Anyone mind if I explain what HDR is?

Actually, I would've thought his hits would've been fastest after the DX9SDK containing a link to his site, and/or from presentations at GDC, etc.
Does getting a new graphics card make it any better than this?


If so, I'm missing out.
antiquo said:
Does getting a new graphics card make it any better than this?


If so, I'm missing out.

Yeah, I get about 115 with my x800xt pe
shoman24v said:
Yeah, I get about 115 with my x800xt pe

Il grab that when I have an extra 600 dollars lying around :P

Being a 15 year old Canadian doesnt really make it easy to get stuff I want :(

I was thinking about getting a 6600 GT AGP... yes?

edit: please post an image of everything cranked up and you getting good FPS please. I would like to see :D
antiquo said:
Il grab that when I have an extra 600 dollars lying around :P

Being a 15 year old Canadian doesnt really make it easy to get stuff I want :(

I was thinking about getting a 6600 GT AGP... yes?

edit: please post an image of everything cranked up and you getting good FPS please. I would like to see :D

If it makes you fell anybetter my card was $400... its actually a PRO that has been flashed
Cypher19 said:
40fps at max settings good enough?


That looks real!

I've got the 9800 Pro.

What's the difference between 9800 and x800? (besides price)
th3Phallex said:

That looks real!

Yeah, it is actually quite shocking how real it looks without having hi-res textures/models. Plus, wiht max settings it looks EXTREMELY nice at even low resolutions (640x480).

(but still, somehow, looks about a bazillion times hotter at high resolutions (2048x1536))
Still haven't answered my question ;)

Do you think cubemaps will be stored in a HDR format? In the Source bink, reflections did look bright and bloomy and stuff, does that indicate it's a HDRI instead of a LDRI?
PvtRyan said:
Still haven't answered my question ;)

Do you think cubemaps will be stored in a HDR format? In the Source bink, reflections did look bright and bloomy and stuff, does that indicate it's a HDRI instead of a LDRI?

What's a "cubemap"??

Is that like "dm_killbox"??

(That's one of my fav's for quick-action)
PvtRyan said:
Still haven't answered my question ;)

Do you think cubemaps will be stored in a HDR format? In the Source bink, reflections did look bright and bloomy and stuff, does that indicate it's a HDRI instead of a LDRI?

Oh, didn't even see your question. You mean, like, the cube maps placed throughout a map? Probably, since there isn't a technical limitation (RTHDRIBL's backgrounds are all cubemaps, and there's even a DX9SDK sample which shows off HDR cube maps).

If the reflections were super-bright, it's possible that they could be either LDR or HDR. If the exposure of the image was high, an LDR image can easily become super-bright.

ThePhallex: A cubemap is a specalized texture. Instead of being just one 2D plane, a cubemap is 6 2D planes, each that can be placed around a cube. Common applications include reflections, and they're used super-often in the Source engine. If you want to see the usage of the cubemaps in Source, crack open CS:S, and equip the deagle. All the reflections on that are done using cubemaps, and you can watch when the cubemaps are changed in maps.