Anyway to stop idiots from spraypainting porn pictures?

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Dec 4, 2003
Reaction score
I'd like to know if there's a way to block the pictures that aren't stored in my comp.

It's funny to see 3 CTs standing infront of the wall, watching a gif play, and getting wiped out by an AWP.
There's too many contradictions in this post to succesfully reply.

There's a setting in the console somewhere that stops you downloading custom sprays.

I think it's cl_allowdownload, but it might be a different, similar one.
No contradiction mr. 11 posts.

I was wondering wether I could block spraypaints that aren't stored in my computer in order to prevent porn from showing up at unwanted times while playing the game. Then I merely mentioned a funny event.
Yeah i had an excellent comeback for that however you pointing out my postcount did the job for me.

What is the problem with porn sprays anyways?
Well i could see a problem if you're a bit poofy, as they are mostly of nude women?
Trust me, if you had a young son/daughter or brother/sister or neice/nephew that happened to be wandering past as some pimply faced youth sprays an image of a woman being screwed by a large dog, you'd probably understand.

Counter-Strike is not the place to post porn.
Drizzt said:
lol but you have to admit, it is kinda funny.
Like I said, if your five year old daughter had to accidentally see some pornographic material on what should be a clean and harmless game, then you wouldn't find it funny.
ya i know. But then if i had a 5 year old daughter i would not want her to see her daddy shooting someones brains out. Maybe you should play CS in a room where you can lock the door.

One more thing, do you mute all voice comm? because i hear alot of F bombs when i play cs, i guess you could play with head phones, thats what i do most of the time.

Just a thought.
Get a spray thats bigger than theirs and spray over it...
lol thats what i usually do is spray my picture of Drizzt over it.
Drizzt said:
ya i know. But then if i had a 5 year old daughter i would not want her to see her daddy shooting someones brains out. Maybe you should play CS in a room where you can lock the door.

One more thing, do you mute all voice comm? because i hear alot of F bombs when i play cs, i guess you could play with head phones, thats what i do most of the time.

Just a thought.
Well, if your daughter is around then you could turn the gore off :p
Still, the point is, i would not want my daughter seeing me shooting other people. The best bet is to play the game in a room where you can lock the door. Problem solved.
Thorn of Death said:
I'd like to know if there's a way to block the pictures that aren't stored in my comp.

It's funny to see 3 CTs standing infront of the wall, watching a gif play, and getting wiped out by an AWP.
Happened to me too, in rats we were getting out of the fridge, only a few idiots sprayed them on the wall and stared, blocking the doorway. I wish friendly fire was on then :mad:
With all respect but why would you let a 5 year old play or even watch someone play CS?
ROFL, i know. Granted I'm 18 and don't have kids, but i'm mature enough to know this game is not for young people.

Lol i guess i shouldn't say that, i was playing cs 4-5 years ago.
hehe... how young is young people? i think anything about teen is okay, with parental acceptance (just incase the persons a nutcase). but 5 year old... nuh uh...
Drizzt said:
ya i know. But then if i had a 5 year old daughter i would not want her to see her daddy shooting someones brains out. Maybe you should play CS in a room where you can lock the door.

One more thing, do you mute all voice comm? because i hear alot of F bombs when i play cs, i guess you could play with head phones, thats what i do most of the time.

Just a thought.

Your Daughter for starters shouldn't be around the game, hence the rating! (M). It was rated mature (17+) for a reason, if you don't like it... you don't have to play it.

Porn is good everywhere, just because you're a parent does not make this situation any different....

Chris_D said:
Like I said, if your five year old daughter had to accidentally see some pornographic material on what should be a clean and harmless game, then you wouldn't find it funny.

Clean and harmless!!

Your KILLING people.

I think you should not let her see the game at all, then the spray problem is solved aswel.
In my oppinion, there is no problem for younger people to watch CSS. It's not extreme gore. It has no real bad effects.

I tell you what, I actually let my 4 year old nephew sit on my lap and watch and enjoy. This has absolutely no effect on his thinking. It's not as though he's going to grow up and have less respect for people's lives.

I think that the maximum level of gore a child can take is the point where a sensitive adult would think: "Yuck!".

However, this is my oppinion, and I do not oppose your oppinions, for I could be wrong.

When we get to voice communications, we do have some problems with F-Bombs. However, these are insignificint when compared to porn spraypaint problems. The words aren't always picked up, thanks to the low quality voices. You can also mute the voices. It does get pretty embaressing when a relative is in the room when someone goes: f*** *u** **c* ****. Best solution is the earphones.

