anyone seen outfoxed?


Sep 23, 2003
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I just saw a documentary about the fox news channel.

I'm not able to watch that channel over here but that O'Reilly guy should be shot for calling himself a journalist..

Anybody know what I'm talking about?
jimbones said:
I just saw a documentary about the fox news channel.

I'm not able to watch that channel over here but that O'Reilly guy should be shot for calling himself a journalist..

Anybody know what I'm talking about?

I agree with you, o'reilly is a douche bag, so is joe scarlborough (although i don't thinki he is fox) but he was at a re-election campaign for bush. And talk about hatred, these guy go on tv and spit out hate day in and day out about how this dem. should die or whatever.
O'Reilly is awesome, he pwns the **** out of just about everyone on his show. It is like Jerry Springer with a political twist.
Foxtrot said:
O'Reilly is awesome, he pwns the **** out of just about everyone on his show. It is like Jerry Springer with a political twist.


You know he basically brakes most rules on journalism.
Foxtrot said:
O'Reilly is awesome, he pwns the **** out of just about everyone on his show. It is like Jerry Springer with a political twist.

Yeah, meaning oreily likes to feck his sister.

obviously i'm kidding, but i really really really really really really really really dislike bill orielly
Sprafa said:

You know he basically brakes most rules on journalism.
Ok, I don't really care about journalism...I want to be entertained...and learn about peoples viewpoints on various things.
He always goes on about his "no spin zone" or whatever he calls it...yet he gets pissed of so easily when he's discussing something. He's hilarious to watch.
Bill o Reilly tells it like it is and it just pisses liberals off.
Foxtrot said:
Ok, I don't really care about journalism...I want to be entertained...and learn about peoples viewpoints on various things.

Nice to see you admit he's an entertainer, not a journalist.
KidRock said:
Bill o Reilly tells it like it is and it just pisses liberals off.

Like Michael Moore pisses Republicans off. :p
Sprafa said:
Nice to see you admit he's an entertainer, not a journalist.
I didn't say he was an entertainer, I just said he entertains me, does that make him soley an entertainer?
Foxtrot said:
I didn't say he was an entertainer, I just said he entertains me, does that make him soley an entertainer?

He is biased. And that isn't compliant with the objective view that a journalist must have.
KidRock said:
Bill o Reilly tells it like it is and it just pisses liberals off.
Exactly. He screws over conservatives too, but we just won't mention that because the liberals say not to. He has on both conservative and liberal guests. When he has a conservative guess, he argues from the liberal side. When he has a liberal on, he argues from the political side. He goes against Bush just as much as Kerry. I think 75% of you claiming how bad he is have never really watched a show. Hell, they dont even air FOXNews in Canada, so that takes half of you out of the discussion.
seinfeldrules said:
Exactly. He screws over conservatives too, but we just won't mention that because the liberals say not to. He has on both conservative and liberal guests. When he has a conservative guess, he argues from the liberal side. When he has a liberal on, he argues from the political side. He goes against Bush just as much as Kerry. I think 75% of you claiming how bad he is have never really watched a show. Hell, they dont even air FOXNews in Canada, so that takes half of you out of the discussion.

wikipedia said:
A viewer once wrote to give O'Reilly a rough statistical analysis of his political viewpoints and found O'Reilly to take more conservative viewpoints roughly 60% of the time, more liberal viewpoints 30% of the time, and completely moderate viewpoints 10% of the time.

sure sure....
seinfeldrules said:
Hell, they dont even air FOXNews in Canada, so that takes half of you out of the discussion.

/me raises his hand

actually we do. :LOL:

its 10x more biased than CNN without the subtlety or the brains, with a few bad jokes thrown into the mix, imho.
/me raises his hand

actually we do.

its 10x more biased than CNN without the subtlety or the brains, with a few bad jokes thrown into the mix, imho.

Hmm. Most people arent then

Al Jazeera has been deemed acceptable viewing for Canadians ... but Fox News? No. It's currently only available to Canadians with illegal satellite connections. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), a federal agency that decideswhat constitutes appropriate viewing and listening for Canadians, and that, last month, granted Al Jazeera the right to broadcast in Canada, is a paleo- concept. That culturecrats in Ottawa have, as their mandate, the protection of "Canadian values" and promotion of "Canadian content" reeks of rightthink, doublespeak, and social engineering
......... Different Topic
A viewer once wrote to give O'Reilly a rough statistical analysis of his political viewpoints and found O'Reilly to take more conservative viewpoints roughly 60% of the time, more liberal viewpoints 30% of the time, and completely moderate viewpoints 10% of the time.

I would like to see some offical statistics first of all, from an unbiased organization. I would also see how many liberal guests he had compared to conservative guests.
Didn't FOX try to sue the Simpsons company for parodiating (sp?) the fox news rolling news thingie, before they realised they owned the company?
^^ I don't know but Bill O'Reilly did try to get Al Franken to change the name of his latest book, claiming that Fox owned the rights to the phrase, "fair and balanced."
seinfeldrules said:
I would like to see some offical statistics first of all, from an unbiased organization. I would also see how many liberal guests he had compared to conservative guests.

Wikipedia is biased?

Sprafa said:
Wikipedia is biased?


lol don't even bother sprafa, seriously. You won't get anywhere.
I just love how wikipedia is biased, however bill o'reilly is fair and balanced" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
there's no point in arguing bias of o'reilly or fox or cnn or wikipedia or whatever. point is, they're all biased. i think cnn is definitely biased, but i think they do a better job of masking it. fox is more overt bias.
Read Lies and the lying iars who tell them.
O' Reilley gets a much-deserved trouncing. And with facts, too!
This is the quote I was reading from...

