anyone seen xmen 3 yet?

not yet, I will rent it probably. I'm curious to see Kelsy Grammar and of course Famke Janssen
Comes out the 26th so no one can see it yet...

Ill be going tho.
Samon said:
I'll spare myself the agony.

that bad huh? ;)

as a longtime xmen fan (longer than some of you have been alive) I look forward to the movie, however the ommision of Bryan singer that the continued butchery of xmen history kinda spoils my expectations somewhat
Personally I think the Xmen movies were too clean. Nice suits, all leather, its like a damn football team. The movies needed to be alot more raw and gritty. No holding back on violence just to make it an M rated film. We're talking about mutated humans with super powers battling other evil super humans. This isn't a picnic movie lets prance around in the daisies bullshit. I say get Tarantino, Peter Jackson, abit of Robert Rodriguez and add some wachowski brothers for the next Xmen movie, then you've got a worthy movie. But then thats just my opinion.
There's hundreds of directors who could do a better job than Tarantino. God, why does everyone always bring up Tarantino.
I get to see it on the 24th...

Ah, the perks of working at the movie theater...
the_wolf27 said:
Personally I think the Xmen movies were too clean. Nice suits, all leather, its like a damn football team. The movies needed to be alot more raw and gritty. No holding back on violence just to make it an M rated film. We're talking about mutated humans with super powers battling other evil super humans. This isn't a picnic movie lets prance around in the daisies bullshit. I say get Tarantino, Peter Jackson, abit of Robert Rodriguez and add some wachowski brothers for the next Xmen movie, then you've got a worthy movie. But then thats just my opinion.
You're shitting me right? Why would you turn a great comic into something that it isn't (a blood and gore flim that only the teenage kids would like) The movie wasn't made just for them, it was also made for the parents that grew up reading the comics.
Top Secret said:
I get to see it on the 24th...

Ah, the perks of working at the movie theater...

I'd work at mine, but fascists (AMC) have taken over.
Kamikazie said:
You're shitting me right? Why would you turn a great comic into something that it isn't (a blood and gore flim that only the teenage kids would like) The movie wasn't made just for them, it was also made for the parents that grew up reading the comics.

I'm not saying put more blood and gore into the movies. All I'm saying is if they make movies from comic book characters, they should get it as close to the comic as they can. Things like costumes, characters, mystery and intensity. I want to feel the darkness of a comic book in the movie. When they make a war movie do they tone down the violence for family veiwing. War is war. In any good verses evil senario there are always casulties and I'm not talking about cuts and bruises. The whole objective is for good to destroy evil and vice versa. I'm just saying the Xmen movies are too clean and nice for me. The characters aren't dark enough. I just don't think the movies do the comics any justice. Of course there are many that would disagree but thats expected.
the_wolf27 said:
I'm not saying put more blood and gore into the movies. All I'm saying is if they make movies from comic book characters, they should get it as close to the comic as they can. Things like costumes, characters, mystery and intensity. I want to feel the darkness of a comic book in the movie. When they make a war movie do they tone down the violence for family veiwing. War is war. In any good verses evil senario there are always casulties and I'm not talking about cuts and bruises. The whole objective is for good to destroy evil and vice versa. I'm just saying the Xmen movies are too clean and nice for me. The characters aren't dark enough. I just don't think the movies do the comics any justice. Of course there are many that would disagree but thats expected.

the comic mostly played out like a action soap opera ..the comics are absolutely nothing like what you've described. No dismemberment (considering Lady deathstrike, wolverine, omega-red (original) there should be) very little (if any) blood, and only cartoony violence (some exceptions) ...but that's what made the x men such a long lasting franchise ... they were fully developed characters with backstories and a history ...not setups for fights like many of it's imitators since
DeusExMachina said:
I'd work at mine, but fascists (AMC) have taken over.

Whats wrong with AMC? I work there as a projectionist.

