AoE3 Demo?

Looks like I pass on this game...

I love the Dragoons. Tally ho!

(p.s. quite compressed jpeg :p)
Wow i love it, great game especially for avid aoe players. Ive been playing aoe for aloooong time and im quite happy with this game
Graphics aren't good? What graphics card do you have?




While yes, those graphics look amazing, when the game is actually in motion it just plays like any other AOE game. In fact, at certain points I could have sworn the buildings were 2D sprites... mainly because the camera gives you very little mobility. You can't zoom in close and gaze in awe at the tiny little details; instead you're restricted to this annoying isometric view that I thought the RTS genre had grown out of.
That second post of pictures doesn't look anything like what I get. Of course, those pictures looked like they were running HDR. Which my card can't. Old GF 4. For me personally, I enjoyed the physics but graphically speaking. I am not that impressed really. It may just be me and my card though.
Suicide42 said:
While yes, those graphics look amazing, when the game is actually in motion it just plays like any other AOE game. In fact, at certain points I could have sworn the buildings were 2D sprites... mainly because the camera gives you very little mobility. You can't zoom in close and gaze in awe at the tiny little details; instead you're restricted to this annoying isometric view that I thought the RTS genre had grown out of.

Well you can unrestrict the camera zoom in the game files, but there isn't much detail when you zoom in anyway. To rotate the map press ctrl and arrow keys. But yeah I agree to some extent with you, Age of Mythology has the same view options and AOE3 has basically the same principle. But I don't really see the point of having more views, expect for scenarios...and those editors have hundreds of camera options.

Cooper said:
That second post of pictures doesn't look anything like what I get. Of course, those pictures looked like they were running HDR. Which my card can't. Old GF 4. For me personally, I enjoyed the physics but graphically speaking. I am not that impressed really. It may just be me and my card though.

Yes it's your card, don't blame the games graphics on your GPU.
Mine looks like ummo's - i got a 6800gt. I cant believe i was worried whether i could run it or not- it runs beautifully!
i also have a 6800 gt, but when i turn on aa the ground goes all black :x

- using 78.03
ummno said:
Graphics aren't good? What graphics card do you have?
How'd you get the bloom to look like that? I have an X800 XT and my bloom doesn't look like that, but I don't see why it shouldn;t... I have everything on high and bloom on
Icarusintel said:
How'd you get the bloom to look like that? I have an X800 XT and my bloom doesn't look like that, but I don't see why it shouldn;t... I have everything on high and bloom on

It might be summat to do with pixel shader 3.0. As far as I know no ATI cards support it while the 6800 does.
JiMmEh said:
It might be summat to do with pixel shader 3.0. As far as I know no ATI cards support it while the 6800 does.
that'd be pretty upsetting if it's only for SM3, because it should be compatible with SM2 unless they did what SC:CT did, which pissed me off
Yeah, ffs even my 9800Pro can handle HDR but it lags as hell, but it still can..:p
I just found out you CAN rotate the camera etc, control the rotation, for anyone who can't, just enable it in the option menu and it's control+keypad to rotate it.:)
Icarusintel said:
How'd you get the bloom to look like that? I have an X800 XT and my bloom doesn't look like that, but I don't see why it shouldn;t... I have everything on high and bloom on
Yeah, I get nothing either. Looks like we got screwed over again.
How do you see population/pop limit? I can't find it anywhere!
There's a box to check in the options - advanced information detail or something.
Minerel said:
So what did you think about EE2's Demo?
Or did you forget to play it?

I found EE2's demo quite dull. It seemed so much like an inferior version of the AoE games that... yeah.

I enjoyed AoE3 more. :p
Axyon said:
Yeah, I get nothing either. Looks like we got screwed over again.
dammit.... stuff like that just pisses me off... maybe nvidia payed them off or something.... goddamn nvidia
Axyon said:
Yeah, I get nothing either. Looks like we got screwed over again.

in interviews they said it was HDR and that you needed the appropriate hardware to make HDR work. so even though the option says bloom, it could be that just the HDR that only geforce 6x00 series + can run. i also have an x800xt, and im hope the above isn't true somehow :o
poseyjmac said:
in interviews they said it was HDR and that you needed the appropriate hardware to make HDR work. so even though the option says bloom, it could be that just the HDR that only geforce 6x00 series + can run. i also have an x800xt, and im hope the above isn't true somehow :o
Well, my game looks nothing like the screenshots someone else posted with bloom on, so if bloom doesn't work for x800 users, I doubt HDR will either.
I hope the final version is a little bit better cause the demo has lots of bugs so....

...but gaming in the AOE - Universe is still lot of fun. Amazing Phsik-Engine, i like that sh**.
Hmm... this game has great graphics and HDR effects but the combat and animations are just as stale as AoE2. Nothing like the battles of Dawn of War.
Axyon said:
Well, my game looks nothing like the screenshots someone else posted with bloom on, so if bloom doesn't work for x800 users, I doubt HDR will either.
ATI users get screwed again... but we'll see who wins in the end
I think I got the wrong version, no physics ragdoll blabibitty blah.
I dont get that much lag, but I get major lag when ever ships start attacking each other. :x

BTW, the tribes are taking up too much space and its pissing me off.
How do I attack them?
Edit: BTW, Rodeleros ftw!
What does it look like with HDR on a 6xxx? I wanna compare it to my X300 and see the difference.
Oh and one thing I dont understand is why no matter how high i set the settings the frame rate still remains decent, except the controls to move the screen around become a bit sluggish, surely my X300 cant possibly run everything at max at 1280*1024?
Sweet demo. Graphics are pretty good for a RTS.
Oh for those pics I posted those are not my screenshots (I have a 9600xt :P), I got them of a user in in another forum posting maxed out screenshots and I think he has the best Nvidia GPU whatever that is.
Well i got 6xxx and my flatmate's got x800, and you can tell a small difference- kinda hard to put your finger on exactly what it is, but it just looks crisper, brighter where it should look brighter, and more detailed.
J_Tweedy said:
Well i got 6xxx and my flatmate's got x800, and you can tell a small difference- kinda hard to put your finger on exactly what it is, but it just looks crisper, brighter where it should look brighter, and more detailed.
*CyberPitz takes the picture of G0atse down from J_Tweedys moniter...*