Anything you would change?


Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
The TF2 beta is truly amazing and doesn't feel like a beta at all. As far as gameplay, what would you like (if anything) to be slightly different or tweaked?

I suggested in another thread that it might be nice to have the medic's needles drug people to cause blurred/distorted vision.

Also, I think sentry might be a bit too powerful - especially when you have an engineer and dispenser behind it.
Aside from more Territory Control and CTF maps, there are only two tweaks that the game needs IMO:

1. Un-nerf the Demo-man, they were the one class that were capable of posing a real threat to SGs, and now they've become weaker. WTF?

Make it so that it takes slightly longer for SGs to "lock-on" to their targets. That way any class could stand a chance against it with quick hit-and-run attacks.
Apocalypse, how does it reduce their SG-killing capability? The only difference afaik was that nades don't detonate on contact after a bounce now, but that doesn't matter against an immobile target....
- Increase sentry lock-on time and increase their health.

- Give spies some sort of spy detection when disguised as a different class of his own team.

- Spy cloak breaks when you want to attack something. Currently you must disable it manually and then it takes like a second before you can attack.

- Very slightly increase sniper base damage.
- Increase sentry lock-on time and increase their health.

- Give spies some sort of spy detection when disguised as a different class of his own team.

- Spy cloak breaks when you want to attack something. Currently you must disable it manually and then it takes like a second before you can attack.

- Very slightly increase sniper base damage.
Seconded for all of these.

I'm torn over whether the demoman should be un-nerfed or not. On the one hand the gren launcher is so much less effective as to be frustrating now - on the other it is a defence class. Can't decide.

Scouts need the damage reduced on their scattergun tbh. Playing against a scout heavy team is a joke atm, since they're lightning fast and that scattergun gives them the ability to take down almost any class in 1-on-1.

I'd also like to see more CTF ;( Even on CP maps, I think the old CZ2-style way of running flags works better since it plays to each class' strengths and is a bit less of a team-DM. I doubt this will change though, just grumbling...

- Spy cloak breaks when you want to attack something. Currently you must disable it manually and then it takes like a second before you can attack.


I think the delay was intentional, otherwise it would be way too easy to assassinate people. Getting ganked by a spy before you can even do anything about it isn't very fun for anyone but the spy.
I think the delay was intentional, otherwise it would be way too easy to assassinate people. Getting ganked by a spy before you can even do anything about it isn't very fun for anyone but the spy.

OK, perhaps the delay should stay in place, but the cloak should definitely break automatically. Just a hassle to disable it yourself.
Only thing I'd tweak about cloaking is to require a minimum cloak-ness-level before you can activate it. Couldn't even count the number of times I've gotten close to no-cloak-left, tried to decloak, but since I'd just run out of cloak-time and automatically lost cloak, and it'd already recharged a bit, instead recloaking and then immediately running out -again-.

I think sentries are fine for the most part - the only bit that annoys me is how fast they can do a 180. Totally defeats the idea of sneaking up on one, which IMO is a strategy that should be encouraged.
Make it so that you don't have to manually un-cloak the spy.
There's always going to be the delay -while- you decloak... would you want it so you hit the fire button, decloak, and -then- shoot? Or have to hit the button -again- after decloaking finishes? I think the way it is is fine - cloaking should be used for initial infiltration, disguising thereafter.
- Increase sentry lock-on time and increase their health.

- Give spies some sort of spy detection when disguised as a different class of his own team.

- Spy cloak breaks when you want to attack something. Currently you must disable it manually and then it takes like a second before you can attack.

- Very slightly increase sniper base damage.

'Nuff said.

Make it so.
Give the spy one sapper only (or until he resupplys) or a 30 second cooldown on use.
Give the spy one sapper only (or until he resupplys) or a 30 second cooldown on use.
No way. A competent engineer can knock the sapper off as fast as the spy can plant it, and half the time the spy will go for the backstab and die instantly from the de-sapped sentry anyway. A half-second cooldown, maybe, no more.
Give the spy one sapper only (or until he resupplys) or a 30 second cooldown on use.

What not to say in this thread: request unreasonable uber-nerfs of classes you don't play because they annoy you.

balance plz
Hence my suggestion.

Sapper IS overpowered - I play Spy plenty, and being able to destory an SG, tele entrance and dispenser within 10 seconds feels too much :dork:

Then your playing against a very retarded engineer...
Then your playing against a very retarded engineer...

He was either not paying attention or was too far away to do anything about it.I personally never leave any of my placements unattended.

I always build a dispenser right next to my SG.
By doing that,my front is protected by the SG.
The back is protected by a wall and one of my sides by the dispenser.
I always wait for the dispenser to fully charge,so that i can constantly fix both of them at once.
It works very well with ubercharge onslaughts and gets the job done.
I also place a teleport near by, for easy access.
Spy's never usually make it out alive even if they sapp one of my placements.
I tend unload a crap load of shotgun slugs into anybody that comes close to me and my placements.Spy's usually behave very suspiciously.
Let's just say that i am not worried about them that much.
I more worried about Demomen and Soldiers attacking from a distance and around corners.
Sniper viewing area is too small.

Sentries need a slightly longer lock-on time (you can't even strafe in and out as soldier to rocket the damn things without getting hit during each rocket fire... and their directional facing has no meaning whatsoever so you can forget being sneaky)... tempted to say less damage too, but the lock-on thing may be enough.

