Portal 2 delayed, E3 Surprise "Portal 2 Themed"

damn I had enough .. come on is it so hard to tell "YEAH WE ARE WORKING ON IT" . That will be enough , but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . F**k hl franchise , the game that brought them fame and everything and ignore gamers ... way to go !
The stupid. It burns.
Valve stool at E3 2010;

'And the surprise is ...... the planned Portal event has been canned because ....... We're delaying the game to make it better. SURPRISE!!!'.

Oh man, if this is going to be the cause of an influx of random members who have been trolled to an astronomical level and are crying their asses off, well, I will be pleased.
Why do people keep bringing up HL3?

We're still missing Ep3.
I feel like choking some bitches at Valve, throttling and raging atm. I am seriously bummed out right now. :hmph: "HAI GUYS, PORTAL 2 HAS MULTIPLAYER!!!" is going to be the reveal I bet or maybe a game (such as Portal) on the Wii or some casual game. I don't care too much about Portal 2 or L4D 3 (which I know they are making). Those games are great. What we really want is Source 2 and Half-Life 3! The worst part is that it's taking 4 years to make Portal 2. They need to really listen to their fans instead of saying that they do and give us what we need. They need to work some overtime because making a 2-3 hour game shouldn't take half a decade.

The whole reason why we are all here is because of Half-Life 2, a game that was released in 2004. If Half-Life 3 was announced, it would be like 2004 again on this site. Of course Valve makes angry fanboys like myself QQ a lot the jerks.
Heh, typical Valve. I just wish they'd stop with the riddles and puzzles and mystery and advertise like a normal company. All it does is irritate people; it won't increase sales or hype (the quality of the games themselves do that).
The internet is a forest and rage is the fuel for its wildfire. Butthurt fans will bloom into eager fanboys from the ashes and the rage publicity will have infected a legion of new moronic fans.
That sounds idealistic and cynical at the same time. :P
Why do people keep bringing up HL3?

We're still missing Ep3.

Valve found that Episodic Gaming wasn't their forte, so they have gone back to the normal numbering scheme. I personally prefer Subheadings

Half Life
Half Life: Opposing Force
Half Life: Blue Shift
Half Life 2: Blood and Ashes
Half Life 2: Aftermath (Why they didn't stick with this I don't know)
Half Life 2: Roadside Picnic
Half Life 3: The Return of the Cat

It could be Pre-Purchase HL3 and get into the Portal 2 beta and receive a free hat for TF2 (assuming you already have it)
Okay I know this is not related to these news but check the TF2 blog out! O.O
Heh. I like the roadside picnic reference/title. I must get around to reading that book at some point.

Anyway, I can't believe people are still bitching about Valve not saying anything about EP3. Why is anyone expecting any news? They'll announce it when it's ready to be announced. With Half-Life 2 and both episodes now they've spilled too much long before they were released and features that were shown and promised end up being significantly altered or removed. Pretty much everything in the first two EP2 trailers was different in the final game. Hell, even I've bitched about how they've changed it (removal of soldiers from final battle viewable in one of the teaser videos) and I'm a massive Valve fanboy.

Yes Valve have missed many, many release dates but that doesn't give you any entitlement to information. If you honestly think that EP3 has been cancelled and L4D2 being made in the mean time somehow proves this you should look into how Valve develops their games and remember that when in comes to Half-Life, they are insane perfectionists.
do valve even realise how pissed off we all are about their silence over EP3/HL3?

I doubt they care nearly as much as those people do...

I feel like choking some bitches at Valve, throttling and raging atm. I am seriously bummed out right now. :hmph: "HAI GUYS, PORTAL 2 HAS MULTIPLAYER!!!" is going to be the reveal I bet or maybe a game (such as Portal) on the Wii or some casual game. I don't care too much about Portal 2 or L4D 3 (which I know they are making). Those games are great. What we really want is Source 2 and Half-Life 3! The worst part is that it's taking 4 years to make Portal 2. They need to really listen to their fans instead of saying that they do and give us what we need. They need to work some overtime because making a 2-3 hour game shouldn't take half a decade.

The whole reason why we are all here is because of Half-Life 2, a game that was released in 2004. If Half-Life 3 was announced, it would be like 2004 again on this site. Of course Valve makes angry fanboys like myself QQ a lot the jerks.

It might be healthy to understand that there are other people on the planet with different tastes than you. I couldn't care less about half-life at the moment. I want to see some more variety from Valve. If Portal 2 is what they're making, then I'll see if I want it. If not, then there are PLENTY of other games for me to play. New games included, that I may find more fun that Half-life... Personally.