A viewer once wrote to give O'Reilly a rough statistical analysis of his political viewpoints
I dont see anything about Wikedia in that, maybe its a liberal thing!

I don't know but Bill O'Reilly did try to get Al Franken to change the name of his latest book, claiming that Fox owned the rights to the phrase, "fair and balanced."

Thats no different than another company (say Nike) for going after someone for using the slogan "Just Do It".
seinfeldrules said:
Thats no different than another company (say Nike) for going after someone for using the slogan "Just Do It".

Except it wasn't a slogan (it was a sub-title), the case got (literally) laughed out of court, and the book became a #1 bestseller as a result of the controversy O' Rielly generated.

In the revised paperback edition, Franken changed the dedication in order to thank O' Reilly for Fox's generous lawsuit. :p
seinfeldrules said:
This is the quote I was reading from...

I dont see anything about Wikedia in that, maybe its a liberal thing!

Thats no different than another company (say Nike) for going after someone for using the slogan "Just Do It".

Do you know what wikipedia is? That quote you are referring to is from wikipedia. (ps. its not a liberal thing)
Haha, that 'fair and balanced' thing was awesome. :)

And wikipedia is a fun word to say... espcecially if you say it like Mario says 'mummamia' or however that's spelled...
I don't see how people can call O'Reilly biased and say that he should be shot, but forget how biased Al Franken and Michael Moore are. O'Reilly does the EXACT same thing for the right that Franken and Moore do for the left. That's just the way it is so get over it.
moz4rt said:
I don't see how people can call O'Reilly biased and say that he should be shot, but forget how biased Al Franken and Michael Moore are. O'Reilly does the EXACT same thing for the right that Franken and Moore do for the left. That's just the way it is so get over it.

Sure, Al Franken and Bill O'Reilly aren't exactly the pinnacles of objectivity. No one is arguing that. The difference is that Al Franken does something called "research" and uses people called "fact-checkers" and doesn't lie about things like:

1. Where he is from.
2. What party he is affilated with.
3. What awards he has won.

All three are pretty major things that Bill O'Reilly has lied about in the past.
DarkStar said:
Sure, Al Franken and Bill O'Reilly aren't exactly the pinnacles of objectivity. No one is arguing that. The difference is that Al Franken does something called "research" and uses people called "fact-checkers" and doesn't lie about things like:

1. Where he is from.
2. What party he is affilated with.
3. What awards he has won.

All three are pretty major things that Bill O'Reilly has lied about in the past.

1. not sure about o'reilly but i know Michael moore lied about where he's from. he says he's from flint, but he's actually from a much richer town nearby.

2. there are so many people who say they aren't affiliated with any party (like me). I hate the whole 2 party system, like oreilly does. that is one thing we agree on. i dont understand where that is a lie.

3. not sure about the awards thing, i need to do more research. perhaps you could post a link?

I'm not defending orelly or anything, i'm just trying to play the other side. people on both sides sometimes tell "untruths", but i don't think they are deliberate lies. check this out. not the best website but it should show you what i'm talking about.
moz4rt said:
1. not sure about o'reilly but i know Michael moore lied about where he's from. he says he's from flint, but he's actually from a much richer town nearby.

2. there are so many people who say they aren't affiliated with any party (like me). I hate the whole 2 party system, like oreilly does. that is one thing we agree on. i dont understand where that is a lie.

3. not sure about the awards thing, i need to do more research. perhaps you could post a link?

1. I wasn't defending Moore, I was defending Franken.

2. Bill O'reilly claimed to be an independent, it turned out he was a registered Republican.

3. Bill O'reilly claimed to have won several Peabody awards while on the tabloid show 'Inside Edition.' No one on 'Inside Edition' has ever won a Peabody award.
DarkStar said:
1. I wasn't defending Moore, I was defending Franken.

2. Bill O'reilly claimed to be an independent, it turned out he was a registered Republican.

3. Bill O'reilly claimed to have won several Peabody awards while on the tabloid show 'Inside Edition.' No one on 'Inside Edition' has ever won a Peabody award.

1. that's fine but you left out part of my argument.

2. that's good to know.

3. oreilly corrected himself on more than one occasion. he has won several polk awards (not peabody) while on inside edition.
Foxtrot said:
Ok, I don't really care about journalism...I want to be entertained...and learn about peoples viewpoints on various things.

A pity you only get HIS view on the matter. You deceide..

And the problem I have with O'Reilly is him not letting his guests finish their sentence with him constantly interrupting them and telling them to shut up.

How many times has Michael Moore cut somebody's mike and told them to shut up?

That bit about the kid with the 9/11 father was really nasty.
moz4rt said:
3. oreilly corrected himself on more than one occasion. he has won several polk awards (not peabody) while on inside edition.

This is not true. First of all he claimed that he had won the George Foster Peabody award, which is the most prestigious award in broadcast journalism. He even says this himself on three seperate occassions. Don't you think it is a little strange to mix this up with a polk award if it meant so much to him?

He then told the Washington Post on March 1,2001 that, "So I got mixed up between a Peabody Award and a Polk Award, which is just as prestigious."

Then, 12 days later he said, "...I'll give you an example. Guy says about me a couple weeeks ago, O'Reilly said he won a Peabody Award. Never said it. You can't find a transcipt where I said it." That doesn't sound like he's correcting himself to me. That sounds more like he's lying.

And in fact it was one Polk Award that the show won after O'Reilly left it.
I want to get it from work, but I think its still too new. I'll get it in a week.