Anyone who says they won't buy Half Life 2 if another delay occurs...

This is what I'm railing against - not people like Neutrino - but those who have blatantly stated "I'm not going to buy this game but I'm going to play it anyway by whatever means I choose".

Or those who have stated that I'm not going to play period - then why on earth are you here then?!?
Absinthe said:
1) Everybody's been waiting. Many longer than you. Please don't try to make your case special in some way.

I'm not trying to do that. Note the "we" in my previous post.
Just clarifying my status in the "we" group. ;)

eth8686 said:
Exactly my point! I'm getting VERY tired of all this waiting. And you people you have not been here for as long as we have (I've been waiting since may 2003) do not understand, SO DON'T say you do. And do not try to tell me waiting for a game for this long, getting hyped over and over and let down EVERY TIME (release hype that is...) does not get tiring.

No need to apologize - I was out of line when I said it.

I'm just angry at those who are being so very illogical in their statements that they won't buy or play the game when it's released but yet will post such sentiments on a fan site.

It just baffles my mind.

What you have never been "let down"? Disappointed?

It is not "illogical". Again have you ever been fedp with service, quality, product, etc. of anything and decided not to buy, purchase, recommend it? Then speak up about it?

I find that hard to believe. Not one thing?

As for posting on a "fansite". I can still be a fan of the game/history yet be "irked" at the present way game companies and publishers treat the consumer because of "die hard geeks" (need to add im not saying anyone here is) that will buy the game no matter what.

THATS why we have buggy games.
THATS why we get "short" games.
THATS why we get incomplete games.

Because in certain instances there is enough "clout" behind the game/publisher/developer to believe they can do what they want.

Do you "admire" or like Jets, Jaguars (car), very expensive things you will never be able to buy? Why do you even bother when you wont ever get them? Same applies to me and this forum.

I do however enjoy "talking" to some of you.

O well selling my house and we are having an "Open House" so I must leave for about 5 hours....
"Again have you ever been fedp with service, quality, product, etc. of anything and decided not to buy, purchase, recommend it? Then speak up about it?

I find that hard to believe. Not one thing?"

I have never done such a thing because I consider such actions illogical, fruitless, and counterproductive.
"Again have you ever been fedp with service, quality, product, etc. of anything and decided not to buy, purchase, recommend it? Then speak up about it?

I find that hard to believe. Not one thing?"

I have never done such a thing because I consider such actions illogical, fruitless, and counterproductive.

So if someone sells you a piece of crap car, that you expected to be in good condition, you just remain quiet and take it in the...?
That is a different situation to what was described - that is a major investment that I would certainly complain or take action about.

However, most issues are relatively minor and simply aren't worth the trouble.
If Half-Life 2 turns out to be amazing, then what would you accomplish by not buying it?
They would not accomplish anything Absinthe. Which is why their stated positions make little or not sense in the first place.

We all know they will buy or play the game (no matter what form it takes) upon its release - so why even bother stating such an illogical stance in the first place?
...I wouldn't play a hacked version, and i would never play anything other than the real game, i find anyone who does otherwise very irresponsible, and just plain pisses the S*hit out of me..I just looked at stalker...TIME TO SAVE FOR A NEW VIDEO CARD AGAIN, lol. I would choose Stalker over HL2...unfortunately... And as i've said before, i can borrow it form my friend, and i like talking to you guys on the forum, even you SFLUFAN :p lol
I should be mad at vavle. because:
last year september 16 , i ordered from europ the 9800pro 256 mega version (and i am from israel, and which was very , very expensive. and also expensive to ship), i wanted to have the best video card for HL2 - to run it on the best quality.

i could have wait for a while with my gf4 and now to buy the new cards and play above 100 fps, or even to buy 9800pro 128 in low price and not 500 euro that cost me to! (without shipping)
I'm going to get HL2 one way or another, off steam if VU gets nothing off of it. I have no dissapointment in valve as they have worked hard to finish this game and send of the RC, but VU doesn't deserve the profits if they hold HL2 hostage for a legal battle instead of releasing an otherwise finished game. If they held it and released it for the holiday season(nov/dec) that wouldn't be soo bad and is understandable. But if HL2 is out after christmas. I'm getting it off steam so only valve profits from it.
You know what?

I'm speaking out of anger and frustration in this thread and not being my usual charming self.

