
kingthebadger said:
not right now, pesmerga. im just pissing about... im just waiting for retards such as yoursef to get addicted

So now you're encouraging drug use.

I hope you never bear children.
pot, hash, oil, fun during high school but i've grown out of it and i think its pointless and a waste of money
If this thread isn't locked by tomorrow morning... I'm gonna post up a storm.

But I don't have time right now.
Not everybody just uses drugs to get wasted, and it's not like everybody is using drugs every night, drive high, and go to work high.. But I know people that do everything drunk, and drunk driving kill more people in a year then ILLEGAL drugs.. Drugs are a wonderful thing, that many people use to explore themselves..

without drugs your favorite musician probally wouldn't exist.
im takin drugs right now...some tylenol cold and some other perscription...damn cold...damn sneezed on the monitor and stuff all over it.
Oh, also I do do some drugs. For experience and perspective, like. Nothing too dangerous. Nothing purely for getting ****ed up. Wouldn't touch cocaine or heroin. Did some amphetamines but that was pure stupidity and made me realize I needed to clean up or stop.
i've tried pot a few times -_- nothing overly thrilling, dont think i'l do anything heavier in terms of narcotics..
No. The only drugs I will take are caffine and alcohol.

Oh, and this is just a giant bucket of spam and fire!

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