Aperture and Black mesa.


May 3, 2006
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I heard something very recently from a friend that apparently Aperture was a rival to Black Mesa. I think this is a very cool thing since it actually answers why Black Mesa had a portal gun (of sorts) in Opposing Force. The reason? It was an answer to Aperture's portal gun. Company competition for more military funding I suppose. I even heard a rumor that aperture may have been combine backed. Not even Black Mesa was quite as unethical as aperture (willing to kill test subjects like the main portal character). My theory is that G-Man and his "employers" ran with Black Mesa while Aperture was backed by the combine.

if a theory of this sort has been posted before, forgive me.
Yup, it's a good theory. Very feasible. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
i think G-man and his employers are actually from Aperture.
makes sence, i don't exactly know why though, it just does. :D

i'll do more thinking and post my theory soon. ;)
I don't like the idea of this all being a set up by the Combine before hand. I prefer the Combine to have taken advantage of the mess WE made.
I don't like the idea of this all being a set up by the Combine before hand. I prefer the Combine to have taken advantage of the mess WE made.
I don't think they intended the Black Mesa incident to occur the way it did. For all we know, they used Aperture to secretly monitor humanity and attempt to align itself with the US Government. (and control the leading authority somehow, just like the Nihilanth) Then Black Mesa happened, The Combine saw its chance and probably thought screw it and the 72 hour war happened. (or whatever hours, I forget)
7 hours. :P

I really like the rivalry rumour although I would like to know how much more it inevitably links to the plot and I have immediately latched on to your Op4 Teleporter Gun explanation. One less ridiculous gun to explain.
I don't think Gman has that much relation to Aperture. I think the idea that Aperture is a Black Mesa rival confirms this.

I don't like the idea of this all being a set up by the Combine before hand. I prefer the Combine to have taken advantage of the mess WE made.

They did. The Combine had no knowledge of Earth prior to the Cascade; the cascade happened, Combine picked up the anomaly and then used the portal storms to assault Earth.
Its a good theory, but I think the GMan was the one who set up the black mesa incident so he could get a mercenary soldier (gordon). It was sort of a test to see who survived. As for aperture, I don't think he had anything to do with them.
I don't think Gman has that much relation to Aperture. I think the idea that Aperture is a Black Mesa rival confirms this.

They did. The Combine had no knowledge of Earth prior to the Cascade; the cascade happened, Combine picked up the anomaly and then used the portal storms to assault Earth.

I see. Well, I guess the combine backed aperture kinda falls apart to that D:

However, it may be that g-man looked to both companies for whatever reason (portal technology I guess) The Portal Gun from Aperture seems to be much more advanced than the Black Mesa version. I'm just saying, wouldn't it be possible that the G-Man was at the very least, aware of Aperture? For all we know both companies just figured he was some military figurehead of some sort (which he sort of was, since he had black ops at his disposal), and fought for his attention and more military funding.
I'm not sure how 'canon' the OP4 teleport gun is. I'm not being awkward here, but I don't think it should be considered canon. I mean, consider the amount of time it took for the teleport in HL1 to charge simply to send Gordon to Xen. Yet, somehow, they have a gun that takes you there in a split second. It's pretty contradictory to what's been established in the rest of the games. The Orange Box portal gun isn't so ridiculous, because it doesn't take you from world to world.

I'm sure Gman has some relation to Aperture, but in the same way he had a relation to Black Mesa. He can't actually be the top dog at Aperture though, or an employee.
maybe gman orchestrated both disasters at BM and AS so see who would be the #1 survivor. gordon won, portalchick lost.
I prefer the idea that Apature Science is it's own thing. Possibly a rival to black mesa, but not backed by the combine. When the combine find out about it however... sparks fly.
I'm happier with AS being a rival to BM - links to the Combine tend to put all the plot's eggs in one basket, not the style that Laidlaw normally goes with.
maybe gman orchestrated both disasters at BM and AS so see who would be the #1 survivor. gordon won, portalchick lost.
I like this idea. It'd explain why Aperture's labs appear to be abandoned - empty observation windows, power outages, GLaDOS acting increasingly erratically, etc.
I'm not sure how 'canon' the OP4 teleport gun is. I'm not being awkward here, but I don't think it should be considered canon. I mean, consider the amount of time it took for the teleport in HL1 to charge simply to send Gordon to Xen. Yet, somehow, they have a gun that takes you there in a split second. It's pretty contradictory to what's been established in the rest of the games. The Orange Box portal gun isn't so ridiculous, because it doesn't take you from world to world.

I'm sure Gman has some relation to Aperture, but in the same way he had a relation to Black Mesa. He can't actually be the top dog at Aperture though, or an employee.

Re: Xen Teleporter

Perhaps once a teleporter to Xen is charged, the fabric between Earth and Xen is weakened around the origin for a while allowing portals to be created by using a lot less energy. I'm sure the timeline around the BM Incident can be manipulated around Shepard getting the teleporter after Gordon's jump? Or no?
I'm not sure how 'canon' the OP4 teleport gun is. I'm not being awkward here, but I don't think it should be considered canon. I mean, consider the amount of time it took for the teleport in HL1 to charge simply to send Gordon to Xen. Yet, somehow, they have a gun that takes you there in a split second. It's pretty contradictory to what's been established in the rest of the games. The Orange Box portal gun isn't so ridiculous, because it doesn't take you from world to world.