We all agree in the end that porn sprays has the worst effects. Really embaressing sometimes. We needn't speak of the bad effects on children and younger teens, or even older ones. I could clearly see the social effects on the society I live in. The new generations of teens are much worse than the elder ones. Dirty toungs, bashing each other with words I dare not hear, or telling horrible jokes, which is a clear result of watching porny movies.

I do have to admit though, that playing these games do have a bad effect even on older people, including me. I didn't start swearing until I played some games that forced me to. I managed to stop for sometime until I played Diablo 2. "You have lost experience" *attempts to retrieve corpse* "you have lost experience" until all the XP was gone.

This problem however, doesn't not directly effect the watching. Because it's me who's getting annoyed. But someone would catch me swearing if I uttered it alittle louder. I live in a society that used to be sensitive to those things.
lol stop playing css and go to church instead... problem solved !!1
Kelser said:
Your Daughter for starters shouldn't be around the game, hence the rating! (M). It was rated mature (17+) for a reason, if you don't like it... you don't have to play it.

Porn is good everywhere, just because you're a parent does not make this situation any different....


Porn is good everywhere, What sort of stupid statement is that!
I certainly would'nt want even my 13 yr old daughter seeing some of the sprays that people use in CS.

But I think its all a bit of a Novelty at the moment and people are amazed that there able to spray animated images onto walls in an online game for all the world to see.

After a few months the novelty will wear off and I should imagine the porno sprays will die down.

As for kids watching or playing CS, then its up to what the parent considers suitable for them, Gore on or off, I consider CS a violent game.
But I let my daughter play Vice city on her PC, and she has shown no ill effects by being able to run people over and steal cars.
One of my firiends even let his 5 year old daughter play HL1 DM, She actually got quite good over the coming months we enjoyed many a LAN game with her, her father, myself and others.
She is now 10, And is as sweet and innocent as the day she was born.
But she still plays and is much better now.

Games don't manipulate peoples minds, and make them turn into killers, The problem is obviously a underlying psycholgical one, Most children understand the concept of right and wrong, from an early age, And uphold this concept throughtout life, Some choose to ignore it, and copy things they see in games, Like stealing cars or killing people.
TrippyG said:
lol stop playing css and go to church instead... problem solved !!1
Church? gimmie a break. As far as I know, there are no internet connections in a Church, so how am I supposed to play?

Sorry guys, many people (especially across the internet) tend to think that I'm an unstable person, just because I speak my mind through odd logic. I need to be more natural, and less robotic. I am a programmer after all, so excuse me.
oni_666 said:
...But I let my daughter play Vice city on her PC, and she has shown no ill effects by being able to run people over and steal cars.

... YET! Just wait till she's old enough for prostitution!


There is nothing wrong for a 5 year old to see a game of CSS: I'm sure Chris is a good parent and his child knows the difference from right and wrong, since i dont know his religion but im positive he has one, it instills good morals and violence wont affect a child aslong as they understand right and wrong and have a good moral upbringing.

Oh and Porn sprays are annoying, lets just keep it with ownage sprays
or funny pics (non-sexual)
Some choose to ignore it, and copy things they see in games, Like stealing cars or killing people.
You're saying it as though people learned to commit crimes by copying games.
I do find it disturbing that people are more concered with youth exposed to porn than them being exposed to violence and death. :rolleyes:
ya kinda funny that way.

OK here is how you solve the damn problem. Play on a Clean server. I have played on this before. There are usually admins around, and you can's swear or spray offensive or sexual images, and no bigotry (spelling?) is allowed, just some good clean (sorta) fun.
You pro-porn spraying jerks who have no respect for other people are 100% what is wrong with CS. :flame:

It is called decency and respect. The fact you cannot grasp such a simple concept betrays your maturity level. I do not know how many jerks have come onto servers that clearly state no porn yet people feel obliged to spam such crap.

If you are addicted to wanking off on the exploitation of women do it on your own time. Don't subject the rest of us to it. :flame:
Dipso said:
I do find it disturbing that people are more concered with youth exposed to porn than them being exposed to violence and death. :rolleyes:

I would much rather my children see a little blood on the wall than some chick with a dick.

I dont care about the soft core stuff, But I have seen come really sick sprays. they are burnt into my head and I am scared forever :(.
bet i've seen a sicker picture. I saw these seris of pics of a dude calmly cutting the head of his dick off. Now that was messed up, i'm never forgetting that.
Porn sprays are lame.
They don't make you cool.
And I might take this chance to remind you all that linking to any inappropriate images/material will earn you severe warnings/or banning.

Drizzt said:
a dude calmly cutting the head of his dick off.

right... I can see this "discussion" has pretty much reached the end of its productive life. :)

...and closed.
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