Anyone know any good doom 3 server ips?


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
My server list never shows any on the list. So I thought I would see if I could connect directly. So any good ip's you know post 'em here. Thanks.
I'll bet you $10 that this kid is running the warezed version and used that one Hosts file hack, and can only do direct connections. This makes me cry ;(
I was thinking the same thing...lets burn him!
There aren't any regular dedicated servers I see often yet, so no...
Why would you need us, members of, who all have the legal version, and i'm not claiming that you don't, need us to give you server ips? I'd guess that when a game gets released that the server browser would work atleast.
It is a bit crappy, and sometimes I have to type in IP's to join games that it won't let me join the regular way because they're 'full' (they're not), but it works. :rolleyes:
It showed servers at first but now everytime I click refresh list, or get a new list, it brings up nothing. So I thought I would try to connect directly. Thanks for any help.


Oh and two more questions, everytime I stay in the pda mode too long, the sound stutters and the game crashes. Anyone else have this problem and maybe know how to fix it?

Also I have the brightness in the game all the way up because I can hardly see, but when I exit the game my desktop is super bright, anyone know how to fix this as well? Thanks for any replies.
Don't worry about the ip guys, it seems I had the check mark on lan instead of internet :\ that's why no servers were showing up. I still need help on my other questions though. Thanks.
^ I was gonna say to look for that haha ;d