Anger leads to Fear.
Fear leads to Hate.
Hate leads to Suffering.

Suffering leads to a request for a mod to lock this thread.
People definitely aren't going to forget about HL2 when it comes time to release it. It'll happen just like it did last year (assuming it gets delayed 6 months). They hype will die off for 4-5 months and when Valve starts throwing out hints it's gonna be released the hype engines will start kicking in again.
Hehehehe :)

Thanks Assasin - at least you're honest about it :p
No problem, and you know, i retract my statement about choosing STALKER over HL2...just saw more vids...STALKER looks good... but not as good as HL2...
Actually it looks better than HL2 - I don't think there's any question about that (well not the character models - those look awful).

I'm concerned about STALKER's gameplay mostly - that's what will make or break it.
Gameplay looks awsome, yet HL2, when i first saw it, made me nearly explde in my pants...and still does... I want it.... (I like using periods...)
Im going to buy HL2 not matter wut!!!!!!!!
F**k the delays........F**k everyone who says that its going to be another Far Cry!!! SHUT UP!!!!!! IM BUYING IT!!!!! Theres 50 bucks for valve
halflifeguy said:
Im going to buy HL2 not matter wut!!!!!!!!
F**k the delays........F**k everyone who says that its going to be another Far Cry!!! SHUT UP!!!!!! IM BUYING IT!!!!! Theres 50 bucks for valve

Actually it looks better than HL2 - I don't think there's any question about that (well not the character models - those look awful).

I'm concerned about STALKER's gameplay mostly - that's what will make or break it.

im concerned about hl2's gameplay.
Icarus said:
Then you'll take money from VALVe as well, and we definitely don't want people, who are going to warez the game, around here.

Yeah, I forgot to mention, that I'd rather buy it off Steam (what I've actually done by acquiring ATI coupon).
They would not accomplish anything Absinthe. Which is why their stated positions make little or not sense in the first place.

We all know they will buy or play the game (no matter what form it takes) upon its release - so why even bother stating such an illogical stance in the first place?

Could you go back to the begining. IF HL2 is delayed (6+) I wont buy it. I also said after it goes down in price I probably would. Im not talking a sale at Best Buy. When the Pub/Devs do not have a vested interest in it. You know like remainder books the publisher/author no longer gets "money" on the sale.

Again no I wont.

As for you not "taking a stand" against something Im sorry to hear that. May I inquire as to your age? You mean never once have you made the decision to not visit a store/eatery because of service, quality, etc?

It would accomplish something if enough people did. How do you think "boycotts" work? Companies have been "pressured" into changing their ways, throughout the years. (im not just talking about Valve/VU)

Again to me it matters not if it was Valve or VU. It was a combo of both and "other" companies in the past.

What I would like to know is why do you think "we" as collective gamers could not make a difference? There is no "governing bodies" that "watch" gaming companies/publishers. Maybe there needs to be. You know like a "good housekeeping" stamp of approval.

Ive been through years and years of buggy, incomplete, short, "crappy", games. Maybe its just coming to an end and this was the "final straw".
Aknot said:
Ive been through years and years of buggy, incomplete, short, "crappy", games. Maybe its just coming to an end and this was the "final straw".

See, I don't know what your grounds are for assuming that HL2 is any of those.
i promise i won't buy hl2 if it isn't released by tomorrow. i will use my voucher coupon, but i swear i will NOT buy the game if it is not released by tomorrow :)
Absinthe said:
See, I don't know what your grounds are for assuming that HL2 is any of those.

Its an accumulation of all of those. Its things that "shouldnt" of happened but did, NOT JUST HL2 VALVE/VU.

Im not saying HL2 will suck, be buggy, etc. Im saying the gaming industry as a whole is getting pretty piss poor.
Right... I'm completely lost on what you're saying, but that's probably because I'm dead tired. :x

I'm out of this topic now.
"As for you not "taking a stand" against something Im sorry to hear that. May I inquire as to your age? You mean never once have you made the decision to not visit a store/eatery because of service, quality, etc?"

I'm 29 and I've never felt the need to do any action of that sort and even if it were, I wouldn't because it's just too much damned trouble.
I wouldn't because it's just too much damned trouble.

To not do anything? eh? To go to Burger King instead of McDonalds. To NOT buy a game but buy another.
