"APOSTASY" - Issue #1



Here it is, the long awaited debut issue of Apostasy. I want to apologise for how long this took to get finished. I got horribly sick the week of April 1st and was literally stuck in bed for most of the week and got nothing done on the comic. In the future, I am not putting release days on these. It is just too hard to get them done on time. I am, however, planning on trying to put the issues out every 4 to 6 weeks.

If you have read some of the pages previously, be sure to recheck them. There has been changes made to all of the pages since my earlier sample pages.

And so, without further delay, on to the story...

Issue #2 coming soon... Stay tuned!
****in' A! Brilliant! Can't wait till next issue.
Absolutely stunning! This is far better than most "real" comics nowadays.

Be sure to forward this to Marc Laidlaw at Valve - I'm sure he'd be very interested to see it!
Whoa... I mean... whoa... Like... whoa...

That is awesome dude! Keep it up!
Even though it took this damnable connection of mine ages to load each page, it was certainly worth it- great use of existing content and excellent writing to compliment it!

Fantastic job with this - much kudos!
ImageShack has started to act a little goofy with the pictures, so I was forced to get my new home at PHWComics.com up and running a little faster. Here are the new links...

Brilliant stuff, I liked the last bit, "NooOOooooooOO0o0oOOOOOooo0o0oo!"
btw I liked the Ravenholm armory short too khehehe....
wow, very creative and down right amazing.... How much time did it take for you to create this comic? I'd atleast say a few months because you have to position all the characters, screenshot them, edit them in photoshop and all that good stuff... As Pi Mu Rhon said - kudos . 10/10
Dude... that is a shrine of all-round awesomeness... someone help him with episode 2 so i can see it soon!

"Look out... Gun!" *SMASH* :D
Gothax? said:
How much time did it take for you to create this comic? I'd atleast say a few months because you have to position all the characters, screenshot them, edit them in photoshop and all that good stuff... As Pi Mu Rhon said - kudos . 10/10

Each page takes between 3-4 hours to do. I am trying to get an issue out every month, but I think it will end up being more like every 6 weeks.
What's really good is the part wherein the camera takes pictured of the guy, and you go to a black and white frame, then regular, then another picture, black and white. Genius.
And also Ravenholm Armory. Headcrab Olympics? Best thing.
I don't know what G4 is smoking. That ending is pwnage, and true to comic-book fashion.

Ever seen the original Death of Superman comic? Same deal, give or take some chit-chat... same thing. I really liked the ending.
Gothax? said:
How much time did it take for you to create this comic? I'd atleast say a few months because you have to position all the characters, screenshot them, edit them in photoshop and all that good stuff...

It took a little more than a month to do, each page pakes 3-4 hours to do.