Anyone tried the Spear?



You know...The spear.

On your way to Nova Prospekt with your obedient Antlions, you will happen upon two zombies and what looks like a dead tribesman from Africa or something, all beside a small camp fire. Also beside this campfire you happen upon two spears.

The Spear is arguably the best weapon to use with Gravity Gun. The Spear is to Combine, as the Sawblades are to Zombies. They work something like the Crossbow, except their aiming is a little odd, (You cant aim up or down, you can only change the angle at which you fire it at) and this time the spear impales the victim, and then keeps going until it goes into a wall or ground or something. It kills an Antlion Queen in one hit.

I've been looking for a way to be able spawn one out of the console so it's not such a pain to always carry around, but so far I don't think you can spawn it. I think you have to place it in places or maps using Hammer or something. Can anyone clear this up?

Anyways, the spear is definitely awesome. So, anyone tried it?
No, but thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll make sure to try it next time I play through. Cool stuff, dude.
Sorry, I have no screenshots right now. I don't really have the game right now, I just discovered the spear when I was playing it at my friend's house.
Hah I picked up the spear but dropped it while climbing up the cliff. I am not sure how you could spawn it because it is a prop_entity, unless someone has that command handy.
It's a burnt corpse, actually. :p

He's talking about the part where you knock down two wooder supports to make a ramp as you climb the cliff. There's a wrecked boat up there too, for some reason.
Varsity said:
It's a burnt corpse, actually. :p

He's talking about the part where you knock down two wooder supports to make a ramp as you climb the cliff. There's a wrecked boat up there too, for some reason.
so the spear is just a burnt old corpse :O
I wanted to use it longer.

Too hard to carry it around.
lol nice, does it kill gunships in one hit too? what about striders?
I carried a turret around with me for the enitirety of Nova Prospekt.
Varsity said:
It's a burnt corpse, actually. :p

He's talking about the part where you knock down two wooder supports to make a ramp as you climb the cliff. There's a wrecked boat up there too, for some reason.

The ramp? thats actually a dock or was. The boat if you will noticec is tied to the dock.

meaning at one point the water level used to be all the way up to there (where the dock is) meant to show how far the water level dropped.
SixThree said:
I carried a turret around with me for the enitirety of Nova Prospekt.

I carried 5.

Having 8 at the end is ownage to those Combine saps.
Ha! I have no idea what you guys are talking about, the whole ant lion level stuff. I just broke out my handy dandy magnum and muscled my way through the sand. No hopping on tin foil for me thank you very much :cool:
SixThree said:
I carried a turret around with me for the enitirety of Nova Prospekt.

Heheh, me too :D It's like the Barneys in HL1.
Omeganitros said:
Anyways, the spear is definitely awesome. So, anyone tried it?

Yes the spear is great. Do you know what would be greater? The Spear in HL2DM!
Varsity said:
It's a burnt corpse, actually. :p

He's talking about the part where you knock down two wooder supports to make a ramp as you climb the cliff. There's a wrecked boat up there too, for some reason.

Thats because the entire area used to be under water. the combine drained the oceans...remember?
The "spears" are boat hooks and they are really good fun :) me and my buddys found them the other day. You find them right at the start of that mountin clime :) good fun.
too bad I never found any of this ramp stuff or spear stuff...instead of doing all of the physics puzzles to get across the sand with the antlions, I very cleverly picked up a door and placed it down, walked across it, picked up a peice of fence, walked across it, picked the door back up and put it right in front of the fence, and walked across it. I alternated this several times until I traveresed the entire level. :afro:
theotherguy said:
too bad I never found any of this ramp stuff or spear stuff...instead of doing all of the physics puzzles to get across the sand with the antlions, I very cleverly picked up a door and placed it down, walked across it, picked up a peice of fence, walked across it, picked the door back up and put it right in front of the fence, and walked across it. I alternated this several times until I traveresed the entire level. :afro:

I just kept smashing the jump key.. I was way too fast for those antlions to even touch me..
theotherguy said:
too bad I never found any of this ramp stuff

of course you have, you have to go that way to get up to Nova Prospekt.
Kills the antlion guard in one hit?

If I could find the command to create a prop, getting that spear would be easy.

I went through the cvarlist and didn't find anything that hinted to it, so I'm betting that it will have to be pre-placed.
Damnit, there has to be a way to spawn props...
If not, then someone has to create a map to screw around with the many cool props such as gas canisters (the big ans small ones), saw blades, bricks, and that awsome spear...
On the level where you can't walk on the sand or the antlions attack, you can find another set of pikes next to the old rowboat. Fun fact, if you drag those pikes to the boss fight at the end. The pike is a one hit kill for the boss but you can't move on as the NPC's scripts don't fire without the death animation.
Also do not shoot the spear at anything mechanical(turrets in particular) because it will crash the game, probably since it is supposed to kill the target and the turrets were never programmed to die.
Haha..yes that happened to me! (Tried to kill a turrent widda spear and the game didn't like it!)
Another little hidden thing in the game... I'm gonna have to try this out some time...