Anyone need a texture?


Aug 2, 2003
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Hey guys, I've been playing around with my digitcal camera for a couple of months now and just realized I could be doing something to help the community. If anyone needs a high rez texture of 'every day' things, just let me know in this thread and I will see what I can do. Or if you just need some source photos of a coffee can or something ( bad example ). So yeah, if you are looking for a certain texture or reference pic that you can't find anywhere, let me know and i'll see what I can do..... but dont' come in here asking for a reference shot of a t72, because they just got rid of the last one at the mall last week :p
Thats a pretty cool offer, thanks Tim :)

What resolutions can people expect? If its pretty high res I imagine you'll get a lot of requests (probably from me too heh)

Post up a couple of links to ones you've done before so others can see the sort of quality they'll be getting

Hmm, just thinking it could probably be neat having something like that officially on this site, like a texture library.. Though off the top of my head that could involve a ton of red tape and copyright problems, but would be cool if it could work out

Cheers though, while your waiting for replies, how about some photo's of old metal barrels, I'm sure Clarky is lucky for some for his barrel models
Alright, rusty barrels.... I'm on it! And my camera is 3.2 megapixels, so the base shots would be 2048 x 1536. I imagine for many of them though, they wouldn't stay this size, as I would have to crop them and make them seemless. Also, since having this camera I haven't tried making textures but with my old HP 1 megapixel POS I produced this high quality tile texture.


  • onetile.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 323
well if u could do it it would be nice to have a few textures of fabric like some jeans , a shirt or something just some cloth.
I'll have somethin for you within the next hour probably, can't this second though. :)
I need for large protruding sections of stone. Maybe what you see on the side of a highway....or on a mountain. I can make the textures tilable myself. I've got practically 200x each of everything else.
Originally posted by mindless_moder
well if u could do it it would be nice to have a few textures of fabric like some jeans , a shirt or something just some cloth.

sorry about the lateness, got tied up :).

I only have a few right now, because by time I got around to doing it, it got pretty dark, and the lighting in my house is crap. You need them to be tileable, or just the source pics?

edit : well here are the sources for now to tide you off until i know what you want. I can get some other ones better tomorrow in the sunlight.

edit : also just noticed I wasn't shooting at ISO 50, hence the noise... these are crap shots, I'll just redo em tomorrow. That's what I get for rushing :).
Actually, I just learned a friend was going to be getting a really nice digital camera. Cancel my order for rock textures unless someone else wants them ;)
Rusty barrel please. And if you can metal olive drab and metal camo.
I'm trying to find rusty barrels for clarky too, but no luck so far :P. Any ideas of common places that would have them lol ?

Originally posted by ray_MAN
metal olive drab and metal camo.

Metal camo as in for like a tank or something? And what eactly is metal olive drab?
Hey guys, when you request something....make sure to specify the following:

-what you want the picture of
-whether you want 'texture' shots, or 'reference' shots
-whether or not you want me to make them tileable ( if you want them tileable, don't expect them right away :P, non tileable I can get back pretty fast depending on how hard to find the object is )
Okidokee Tim.
[1] I want a texture of a rusty barrel. You can find it at a gas station or a factory. Non-tileable.
[2] Texture of olive-drab metal and cloth. Non-tileable.
[3] Texture of a camo tank. Jungle camo if possible. Non-tileable.
[4] Texture of a camo cloth. Non-tileable.

If you can Tim that would be great. I would do this because I have an armory near my house but, my camera fell in the pool. ;(
Originally posted by phantomdesign
I need for large protruding sections of stone. Maybe what you see on the side of a highway....or on a mountain. I can make the textures tilable myself. I've got practically 200x each of everything else.

yer, well i do get requests for me mean you don't need me....well erm...erm...;(......

/me goes and hangs himself.....

/me then checks all his image files....

unfortunatly i haven't got anything that fits into this sorry... ;(
Sup guys... here are a few of your requests. Some of these arne't mine, but they fit your purposes exactly so I figured I'd not go through the trouble to retake shots :)

Also, rayman you still are confusing me, hehe. What is olive drab?
[2] Texture of olive-drab metal and cloth. Non-tileable.

And for camo metal for a tank... Would it be like, brushed metal or what. I've never dealt with tank textures before.
[3] Texture of a camo tank. Jungle camo if possible. Non-tileable.

Are any of these tanks on here using jungle camo?

If so, I can use them as a good reference to making a new map. Just let me know which one is.
Nevermind the anything else I said. Thanks if you can get the jungle metal.
First off ray man, you owe me big :). And if the texture is off a little, don't get on to me too much, as I'm using a little tiny picture of some crazy tank as reference. hehe.

I made a *VERY* quick semi tank shape to show you what it looks like. Naturally I didn't take the time to line up the texture on the model, but it is completely tilable. If this is for any sort of mod or project, I expect you to give me some credit (Tim Steinke), or I'll hunt you down and use my cooperate lawyers to sue your ass ;).

Oh, and I went to the extra trouble of making a simple map that has the locations of the dirt, so you can use it as a specularity map, or whatever...

Finished Texture is 1024 x 1024, but this can be expanded by just tiling it a few times, since it's tileable.... I figure you are just using this as a chop sheet for whatever UV map you may be using for your tank.


Here are the links for the two textures:
Jungle Camo
Jungle Camo Dirt Map
Dude thank you so much! I do owe you big. What do you want me to do?
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Dude thank you so much! I do owe you big. What do you want me to do?

hehe...not much man, just fill out this form and make sure to give me credit :)

What mod is this for, or is it just for fun? _____________
What position are you in this mod team? _____________
What is the website of your mod? _____________
How much do I rule? _____________
Credit Card Number? Visa/Mastercard _____________
Social Security Number? _____________

just kidding about those last few....but seriously, I'm interested more in whatever you are working on, so just do the first 4. ( 5 and 6 are optional ;) )

good luck!
A few people were asking about rusty barrels, so I finally got something.

sorry for the long delay, but none of the gas stations in my area have rusty barrels behind them! I spent forever trying to find something. I even went into construction sites :P. I eventually found one at... ( get this ) ... a little restaurant. The lady there called it a grease bucket. Unfortunately for me I didn't know this till AFTER I picked it up to turn it around. I got all messy :(. hehe, once again you guys owe me.
[1] For HL2 and UT2004/2003.
[2]Modeller/lead level designer
[3] Coming along.
[4] Very Much!
[5] None yet! Too young!
[6] My Mom has to get me a new one. I lost it.
I'll try to get some stone today. I don't really have much around here :P. But in the meantime...Anyone else need anything? Check out the stuff I've already done if you are curious if it's worth your time.
Here is a 3d barrel I made next to the reference pic of it.. check it out in the model forum :)

hmm its very nice only one thing i can say, the top is a lid and shoulkd have been modeled (and tattered) seprately u shud make a new barrel with the lid and rotate the lid a lil to add to realism.