Anyone want to have a fitness competition?

The Monkey said:
I do these exercises every day with a 6 kg weight.

2x35 Biceps
2x25 Triceps
2x25 Shoulder
Increase the weight, reduce the reps.
Try 10kg with 12 reps.
You should aim that at the end of 12 reps your muscles are nicely hurting.
If you're trying to rip you might increase to 15, if you are trying to bulk you might go down to 6-8 with more weight.
What in the hell is a pressup? Is that some damned crazy british way of saying push up?
Well, I used to be a little fella. After a few years of weight training I am rather strong for a guy who is still by no means huge. I weigh in the 170lb range, and I can put up a bench of about 235lbs. I hope to have that up to 250 within the next two months, but that might be pushing it.
Anyways, I am willing to bet within the next 2-3 years, I will have matched/ (gasp) surpassed Short Recoil within the gym. The gauntlet has been thrown down, Mr. Recoil.
Bait said:
What in the hell is a pressup? Is that some damned crazy british way of saying push up?
Well, I used to be a little fella. After a few years of weight training I am rather strong for a guy who is still by no means huge. I weigh in the 170lb range, and I can put up a bench of about 235lbs. I hope to have that up to 250 within the next two months, but that might be pushing it.
Anyways, I am willing to bet within the next 2-3 years, I will have matched/ (gasp) surpassed Short Recoil within the gym. The gauntlet has been thrown down, Mr. Recoil.

Guess who invented the English language?

Go on, its not a trick question I promise you... :p
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Guess who invented the English language?

Go on, its not a trick question I promise you... :p

Uhhh...the saxons, french and germans?

Was I right, by the way? Is a press up a push up?
I just did about 30 sit ups and 15 push ups. Not excersizing for 6 months is not good. I am not in very good shape anymore. Oh well. Hopefully soon I will buy a 10 pound weight and do some arm excersizes with that as well as doing as many sit ups/push ups I can and tradings days off on running and strength excersizes. Should work out will. Hmm, monday, wed and friday strength and tues/thurs running then sat and sunday off. Doing that for as long as I can should work pretty well.
Glirk Dient said:
I just did about 30 sit ups and 15 push ups. Not excersizing for 6 months is not good. I am not in very good shape anymore. Oh well. Hopefully soon I will buy a 10 pound weight and do some arm excersizes with that as well as doing as many sit ups/push ups I can and tradings days off on running and strength excersizes. Should work out will. Hmm, monday, wed and friday strength and tues/thurs running then sat and sunday off. Doing that for as long as I can should work pretty well.

I am a believer that some of the best possible exercises are ones done with your own body weight. Pull ups and dips are among my favorites. If you are just starting out, make sure you get proper form in all your exercises, especially the curls you alluded to.

Jeez...I got so much more to say, but it will just seem like pointless blathering to the rest of you.
Bait said:
I am a believer that some of the best possible exercises are ones done with your own body weight. Pull ups and dips are among my favorites. If you are just starting out, make sure you get proper form in all your exercises, especially the curls you alluded to.

Jeez...I got so much more to say, but it will just seem like pointless blathering to the rest of you.

I tried my best with the curls...nothing to rest my feet on. Just an open floor really. I did pretty good with the push ups but it's gonna help when it warms up and I can start running again and lose plenty more weight. Just gotta find a good place to run, or just keep running the same 1/2 mile street over and over.
Just barely bought a pull-up bar. I do 60 push-ups minimum each day and i plan to do 30 pull-ups (concecutively SPELLING!?!?!?) every morning. Ill walk because I hate running and I seem to lose weight running. Oh yah, 100 reps of curls on each arms should do it.
Glirk Dient said:
I tried my best with the curls...nothing to rest my feet on. Just an open floor really. I did pretty good with the push ups but it's gonna help when it warms up and I can start running again and lose plenty more weight. Just gotta find a good place to run, or just keep running the same 1/2 mile street over and over.

I think you might be a bit confused as to what curls are. Bicep curls are for the most part done standing up. There are a bunch of variations I could get into, but for a beginner that is pretty unecessary. Anyways, make sure if you want to get into weight training your program has some variety to it. Doing bench and curls each workout isn't the way to get big.

Recently, I have been able to do sets of 6-8 pull ups with 40-50 lbs around my waist. I love pull ups more than any other exercise in the gym. Real men have big backs.
A good variation in curls are the hammer curls and normal curls. Most people find hammer curls more difficult but thats the point. Keep your hands facing each other and bring it up all the way, instead of your palms facing yourself.