
Jan 19, 2005
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How can i get APC's to move, shoot stuff, etc... i am absolutley unable to figure this one out.
no, they definitley are moveable, they moved in the game.
That's not what I meant. They're not controllable, or at least they're not meant to be. You could always build them in to your own vehicle but I certainly wouldn't.

What I'm saying is that you aren't going to be driving around in one.
Yeah, i'm not asking how to drive one.

Basicly i want this to happen, the player walks into a trigger and that casues an apc to round a corner and start shooting at the player.
Ok, i've got another problem

My apc refuses to shoot missiles towards it's missile hint target preffereing to launch them towards it's origin. Any help on this?
I thought you were talking about CS:S apc's :)
Ok, well i'm not talking about static props, i'm talking about the combine APC.

Why on earth would i want an APC to move and shoot in CSS?
why one earth not? That would be sweet.

Oh, yeah, actually I'd like drivable ones so nm.

I'd love some vehics in css... but somehow I'll bet it's a lot of work to make them....
Well no, not really. I've already concidered building a map with dispgen and then adding brushvehicles. The problem, however, is that brush vehicles suck for performance, and I'm also not sure all "guns" will work.

So when I get in to modelling I might do some fighting vehicles and "fake" their death. You place a brush around your vehicle, that brush takes 'damage'. At certain points your vehicle activates some env_fire's attached to your vehicle at different spots. And finally an explosion and a -kill output to your model vehicle.

May or may not look shabby.
OK, back to getting the APC to not launch missiles at it's origin, anyone?