Anyone know a good site when I can browse / buy unique and interesting fish tanks?

I wonder if you can get one of those underwater ichythesour things like in HL.
Feath - Been there m8 :)

simmo - Aye that caught my eye too, then the price did. column aquarium.htm

Jagermeister - tbh m8 I have no idea. I know this sounds highly irresponsible but I'm more interested in getting a tank first and think about fish after. My sister bought a sphere tank which magnifies the fish as it swims closer to the center - it's really relaxing and her fish is quite the character too - it's a Blue Oranda.

I also saw another funky tank in the corner of my eye when that Superman TV programme was on BBC2 - It was a glass tube on it's side - looked great.

I'm mainly interested in getting a fish cause it's quite a soothing pet to watch.
Just wish there was a website that showed pages of different types of fish tanks. Can't seem to find one anywhere :/