Aperture and Black mesa.

Portal Spoilers
GlaDOS says she gassed everyone but after that they fitted an ethical break, which you accidentaly remove and destroy at the end. Question is who put that in and if she's now safe why is the complex abandoned? Maybe as suggested the building is evacuated as part of the portal stomrs/combine invasion but maybe not
I don't see how Aperture Science portal technology is different from Black Mesa's. It makes more sense logically and in terms of sci-fi science that the two technologies would use the same principles since:
A) both companies were competing in the same field,
B) The Xen relay theory makes more sense story-wise, and
C) It's reasonable to think that the laws of physics are the same for AP tech and BM tech.
Alternately, they just use different models.

Different teleportation models exist within HLverse after all.
I think AS portal device simply rips holes in the matter, making a small wormhole that goes from one portal to another. Black Mesa teleportation techinque, on the other hand, is to use Xen as a slingshot.

Basically, Aperture Science's original purpose was to develop a local teleportation device, while in Black Mesa teleportation was a by-product of interdimensional travel.
Since we have no information alluding to how AS portals work, we can only assume that they function the same way as BM portals... until there is evidence to the contrary.
It just makes more sense from every perspective that they work the same way. If I were writing the story, I wouldn't include two completely different sci-fi theories in the SAME game.
notes @ aperturescience.com said:
'Some kind of rip in the fabric of space'
'man-sized ad-hoc quantum tunnel through physical space'
Pretty sure it's a wormhole, not a dimensional-travel thing.
It just makes more sense from every perspective that they work the same way. If I were writing the story, I wouldn't include two completely different sci-fi theories in the SAME game.
Including multiple sci-fi theories in one setting and making them all work(well, work in the terms of the fictional world, of course) is what differentiates good sci-fi and bad sci-fi.
K, I read this either on this thread, or another, but
The Xen Teleport has to materialise the area, the AS gun just opens a wormhole. If BOTH teleports were the same, then why does BMRF require huga amounts of energy to be charged over time (emitters, time taken to activate Lambda Core, the energy required by those little things in 'Xen' (where you have to crack open that chamber, and those little 'fireflies' fly onto each of those little podiums) etc). The BMRF teleports require more energy, and you can't say that AS had 'a more advance method' because the 'Xenians', who seem to be quite proffesional with teleports, STILL needed External power sources in order to charge their teleports. THEREFORE, the BMRF (and xen for that matter) teleports MUST use a DIFFERENT method in order to activate and utilise teleport technology. AS DID NOT have 'More' advanced tech, they just had a different way of getting from place to place =P
Combine. . . C O M B I N E D=

. . . WAIT A MINUTE!!!!

HOW TF, did WE have Dark Energy (apparently) in Aperture, before the combine came? Before the combine, who USE dark energy on their own* came and destroyed a majority of human settlements!?!?! I beg to differ that a war, with that kind of tech on OUR side, would only last 7Hours =___=.

Then again, Aperture was a topsecret facility, and well, probably not allowed to disclose info and produce dark matter-powered machines ^^''.

Portal is almost certainly after the Combine invasion (with the neurotoxin incident happening before the invasion). GLaDOS is able to do research and invent technologies on her own, so could have reverse engineered combine dark energy technology.

Anyway, perhaps Chell could be another person that the G-man is looking out for. G-man may have known thay she would not survive long enough to become the needed age, and influenced GLaDOS to gas most people and per Chell in stasis until she was ready. TBH, though, it does sound a bit stupid myself.
Since we have no information alluding to how AS portals work, we can only assume that they function the same way as BM portals... until there is evidence to the contrary.
It just makes more sense from every perspective that they work the same way. If I were writing the story, I wouldn't include two completely different sci-fi theories in the SAME game.

are you writing the story?
I think that the attack on Black Mesa came from Aperture Science. During the credits, GLaDOS says:

Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Maybe Black Mesa...

So I think that maybe the attacks on Black Mesa and Aperture Science were orchestrated by the same party. Maybe GLaDOS. She does mention that she killed everyone at Aperture Science with neurotxins. She also mentions that it's not safe outside, and that the building will soon not be safe anymore.
Cool thread, nonetheless.

Just played Prelude through and I was pretty confused at the end: Why does the character in the first vid after the credits walk TO the aperture science labs and not FROM them?
Who cares about Portal Prelude anyway? This is discussion about official storyline, not about some mod fantasies.
I like the theory but why would the combine work with a company that is working for the military...?
Portal Spoilers
GlaDOS says she gassed everyone but after that they fitted an ethical break, which you accidentaly remove and destroy at the end. Question is who put that in and if she's now safe why is the complex abandoned? Maybe as suggested the building is evacuated as part of the portal stomrs/combine invasion but maybe not

Leave a cosy underground research facility? For an alien infested hell hole? I doubt it. I see some options
-GLaDOS killed everyone in the facility as the invasion was happening
-Combine broke into the facility and killed everyone, but then GLaDOS killed the Combine
-The employes are still in the facility, and have just barricaded themselves. This would explain all the locked doors.
i think G-man and his employers are actually from Aperture.

Am I crazy to think that Gman could of been a AS test subject. I mean he sounds like a recluse half the time, one couldn't imagine how long he was trapped in there, alone.