I'm sure Gman has some relation to Aperture, but in the same way he had a relation to Black Mesa. He can't actually be the top dog at Aperture though, or an employee.

Gman is definetly not aperture. As you will notice, Black Mesa's portals come in "warps" while apertures come in "holes".
Its like being spiraled into the ball and spiraled out somewhere while aperture is just WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!
gman is not related with aperture. it doesn't seem like he's human, and given the lack of combine presence pre-cascade it doesn't make sense for aperture to be combine related.

perhaps portal is set during the early portal storms? damage caused to aperture facility, combined with possible evacuation of personell could explain the setting, and could end with the "subject" being assessed by G-man as with Gordon/Shephard.

we'll have to see, really, because those energy orbs smack pretty heavily of combine. hoping those were just placeholders.
TBH I haven't seen any vids of it since the original. I'm sort of miffed that it "fits within the HL2 universe", as it wasn't even Valves idea originally :|
Besides halflife, valve never has any other original ideas. But they still pwn anyway
Besides halflife, valve never has any other original ideas. But they still pwn anyway

They do what they're good at.

You should see some of the concept games they've thought of in Raising the Bar.
What if Aperture and Black Mesa aren't really rivals? What if Aperture is a division of Black Mesa, or perhaps BMRF is even a front for Aperture, in that although it is in the private sector and does its own research, the real "testing" goes on at Aperture? The stuff they can't put down on the books at a legitimate facility like Black Mesa?

So they take the best and brightest and they recruit them into Aperture for secret projects, like the portal technology. After all, they must run through a lot of "employees" with that portal course. High mortality rate.
Valve had the other game idea before HL1, but it came nothing but concepts. They said in interview they would like to still do it.
I don't like the idea of this all being a set up by the Combine before hand. I prefer the Combine to have taken advantage of the mess WE made.


And, did anyone not notice the BMRF symbol on Gman's case? I mean 'Yeah he's from aperture =|'.


I mean, he could be affiliated, but works FOR them? NO!

And Honestly, my guess, is that Adrian is a dead end, as much as I'd enjoy his re-appearance, him, in Aperture, does not add up. . . AT ALL.

There would be no point in having a military specialist involved in Teleport activity, he COULD have ended up in the 7 hour war. But in my eyes, Gordon was more fit for the Aperture role, he's just busy =P.

As for where Aperture Merges with Half-Life, I'd have to say that it may be a new facility created by the combine, and they are using the player as a slave? But then again, why is it that 'EVERYTHING' Valve does, has to fit with Half-Life? I mean, TF2 doesn't affect HL canon. Neither does CSS. I mean, Valve might have just one off and did a side project after getting some inspiration from their own creation; The grav gun.
just beat EP2, Aperture and Black Mesa were rivals fighting for funds. go me
Maybe TF2 represents a testing facility where the Army can train troops using a game, and developing new tactics?
Hey, feasible.
are those orbs meant to be dark energy? does that mean that aperture managed to discover a method of harnessing dark energy?
Combine. . . C O M B I N E D=

. . . WAIT A MINUTE!!!!

HOW TF, did WE have Dark Energy (apparently) in Aperture, before the combine came? Before the combine, who USE dark energy on their own* came and destroyed a majority of human settlements!?!?! I beg to differ that a war, with that kind of tech on OUR side, would only last 7Hours =___=.

Then again, Aperture was a topsecret facility, and well, probably not allowed to disclose info and produce dark matter-powered machines ^^''.
Combine. . . C O M B I N E D=

. . . WAIT A MINUTE!!!!

HOW TF, did WE have Dark Energy (apparently) in Aperture, before the combine came? Before the combine, who USE dark energy on their own* came and destroyed a majority of human settlements!?!?! I beg to differ that a war, with that kind of tech on OUR side, would only last 7Hours =___=.

Then again, Aperture was a topsecret facility, and well, probably not allowed to disclose info and produce dark matter-powered machines ^^''.

Use the spoiler tag or i will kill you
@Azner: But your quote still stays up, so you still have to kill him.:naughty:
And myself D:

No hard feelings omega, i still <3 you
Lol ^^
I was honestly kind of worried, I couldn't sleep last night D=
Re: Xen Teleporter

Perhaps once a teleporter to Xen is charged, the fabric between Earth and Xen is weakened around the origin for a while allowing portals to be created by using a lot less energy. I'm sure the timeline around the BM Incident can be manipulated around Shepard getting the teleporter after Gordon's jump? Or no?
According to Dr. Mossman, the "old" style teleporters had to physically open a gate to Xen in order the function; the new teleporters, however, use Xen as a relay and slingslot you through the world rather than materializing in it. This new technology obviously requires less energy and would explain the portal gun.
The Aperture Science Research Facility was gassed by GLaDOS prior to the invasion of the combine. Presumably, everyone who knew of the portal gun was killed. And GLaDOS went through special measures to keep the combine out. Earth had no way of even knowing that there was such a portal gun. Black Mesa was asploded, and that meant that most of that tech was also destroyed. So they had no real advantage in innovative technologies. Perhaps Chell escaped with the portal gun, and can use it to help save earth.
(Portal spoilers.)
black mesa teleporter tech is different to aperture tech, both visually and in function. it's not designed by black mesa, so there's no connection between the new rebel teleporter and the portal gun.