Oh well...I love being able to see movies in a private screening before they come out. You neve have anyone talking or being abnoxious cause theres only a few people in there. I get to see this movie tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.
Zack Snyder would do a pretty good job if Dawn of the Dead 04 is anything to go by.
I don't consider myself a huge comicbook junkie but I think comics, like everything else in this world, have come along way since the first one came out.
They've changed the whole feel of the characters and storyline. And its all about the way they're drawn. If you take an old comic and redraw it in a modern style it changes the whole feel of the story and everything.
After all thats what comics are all about. They've gone from very average fairly lifelike human drawings with simple colours and shading to these disproportionate, oversized muscle monsters for the men and super sexy, huge breasts, tiny waists for the women with beautifully shaded and coloured graphics. Really exagerated bodies.
I'm not saying I hate the Xmen movies, they're pretty good, I bought the first two and will no doubt buy the third one. Well I havn't made one so I can't talk but it would be interesteing to see one with abit more kick to it. I mean obviously there are some comic book characters that are that dark that if they were to make a movie it would have to be pretty intense, like blade.
And Spawn, which they totally ****ed up. But thats another topic for debate.
the_wolf27 said:
I don't consider myself a huge comicbook junkie but I think comics, like everything else in this world, have come along way since the first one came out.
They've changed the whole feel of the characters and storyline. And its all about the way they're drawn. If you take an old comic and redraw it in a modern style it changes the whole feel of the story and everything.
After all thats what comics are all about. They've gone from very average fairly lifelike human drawings with simple colours and shading to these disproportionate, oversized muscle monsters for the men and super sexy, huge breasts, tiny waists for the women with beautifully shaded and coloured graphics. Really exagerated bodies.
I'm not saying I hate the Xmen movies, they're pretty good, I bought the first two and will no doubt buy the third one. Well I havn't made one so I can't talk but it would be interesteing to see one with abit more kick to it. I mean obviously there are some comic book characters that are that dark that if they were to make a movie it would have to be pretty intense, like blade.
And Spawn, which they totally ****ed up. But thats another topic for debate.

heh what you're describing as the trend in comics (exaggerated everything, style over substance) is what drove me away from comics in the first place ..there were only a few mainstream comics I followed but the decline in quality over flashiness started to permeate throughout comics (during the rise of Image comics) to the point where I lost interest
True, but theres been a pretty impressive growth in "non-superhero" comics with alternate art styles. Its these smaller, often short run, comics that interest me most these days.
ya that's what I got into ..dropped mainstream comics altogether and just read indie comics Grendel or Stray Bullets

those comics had far more compelling stories in a single issue than most mainstream comics had in a year
Ever since TV and the net came along, comics have been pushed into a little niche (the funnies). IMO anyway. Frohman for teh win!
There's still plenty of good mainstream comics. House of M anyone? That series was amazing and plain crazy.
Dose anyone buy Heavymetal the adult comic/magazine. Its great if your interested in different art styles and not afraid of something with abit more spice.
Yeah it was really good, a lot better than I expected it to be, even if everyone flying around on what was blatantly wires did look at :p


P.S: Sad ending, I will miss some characters :(
mmmm dont spoil it but they kill more than one? the main one is kinda obvious if you know a little bit of xmen history ..but she'll be back (unless they completely rewrote history once again)
Just came back from watching it.

I thought it was great, the best of the three for sure.

Not gonna give any plots away or anything, but I think people will enjoy it.



There is a short 30 second part after the credits, that Id say is pretty important to see. Its may solve one thing you might be wondering in the movie.

If you dont believe me about this clip, read this (It doesnt give any spoilers)

TIIMMYY, im guessing you didnt stay for the part after the credits, lets just say it makes the ending a little happier.
****ing awesome. Possibly the best superhero movie I've seen. I thought it was a damn evil film though. After the relatively tame violence in the 1st and 2nd one, this one seemed really brutal. I'm not complaining though because I thought they skimped the violence on the first film. I also liked the wide angle takes because I find most action films don't let you see what is happening during combat sequences making them a lot less cool. But this film, while not as clean action as The Matrix, you could normally tell what was going on in battles.

Overall 9/10.

P.S. Anyone want to PM about who the woman was in the post-credits sequence? I hope that doesn't give anything away.
Is it really good? When Singer left and Ratner signed on, I didn't have much hope.
Meh, I'm not excited. I loved X-men 1 and 2. Ratner just...seems an idiot.
No I have not seen it yet but I really want to. There are also some other movies coming out that I really want to see more than Xmen 3 so it looks like this one will have to be a rental a few months later!
Watch that video I posted earlier, they make a reference to it in the movie.

Also there is extra footage at the end of the credits, so stay for that. I missed it but was told what it is about and it does add to the story so make sure you watch it.
Didn't really like the film. Action really wasn't that exciting and some dialogue was cheesey. Definately not as good as the 2nd film.
Asshole projector cut the film off at the credits:( Can someone PM about the end clip?
Seeing it in an hour and a half! Hoping hoping hoping, it's good.