APCs have rollermines in them


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Forgive me if this is old but I was messing around in Gmod and I nocliped into an APC. It had a rollermine in it, infact, all the APCs in the level did (until I blew them up that is :p). But why would Valve put them in, it seems very odd. Perhaps originaly APC released rollermines but you'd think that is would spawn one as necisary rather then have one present the whole time.
isnt there a scene in EP1 where they drop them down, and you in return use them to have alyx reprogram them against the combine?

I'm almost positive the reason they put them INSIDE the APC rather than having them spawn when needed is because it would be too difficult to tell where exactly the APC is at any given point to look real enough, so its easier just to put them inside the APC and have physics to the rest...
here's a more interesting question, in HL2 or Episode 1 are there ever any soldiers in the APCs seeing as they are Armored Personnel Carriers?
You never see soldiers in them although you do see APCs moving.
ríomhaire said:
Forgive me if this is old but I was messing around in Gmod and I nocliped into an APC. It had a rollermine in it, infact, all the APCs in the level did (until I blew them up that is :p). But why would Valve put them in, it seems very odd. Perhaps originaly APC released rollermines but you'd think that is would spawn one as necisary rather then have one present the whole time.

Thats odd. When ever your in the Hammer editor and want to add an APC into your level you must place 2 entities. One is the vehicle the other is the Vehicle "Driver". The Vehicle driver uses the rollermine model, and its what drives the APC. Since its called a vehicle driver. But i never really nocliped to see inside he APC. Weird.
Maybe it's so that when an APC falls into water, it blows up? :O
Penfold_ said:
Maybe it's so that when an APC falls into water, it blows up? :O

If they can code that for a Rollermine, can't they code it for an APC? :|
How should i put this, mabye when being chased(wtf would chase combine?) they deploy em...
Azner said:
How should i put this, mabye when being chased(wtf would chase combine?) they deploy em...

Yeah. wtf would chase combine?
15357 said:
Yeah. wtf would chase combine?
I got idea, some Xenian wild creature! Bullsquid or Antlion guard(probably they'll die)...
bloody hell i jus posted a long reply to this and it didnt reply dammit.
so here i go again, however shorter

rollermines being used for chases equals good for chases because think of them like tacks in james bond chases, blowing up tyres.
Combines havent been on run yet so combines havent been chased.
Combines are on backfoot now so there may be chase scene in next iterations.
There fore maybe a good vehicle chases the combine apc and they release roller mines which stop you and then the apc can open fire.

Rollermines can also be used in close combat similar to smoke used in tanks and real apcs. so men can get out the vehicle whilst now drawing fire. The rollermines can be released and then the men can storm out
Think of this as maybe a backup for forces, the apc is quick and nimble and can carry people and is quite heavily armed so maybe a big opponent in next iterations of HL.

Im suprised that there is no people in apcs however there has been no need for them yet, as they have been solely used for their rocket launcher ability. Maybe in next iterations of HL men will be in them.
Also im suprised that apcs dont have any close range combat ability as this would make them a very solid foe. Maybe a roof mounted machine gun maybe combine operational, so you could kil the combine shooting it maybe ala halo. Also why isnt there any holes in the sides of apcs so men inside can shoot out this is bread and butter of apcs as it creates maximum protection.

i think i got it all. sorry for the bullet point kind of writing as i cant be bothered to rewrite what i just wrote out in full again
halem111 said:
bloody hell i jus posted a long reply to this and it didnt reply dammit.
so here i go again, however shorter

rollermines being used for chases equals good for chases because think of them like tacks in james bond chases, blowing up tyres.
Combines havent been on run yet so combines havent been chased.
Combines are on backfoot now so there may be chase scene in next iterations.
There fore maybe a good vehicle chases the combine apc and they release roller mines which stop you and then the apc can open fire.

Rollermines can also be used in close combat similar to smoke used in tanks and real apcs. so men can get out the vehicle whilst now drawing fire. The rollermines can be released and then the men can storm out
Think of this as maybe a backup for forces, the apc is quick and nimble and can carry people and is quite heavily armed so maybe a big opponent in next iterations of HL.

Im suprised that there is no people in apcs however there has been no need for them yet, as they have been solely used for their rocket launcher ability. Maybe in next iterations of HL men will be in them.
Also im suprised that apcs dont have any close range combat ability as this would make them a very solid foe. Maybe a roof mounted machine gun maybe combine operational, so you could kil the combine shooting it maybe ala halo. Also why isnt there any holes in the sides of apcs so men inside can shoot out this is bread and butter of apcs as it creates maximum protection.

i think i got it all. sorry for the bullet point kind of writing as i cant be bothered to rewrite what i just wrote out in full again
hmmm... your answer is just my answer lengthened...
lol ye it is with abit of extra thinking....however in my original post (which didnt post) i did quote you and back your ideas up