Demoman grenades need less direct-hit damage and more/bigger splash damage.

Too many classes have the same shotgun... diversify!

(And to whoever said pyro's speed got increased... no, it didn't.)
Then your playing against a very retarded engineer...


Engineers need to sort of babysit their toys and building those three structures close together enough where you can sap them all is pretty bad.

- Make the demoman fire his grenades a little faster and possibly add 2 more grenades to his guns.

In other words, make him a little more spammier.
I'll change my previous suggestion:
-Increase demoman's splash range and/or damage. Right now his primary grenades become near-useless the moment they touch the ground.
Sentries need a slightly longer lock-on time (you can't even strafe in and out as soldier to rocket the damn things without getting hit during each rocket fire... and their directional facing has no meaning whatsoever so you can forget being sneaky)... tempted to say less damage too, but the lock-on thing may be enough.

Honestly, I have seen the direction of the sentry affect how long it takes to shoot. If it's gotta turn 180, it gives them a chance to get in and duck out. Though not much. It still is very quick.
If you're not in their 'primary' fire area, sentries take a moment to react and a bit longer still to turn around. If you're behind them, there's plenty of time to fire a shot at a sentry before it shoots you.

In addition, SGs can be taken out quite nicely with soldiers, spies, snipers, and - yes - even demomen, despite their 'oh-so-woeful' nerf. Anybody who protests I can only assume does not aim for the medic.

I actually agree with the minimum charge in order to cloak with the spy. Cloaking with such little time left is next to useless anyhow, and it prevents the issue Mahalis described. (Which has happened to me.)

I see no reason why the sniper view should be increased. It's a reasonable limitation. If you need a larger view area, your damage will be lower. In addition, you can still shoot without the scope, and your accuracy is not reduced in the slightest. You simply have no crosshair. Headshots are automatic crits as well, doing full damage regardless of charge. If anything, the only thing I've ever been frustrated with is the secondary, often requiring several clips despite hitting with most of the bullets.

Spies are easy enough to kill as it is. Why should they add another way to detect them? If the issue is with the underused team disguise, perhaps the idea should be elaborated upon. Better, perhaps, might be allowing an undisguised/team disguised spy to detect a cloaked enemy within a certain range. This could add another layer to the class. The incentive for disguising would be so that the cloaked spies wouldn't immediately see that you're a spy and thus avoid you. It adds a small defensive capability (to this support class) as well as requiring offensive spies to consider this possibility.
Too many classes have the same shotgun... diversify!

Actually you should be thankful that every single class has their own hand models.

*remembers everyone having HEV hands in TFC
The scout needs to be toned down a bit, their damage is far too high - I can maintain a 4kills/death with them without a problem just due to the sheer amount of damage they have :|

Everything else seems to be okay for the most part.
The scout's bat needs to do more damage IMO

and pyros need to be stronger.
Agreed, the pyro is just fine now. The scout's clearly overpowered atm. It shows even in the amount of scout-specific tips! 'As a scout you cap twice as fast', 'as a scout, your scattergun is lethal at close range', 'as a scout, your pistol is great for shooting enemies at long distance', 'as a scout, press jump in the air...' etc etc... Double that of most of the other classes.

Let's just tone down the scattergun damage and we'll say no more.
I haven't found a single Steam profile (looked over some 30+ profiles from the group) in which someone was clearly dominating with the scout. No profile where the scout was highest points or highest kills, just sometimes the class with the most captures. The strongest classes varied a lot, but engineer and demoman were overrepresented.

I don't get why people think the scout is so overpowered. Even a scout rush isn't that strong, accidentally 5 of 8 on Granary were a scout and we were dominated at the middle until I switched to sniper and took out the heavy and medic plus a pyro. If a team adapts to a scout rush then there's no problem. Perhaps it's the intimidation factor of such a fast guy, but I haven't seen any evidence in the form of insane scores that the scout is anywhere near overpowered. I only really fear them as sniper or demoman.
Well I don't think stats tell the whole story... Engineer does indeed seem to top most people's stats pages but generally I think the balance with engies is okay, apart from tweaking sentries to behave a little less frustratingly. There's just something that feels wrong, though, about scouts being able to go toe to toe with nearly any class. Obviously in some situations, such as against a sentry, they're going to be hopeless, but 1 or 2 solid blasts from that scattergun and pretty much any class is in big trouble.
Try building a sentry that kills some people :p
Are people still clinging to the idea that the scout is for nothing but capping? It's an attack class for good reason. Scouts are supposed to be capable combatants. But this doesn't mean they're at all overpowered.

I've played against good scouts, and I can honestly say that it's no more difficult fighting them than any other class. It requires skill and prediction, to be sure - but no more skill than is required to be a good scout.

I'd also like to note that the pistol is nowhere near as hot as that tip makes it to be.
They are more than capable combatants atm, as well as being by far the most manoevrable class. Even if all they were capable of doing was capping, they would still qualify as an attack class. Capping = attacking.

And while that pistol does generally suck, I've taken out sentries with it, so it's just another extra facet to an overpowered class. Anyway, all I'm calling for is a slight weakening of the scattergun. As it is, in close range I stand more chance against a HWguy as a scout than I do as a Soldier, Pyro or Demoman.
The scout is supposed to be most deadly point blank it is now, his gun is pretty powerful from afar. Maybe tone it down a slight bit, but otherwise, he's not so bad....