Anything you would change?

I've taken out sentries with the syringe gun and the sub-machine gun. The pistol does nothing worth mentioning. I only brought it up because of the silly tips comment.

So far your argument has done nothing to sway me. Yeah, scouts do big damage at close range. That's the point. At a long range I stand more chance against a heavy as a soldier than I do as a scout. Which isn't to mention that if the scout gets hit at close range, he's hurting a lot more than anybody else.

I also ask you to define 'afar,' since in my experience the scattergun loses any real effectiveness beyond fifteen or twenty feet.
I've taken out sentries with the syringe gun and the sub-machine gun. The pistol does nothing worth mentioning. I only brought it up because of the silly tips comment.

So far your argument has done nothing to sway me. Yeah, scouts do big damage at close range. That's the point. At a long range I stand more chance against a heavy as a soldier than I do as a scout. Which isn't to mention that if the scout gets hit at close range, he's hurting a lot more than anybody else.

I also ask you to define 'afar,' since in my experience the scattergun loses any real effectiveness beyond fifteen or twenty feet.

afar = the scout on one side of the bridge on 2fort and the other on the other side. Hell, even 1/2 way it's insane.
I wanted Hunted back and a sexy vip to protect!
I've taken out sentries with the syringe gun and the sub-machine gun. The pistol does nothing worth mentioning. I only brought it up because of the silly tips comment.
The tips comment reflects how many facets there are to the scout in comparison to some of the other classes. The scout: is deadly at close range, is near-deadly at medium range, has at least long range capability, has the speed to escape from anyone and run circles around some, has a handy double jump, and caps twice as fast.

You might have destroyed sentries with sucky guns of other classes, but the difference is that those guns are very important to the medic and sniper since they have no other real means of defense at close range. The scout really doesn't need the pistol, it's just another thing adding to it being an 'everyman' class.

I'm not saying take away the pistol though. Actually, the fact that the scout doesn't have much health yet barely ever needs to use his secondary/long range weapon shows just how powerful the scattergun is, so tone that down.
i think its fine the way it is. maby more varied maps. id like a tunnel warfare based map. or an arena type thing were you can only use close combat weapons. cos itd be nice to see a HW guy beat the crap out of guys armed with axes, bonesaws, baseball bats and a whisky bottle.

also: Female character. a hawt one.:cheese:
I'd now remove the incredibly annoying shoving by other players. Damn you Valve, the game was perfect! Why?!
Being shoved into the view of a sentry gun by an enemy who's not even firing at you is 100% bullshit.
also: Female character. a hawt one.:cheese:

I was amazed there wasn't one tbh (a female spy for example), though of course the pyro could yet surprise us all. Incidentally unless my ears were deceiving me, I heard the distinct sound of female players on the server last night (a rare thing indeed), nintendogs and sims watch out, TF2 is coming for you :LOL:
I was amazed there wasn't one tbh (a female spy for example), though of course the pyro could yet surprise us all. Incidentally unless my ears were deceiving me, I heard the distinct sound of female players on the server last night (a rare thing indeed), nintendogs and sims watch out, TF2 is coming for you :LOL:

I have a female roomate that plays TF2 all the time. She loves it.
I'm hearing more and more girls playing TF2, although it's pretty hard convincing my friend... she wants an XBOX360 to play Gears of War and COD4 and stuff. Wtf.
I'd change criticals. I can't tell you how many times I could've taken an enemy down (Ambush, melee, firing from behind, whatever...), only to have them turn around and pull off a "random" critical, and in the soldier's case - instagibbing me - with their 5% health left. Same scenerio goes for soldier, except often not requiring a critical.
I'll just repeat my previous point to up the Demoman's primary grenade damage. I started an empty server last night, spawned as a Demo, and stood right on top of my own grenade only to lose 1/5 of my life. This seriously underpowered.

Several minutes later, I was playing on the server, and I see 3 grenades detonate right at the feet of a sniper. He just bounced around a bit before running away like nothing's happened. Very useful weapons.
I'll just repeat my previous point to up the Demoman's primary grenade damage. I started an empty server last night, spawned as a Demo, and stood right on top of my own grenade only to lose 1/5 of my life. This seriously underpowered.

Several minutes later, I was playing on the server, and I see 3 grenades detonate right at the feet of a sniper. He just bounced around a bit before running away like nothing's happened. Very useful weapons.

This ultimately means that you're spamming.
Honestly, I've never had an issue with the demo nades power..though a little confused at times when I, as a demo, die to one nade, and another demo can take 2. Either way, if you miss em, you're only hoping for slight damage to kill them, or hurt them enough to retreat. It's not meant to slaughter them. If you want nades on the ground to kill, use stickies.
I would shorten the default respawn time. It's just way too ****ing long.