Just saying, use me as an example. Valve understands this, which is why they might be trying to nab other customers with other games. I'm not saying this to you personally... A few newbs here think that everyone shares their taste in games...

Btw, I'm here because I like Half-Life and Half-Life 2. The episodes... Not so much. Team Fortress? Hell yeah. Left 4 Dead? You betcha. Portal? Definitely. Source 2? ...Nah.
Valve is calling your bluff. The minute they start showing pretty pictures of Episode Three you'll pee your friggin pants.
Half-Life - 1998
Half-Life: Opposing Force - 1999
|Working on Half-Life 2, CS, other mods, golden years of Valve.
Half-Life: Blue Shift - 2001
|Same as the year as 2000 only that Steam is in full development.
Half-Life: 2 - 2004
|Still making Episode 1 for whatever reason.
Half-Life: 2 Episode 1 - 2006
Half-Life: 2 Episode 2 - 2007
Portal 2 - 2011?!?!
Half-Life 3, Counter-Strike 2, Team Fortress 3 - The day hell freezes over

Seriously I can understand the delay between 2001 and 2004. In 2001 they even announced HL2 by then. They had to make the Source engine, Steam, HL2 itself, CS: Source. After that though games related to the Half-Life series have taken a MAJOR backseat to Valve production. Maybe they need to create a Valve West and Valve East? They have been working for too much on games that are getting them quick reactions such as the Portal and Left 4 Dead series. While they have been fun, HL will always be Valve. I just think Valve really have to set their priorities straight. I mean they even got a psychologist and asked how deaf people play games. :| I don't need a psychologist to tell me that I find it very creepy since day 1 that Alyx Vance stares me down while walking backwards all the while talking. I don't need a deaf person to tell me how they play games because sometimes I play with no audio and just music on and there is always cc that can be turned on. Valve are messing with too much fancy ass shit and need to get to the basics on what their company was founded on which is Gordon Freeman whacking aliens with crowbars! They are focusing too much on $$$ and how much they can make a profit off Steam revenue.

I had a thought the other day that the announcement may be something related to the Wii platform or casual games category. Valve mentioned they like the controllers of the Wii and wanted to make something for kids. They also are making these quick campaigns for the Left 4 Dead series, HL episodes, the quick gameplay modes in L4D. Maybe they want to make a casual Valve game? Could be offering movies on Steam which would be great as well.
*sigh* Gabe needs to be slapped. :|

Come on, give us SOMETHING to speculate about. Some sketches, artwork, even general ideas on future of Half Life saga, anything. Zero of new information feels like they just enjoy being cruel to the fans...

Naaaah, who am I kidding, all they're gonna do is just throw more TF2 hats in our direction.
Ahahahaha, oh man, I'm loving every second of this.
I think it's great that people are so disappointed about the lack of Half-Life, even though there was never any indication that it was anything other than Portal 2.
all I have to say: "Oh well. Guess I'm gonna have to wait. It's gonna be great, huh guys?"

*looks over in the thread and see's the constant bickering and rage*

"whatever, bitch and moan guys, bitch and moan."
I think it's great that people are so disappointed about the lack of Half-Life, even though there was never any indication that it was anything other than Portal 2.

Valve is tricky. They always have been.

That reputation works against them.
I just got off the phone with Gabe, he was laughing it up over everybody's reactions. He said you were all a bunch of queers.
*sigh* I'm gonna go back into hiding and return when it is here. (whatever it is)
"To ask questions about how close we all came to dying, or to ask futile questions about the previously announced E3 ***PORTAL-2-THEMED-FOR-GOD'S SAKE*** surprise or, less futilely, to schedule an appointment to attend a Portal 2 screening at the Valve booth during E3, please contact Valve's delegate to the EU's Valve Time Studies Group, Doug Lombardi."

Based on the stylings of all the Aperture emails to date, this is pretty much confirmation that it's a HL3/Ep3-themed surprise.
So they cancel the Portal 2 event and replace it by something "portal" themed. Something doesn't make sense here. They also let us hype this up for several days now. I'm guessing it's more than just information about portal.

It'll probably be a trailer.
Either that or a co-op mode reveal for Portal 2. Bleh, I'm getting tired of co-op games.
Either that or a co-op mode reveal for Portal 2.

It's always been known that Portal 2 will have co-op. You didn't do much research when it was announced, did you?