anyone know where i can find "postal"?


Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
hey, i've looked everywhere for a game called postal. anyone know where i can find it? I can find postal 2 but not the original.
the origonal probally sucks (i havent played it though). i have postal 2, but i was disapointed.

you see i thought postal would allow you to go around your daily buisness without even having to weild a gun. for the first few levels this is true, but after a while you just end up being shot at by millions of people. its not like the game is hard though- i was bored so after i completed it i played it on hard mode, and dint kill a single thing. i copleted it and there was a special message saying i was jesus. i just had to run past everyone who had guns lol :P

but in general postal1 is worth the money even less than postal 2. both games are just running around doing crappy things and generally being a phyco, except postal 2 has good graphics. i bought postal 2 for a £5, and i wouldnt pay more than that- unless you play it like i did (a normal citizen), you just run around pissing on people. fun for the first hour or so though.

*edit* just to say, the people in the game were so damn annoying i dint mind killing them (the first time i played the game, at least). however, cats are another thing entirely. you can stick cats on your gun and ire them... and the noise they make sounds so sad and helpless i had to reload my game because i killed a cat ;( in postal 2 i only ver kiled one cat, and that didnt even count because i reloaded my game. see, americans are just so damn annoying you have more sympathy for cats :P

*edit2* just to say, if you live in england, try checking out some of the smaller, individual retail stores. i saw the duluxe pack (postal 1 and postal 2) for a tenner in my local gamestation. i wouldnt reccomend it though... you might as well spend that money on pre- ordering WOW or buying HL2 if you havent allready.
postal 2 was terrible/lame, the first was actually fun.