Aperture Science Investment Opportunity Video 2: Bot Trust

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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Valve, in partnership with Aperture Science dba Aperture Laboratories, released today a new instalment of its "investment opportunity" video series. Called "Bot Trust", it is the second of four videos leading up the April 19th release of Aperture's documentary video game Portal 2.[br]
You can check out the video above or visit the Halflife2.net youtube channel. Don't forget to subscribe while you are there!
Steam has the video up if anyone is interested in watching it, its definitely good
Valve, in partnership with Aperture Science dba Aperture Laboratories, released today a new instalment of its "investment opportunity" video series. Called "Bot Trust", it is the second of four videos leading up the April 19th release of Aperture's documentary video game Portal 2.

Documentary video game?
Direct from the press release for this video. Make of that what you will!
Pretty hilarious. I liked it.
Good but first was better. Also they were showing off part of the Gamestop pre-order skins. There's also Amazon.de pre-order skins. I wonder what Steam-preoreders get.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Good but first was better. Also they were showing off part of the Gamestop pre-order skins. There's also Amazon.de pre-order skins. I wonder what Steam-preoreders get.

Sounds more like they were making fun of the gamestop pre-order skins by explicitely stating that they were inferior predecessors to the Steam versions.
Good but first was better. Also they were showing off part of the Gamestop pre-order skins. There's also Amazon.de pre-order skins. I wonder what Steam-preoreders get.

A discount and a free copy of Portal.
A discount and a free copy of Portal.

Just about everywhere has a discount for Portal two (excluding the bundle pack). And getting a free copy of Portal is like getting a free glass of water at this point.
You spoilt bastard Patty, I heard Portal 1 was a very good game.
They gave it out for completely free months ago! So the only people who don't have a copy of portal are casuals who either a.) don't have a good enough computer or b.) enough patience to try it in the first place, so who am I supposed to give it to?

It's like if you pre-ordered the i-Pad 2 from Best Buy you get a special colored case, but if you pre-ordered from the apple store you get a free rubrik's cube. Wooo!
There are some dying children in Africa that would kill to have a glass of Portal 1.
I love how they portray the Gamestop pre-order bots as the failures.
Just about everywhere has a discount for Portal two (excluding the bundle pack). And getting a free copy of Portal is like getting a free glass of water at this point.

Play.com has an excellent discount on Portal 2: 31.49 EU vs. 34.19 EU on Steam (is it a joke?). Just a few euros, but I'm going for the lowest price.
It's €45 on steam for us luck enough to be from tier 1 Europe :p