Apparently a patch is coming 11/24/04!

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The Half-Life 2 Stuttering Problem

This site is a collection of information on a problem with Half-Life 2 that has plagued many players of this otherwise excellent game. This problem is characterized by a sudden massive drop in frame rate when turning corners or moving into new areas of the game. These drops are usually accompanied by looping or stuttering sound during the frame rate drop which is how most people become aware of the problem. Aside from these isolated drops in frame rate, the game is otherwise perfectly smooth. These sudden drops kill the immersion and lead to a very frustrating experience. Below you will find additional details on this problem, some theories, and all responses from Valve on this problem.

11/23/04 09:59:16 PM GMT
Planet Half-Life has an update from Erik Johnson at Valve stating that the patch may be delayed a day for additional testing:
We're still working through some testing on this release. It might be something we'll want to hold for another day and release tomorrow.
Also, I have received a number of emails asking if the texture management fix will also work for stuttering problems in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. I have emailed Gary McTaggart about this and will post an update as soon as I hear back. I am guessing that Vampire has the same inherent problem based on the reports I'm seeing, but I do not know what kind of arrangement Troika Games has with Valve as far as receiving Source engine updates.

11/22/04 06:03:33 PM GMT
Just received the following email from Erik Johnson at Valve. The patch should come out no later than tomorrow.
We've found a fix for this problem, and we're planning on shipping it no later than tomorrow.

11/22/04 04:53:34 AM GMT
I bought up the issue of level loading times with Gary and he mentioned that this is being worked on. I am speculating that the preloading of textures will add to the loading time so this is good news.
Where did you find this info ?? there is no patch info even on steam.
Maybe then I'll be able to put my texture quality on High. :/
If that is a major fix, then its not a patch Im waiting for, I want some performance boost, otherwise the game is perfect.
The stuttering patch has been delayed by one more day . . . great. Oh well, must have patience . . .
Another patch they need to release is not having to put the CD in to play HL2.
Ownzed said:
Another patch they need to release is not having to put the CD in to play HL2.

yeah i really hope they do this...
especially for playing MP games.
I would love both patches. It runs fine on my computer, and I could get used to the stuttering, but no stutter is the best stutter. :D
Ownzed said:
Another patch they need to release is not having to put the CD in to play HL2.
this is their way of saying, "Buy Steam, or else!"
l337vegeta said:
this is their way of saying, "Buy Steam, or else!"

:rolleyes: Yeah even thought Vivendi specifically told them to do it that way...But alas its VALVe's fault!
DiSTuRbEd said:
:rolleyes: Yeah even thought Vivendi specifically told them to do it that way...But alas its VALVe's fault!
well in that case, it's Vivendi's way of saying, "We suck!!"
l337vegeta said:
well in that case, it's Vivendi's way of saying, "We suck!!"

Exactly, I think VALVe will be removing that for retail copies sooner or later, because it really is a pain in the butt. VALVe knows it too, I mean just look at all the other games, don't need cd in to play, etc.
So are they just going to avoid the crashing issue? Because I think it's a little more important than the stutter.
Mr-Fusion said:
Steam is updating for me.
Hmm, seems news is slow today. That would have been the Steam patch which was released a couple hours ago.

Maybe it's not big enough of an update to warrant front page news though.

TaiFong said:
So are they just going to avoid the crashing issue? Because I think it's a little more important than the stutter.
Apparently not. Maybe the reason they are delaying this patch is so they can have fixes for both problems in the one patch?

Also, if what that link says is true, maybe they are looking at releasing a NO-CD patch too.
yeah i don't have the stutter problem, just uber crashing, i hope they put that in the patch
It's simple for a no cd patch. Alcohol 120% -> Make ISO(Secru-rom or whatever) -> Mount -> Done!
That should work, I personally don't care as all my other games are on my HD so therefor I can just leave the cd in the drive without anyworries.
Emulation, is da best!