Apocalypse By Portal Gun


Sep 14, 2007
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I was just wondering; what would happen if you shot the portal gun at the sun and then next to your feet... Wouldn't the planet melt or something?

Or what if you shot it at the moon... Earth's atmosphere would start leaking into the void!
well, first things first, how does the portal gun work?they never say how so i guess we can assume that that would work, but the portal might hit something on the way, say the earths atmosphere.but it probably would happen.
The portal gun seems to work on the principle of only opening singularities on solid dense surfaces.

The sun is just a big ball of super heated thermo-nuclear plasma soooo, it would probably just go right through it.

The moon one might be a bit more plausible, but the moon is covered in a thick layer of regolith, in this case an extremely fine dust, so I don't know if a portal would form upon its surface.
The portal gun only seems to work on flat (that means super flat) surfaces so the moon is out of the question too.
And even if it did work on the sun, the heat would probably do a great deal of damage to the surrounding area. That would be amazing though, opening a portal to the sun. Well not as amazing on the count of you'll most likely die, but yeah lol
Well, the sun isn't even a surface, as far as I know, isn't it just really a ball of fire and energy? (And gasses) Anyways, the portal wouldn't work in any case.
maybe the ASHPD only works in Aperture Science Laboratories? ;)
Well, the portal gun is only rated to work at up to 4,000 degrees Kelvin, and the sun is most definitely above that.

If the object on which the portal rests is destroyed, the portal vanishes too, right? That imposes some interesting limits.

Still, you could fire it at a slab of concrete released from a shuttle or maybe at a solar panel of a current satellite, and suck all the nearby air (and people and other loose objects) into space. However, the air would freeze in the vacuum and then be pulled back into earth's gravity, so you probably won't kill the world like that - assuming nothing got sucked in and clogged it. Though it would seriously mess the climate up.
You're not accounting for travel time, the distance from here to the sun is 8 light-minutes, means it would take multiple years for it to get to the sun if it even got there. Plus, the portal gun is what keeps it open. If you'll notice, walking through the incandescent emancipator grid shuts down any portals on the other side so I'll take a hazard at the APSHD having a range at which the portals lose energy input.
Your theory would be cooler if you shot a portal at the bottom of the ocean and then one on land. You'd have a 500 foot geyser of sea water.
If I owned the APSHD, I would create two portals, then run between them so fast that time would run backwards (kinda like superman) then I would go to Isaac Newton under the tree, put a portal underneath the famous apple and one right next to it, confusing the bejeezus out of him, causing a temporal paradox, that destroys all of existance!

... but the Sun idea works to.
Lol!! the sun? sorry that's too funny

Don't burn burn ass on the way out!!
As the portal evidently isn't the fastest thing in the world, a couple of months would pass. Then, the world would burn. Unless of course you destroyed the portal gun before the portal arrived in the sun.
Seems there's not much to add here, since mostly everyones answered. But if it was possible to shoot a Portal at the sun and then on the floor under you, prepare for one hell of a Shoop da Woop.

Speaking of Portal theories, this ones puzzling me. Say you were in a room, and one of the walls starts to close in and will completely crush you. If you shoot a portal onto the wall thats closing in (Even though you can't open a portal on a moving surface, lets say you can for this one), and then one in the exact opposite direction, what happens? Would you die or would you be still alive?
From stuff I've seen in Portal, portals close immediatley on something that is moving or shifting, making it impossible to place a portal on the sun or in the sea for example as they both constantly move around.
That could be messy. Why not just put it on the underside of the lid and close the lid, silly boy.
But yes, I guess your idea is moar lazy.

Improper spelling of "more" unintentional. Stupid internets.
Oh, don't apologize to me. n_n

Apologize to all the important people whom you've let down with your faulty information. >:[

But no really I'm kidding.


Here's a bizarre idea: Portal your computer monitor onto some unsuspecting person's TV, then dial up the pron. Hilarity will ensure, I assure you. Nyuck nyuck.
That could be messy. Why not just put it on the underside of the lid and close the lid, silly boy.
But yes, I guess your idea is moar lazy.

Improper spelling of "more" unintentional. Stupid internets.

But how else would I be able to dump a load on other people on the toilet? I guess I should have mentioned that I'm lazy and that I have a sick sense of sadistic humour.
Well, if it was on the lid you could still do it, it would just run down their back instead of their face and everything else in the room.
Well, if it was on the lid you could still do it, it would just run down their back instead of their face and everything else in the room.

But then you'd be vulnerable to anal invasion by a plunger or something.
I guess this is why I'm not the top military strategist in my field. I prefer stealth and simplicity over brazen posture and maximum collateral damage. That and I'm liable to be plungered in the butt. Don't ask don't tell.
Well if using a portal gun in real life has the same effects and properties as it does in the game.. then it would take a very very very long time for the shot to even reach the sun in the first place.. probably longer then your life..

if you noticed.. the shot takes a second ( depending on how far the surface you fired the gun at is ) in game, to hit your target. If the shot could even move at the speed of light it would take .. .. well.. after looking it up i suppose the sun isnt as far away as i had thought.. it seems it would only take about 8.31 mins.. however the guns shot doesnt travel that fast.. so maybe like 30mins..

so self destruction in such a method if possible would be possible after a short ( long ) loading screen.
You could shoot one portal to moon and other to earth and travel moon before NASA.