Anyone know what's in the August issue of PC Gamer US?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone know anything about what they're saying about HL2 in the August issue?
Well I'm asking because this legitimate auction (the seller has 800 feedback) says the August 2004 issue of PC Gamer reveals the HL2 multiplayer. See for yourself.

Also, its not them showing off E3 CS:S because it was in the previous issue. This could be the "big secret" PC Gamer was taking about in the earlier issue.
Wasn't that the one with the page long blurb on CS:S?
There is a paragraph on Half-Life 2's multiplayer.
However, It doesn't say much. Actually nothing new.
nope, just checked. Its from august, and the 'news' is from E3. It just talks about CS Source, HL1 Port and TFC Source...
Did that issue that talked about CS:S have anything new?

Edit: TFC:S? What did it say about it?
I wouldn't take an auction on ebay that is not specifically about HL2 to be a very reliable source of information. If they specifically said "HL2 multiplayer - this article is not the same old CS:Source you're sick of hearing, but NEW information" then there might be something to it.

The auctioner is only out to make some money, not to distribute news to the world.
again, there is no new information at all in the august edition
Check out the auction page, 'E2 Hot List' :E

But seriously, wasn't there supposed to be some huge secret revealed in the August issue? If it wasn't HL2, then what is it?
Very short article. Nothing new. We'll (subscribers) post if we get any new info, no worries there.
i was looking through my august issue (US) today and saw something interesting which may be HL2 info. on the last page where they do their prievew of next issue, they say "Okay, last month in this space, we said we had a massive secret to unveil. the good news: We still do. The bad news: Fate's pushed the story back a bit. But never fear - next month brings you a scoop that will shred your mind. (In the good way.)" Now i know its a stretch, but i think this might just be the official HL2 multiplayer unveiling. it would be good timing, if the game were to ship in early september. if the september issue comes out a few weeks into august, thats close enough to release to whip up the hype for release.
kaf11 said:
i was looking through my august issue (US) today and saw something interesting which may be HL2 info. on the last page where they do their prievew of next issue, they say "Okay, last month in this space, we said we had a massive secret to unveil. the good news: We still do. The bad news: Fate's pushed the story back a bit. But never fear - next month brings you a scoop that will shred your mind. (In the good way.)" Now i know its a stretch, but i think this might just be the official HL2 multiplayer unveiling. it would be good timing, if the game were to ship in early september. if the september issue comes out a few weeks into august, thats close enough to release to whip up the hype for release.

Trying to get people hooked onto buying their magazine to make more money.

As for the acutal topic: Nothing new, don't sweat anything.
kaf11 said:
i was looking through my august issue (US) today and saw something interesting which may be HL2 info. on the last page where they do their prievew of next issue, they say "Okay, last month in this space, we said we had a massive secret to unveil. the good news: We still do. The bad news: Fate's pushed the story back a bit. But never fear - next month brings you a scoop that will shred your mind. (In the good way.)" Now i know its a stretch, but i think this might just be the official HL2 multiplayer unveiling. it would be good timing, if the game were to ship in early september. if the september issue comes out a few weeks into august, thats close enough to release to whip up the hype for release.

I believe the general consensus is it's the first review of Doom 3.
I have my August issue of PC Gamer here, and there isn't anything new in it. A little rant in the letters section about some guy being mad that a PC Gamer preview gave away using the crane to lift your buggy over some gap. There's also a screenshot of a helicopter.

The little article about HL 2 multiplay just said that Valve will make CS, TFC, and original HL conversions to the source engine. Then they talk about how cool that is. Oh, and also on their relase meter, Half Life 2 is listed at coming on 9/01/04.

That's all about HL 2 in this issue, like I said, absolutely nothing new.

I agree with Shuzer, I think the "secret" is a Doom 3 review.
Flitwick said:
I agree with Shuzer, I think the "secret" is a Doom 3 review.

I have my doubts about that. In the July issue they said they had a secret "story" not review. I am really hoping for a Doom 3 review that would be awesome.
well, if it is a doom 3 review, that would be worth the read too.
Shuzer said:
I believe the general consensus is it's the first review of Doom 3.

Wow, that's supposed to be PCGamer's BIG scoop? I thought it'd be something about Duke Nukem Forever(due to the Manhattan Project reference in the July issue) or TF2. Doom III isn't exactly fresh news. I'm getting tired of PCG's end-of-issue teasers that always seem to come up far short of the hype they lay on.
I got my copy about a week ago, it just has a small half page article concerning CS: Source.
I certantly HOPE that the secret is on HL2. But I guess we'll have to wait to find out.

btw, how can they review D3 if it hasn't even been relesed yet?
I seriously doubt it's on HL2..

I bet it's on Doom3 as it is supposedly coming out before hand. It most likely will be a review of all of Doom3.

However, I'm keeping my mind open as it may be the HL2 multiplayer, or maybe just a review of HL2 in general?

ffs Who cares bout Duke Nukem at this time? :P

*edit* Oh and that guy was just confused like everyone was when they saw CS:Source and everything thought it was HL2's MP.. He was just mistaken.
Well they had said in the July issue an exclusive and a massive secret. Well was there an exclusive preview/review of any game in the August issue? Brothers in arms maybe...wasnt it? So the secret is either Doom 3 review, which isnt really a massive secret or it's TF2....obviously.
It's Doom3, or at least in PCG UK it is, because one of the editors mentioned that they were going to do a review of it in the "big secret" issue but it was pushed back. Read the description of the big secret in the next issue or whatever. It says "Fate pushed it back" or something along those lines, so yea, it's the Doom3 review.

And that IS big news, regardless of what some of you may think.

And to whoever asked how a game can be reviewed before it's released...uh they do it all the time. Although I've noticed lately alot of reviews of games that had already been released, the norm is for a magazine/website to have a review up before the game is out, so people can see if it's good or not before spending money on it come release day.
Ahnteis said:
Very short article. Nothing new. We'll (subscribers) post if we get any new info, no worries there.

I got my August issue last week...or two week ago, I forget, but's fricken not even July! LOL! But it's always been like that, and I have no idea why. Anyone know why they print mags like, a whole month in advance, when they could just release the new ones on the 1st day of the new month?
it was either PC Gamer or PC Zone in the UK, that reviewed CZ before it came out (the Ritual Version) and completely slated it... the score didnt go up a huge amount when they reviewed the actuall CS:CZ.
The August issue probably will be a review of Doom 3 and i can't wait to read it.
I'm not really interested in Doom 3 but I will read the reviews to see what its up to. If it does come out before HL2 and the reviews whet my appetite enough then I might purchase it (or convince a friend to buy it and then play there copy!)