"Apparently, we suck at Episode 1."

I actually thought the game was too easy. :|

Who are these n00bs?
99.vikram said:
Is it? I welcome this update.

Why? The elevator part was very fun and challenging. But it looks like Valve is using their stats system to cut the few challenges the game had. It looks like Valve wants that even the biggest noob can play the game without getting into trouble once.
Lame. Sure, add more shotgun shells and health packs - but don't reduce the zombies. Its a brilliant sequence and at times very, very intense - I don't want it dumbed down just because some idiots can't do it.

The modification is official? If so, let's make a complaint letter against the reduction of difficulty.
xirow said:
It looks like Valve wants that even the biggest noob can play the game without getting into trouble once.
Exactly, and by "biggest noob" we're talking "so big that they can't even chose the game difficulty that most suits them". Why should they cut the challenge on Hard as well? We're there for the challenge, not to piss through it.
I don't like it as well. We should e-mail them so they know most of the fans don't like this move.

If it's hard for people then they should play at easy or just suck it up. I like when you have some challenge in the game.
I was thinking of that Valve are adding some levels or increasing the difficulty or whatever something diff....... but :(
They should only put the changes to easy mode. But I imagine that would give trouble with ingame difficulty switching.
A joke as in "we're just messing with you," or a joke as in "oh god, this is pathetic"?

(Assuming he means the latter,) I think that this sucks. I cannot state that clearly enough. That part was an excellent part of the game; just tense enough, and the lack of ammo really made for some awesome moments. Also, I played it on Hard. I agree with The Brick; only put this on easy mode.
No, I meant as in - wtf did they decrease the amount of Zombies for? Its pretty noticeable, and most of the intensity surrounding the scene has gone.
This happened on the 7th? I, too, replayed that portion after the update (just for fun, not because I knew Valve had f**ked something up again), and you're right. It is really noticeable. I did think that the elevator sequence was was a great deal less difficult than the first time, (when I played it on EASY, for god's sake)...
This is completely retarded. That was my favorite sequence because it was so hard. Valve, I hate you.
Okay, I've been pretty supportive of Valve and Steam. But I absolutely do not want this kind of retroactive game-altering bullshit. The original was intense. And while it was somewhat difficult the first time through, it was far from unmanagable.

Voice your concerns to Valve, people. If they want to make edits like this, it should be optional. A lot of us don't need to be coddled throughout our games.
Samon said:
Having re-played the section, this really is a joke.
I have got to totally agree i admit that i died loads of time but that was the fun of it. It was a real challenge i just played it now and it is a joke and real noticable i wished they could have made this update optional.
See, I have the utmost respect for Valve and I'm personally of the opinion that Steam > you, but I have to disagree here. I don't mind the extra addition of health packs and shotgun shells - fair enough. But less Zombies? It totally takes the intensity out of it. This stuff needs to be optional.
yes, this part was tough, but i had no problem passing it.

you should know how to use your guns - try shooting as many zombies as you can using a single shot. the good idea is to gather them into one spot, and let them have an explosive barrel. when the elevator comes, shotgun's your best friend.
Ok, this getting out of control. I know its nice to be able to update their games whenever, but changing a whole section of the game?

I personally disagree with the decision, and besides that, shouldn't such a change be made before they released the game?

Valve should go on to a few Counter-Strike servers so they can see how many complete morons are polluting the results of these statistics.
Valve pays attention to the community. This will get rectified in the next episode or in this one.

Always bet on Valve!
0mar said:
Valve pays attention to the community. This will get rectified in the next episode or in this one.

Always bet on Valve!

I really hope your right cause i'am starting to get worried about what they are going to do for episode 2 since they will be using those results.
Yea , i wouldn't want Valve to make Ep2 easier based on the stats.
Make the game even easier! Yeah, that's great. A game is supposed to be challenging. It isn't fun if you can just run right through without dying.
We really should mail Valve and complain hard about this! It appearantly seems many players really suck *** on FPS games... Removing the challenge is not a good move for everyone that have some skills! :(
I agree with what Hypnosos said right above me, but...

...I found the elevator scene extremely irritating. This was the only moment in the game I had no fun playing. Call me a noob, incapable of playing FPP games, or whatever - I'm thankful for this update ;)

ps - challenging moments, yes. Pitch-black places with no ammo and dozens of zombies - no. :)
at least this means more people are playing hl....probably ex halo players....:)
Przemek said:
Call me a noob, incapable of playing FPP games, or whatever - I'm thankful for this update ;)
That isn't the problem we have at all, people have different skill levels and we accept that. It's that you and many other people in Valve's data apparently can't select an appropriate difficulty level to play through the game on, and we ALL have to suffer because of that.

Here's an idea: instead of making this game easier for everyone, why not make it easier for the people who need it to be easier, and harder for those who could really do with playing a more challenging version of the game?
When people were e-mailing Gabe and asking for a harder difficulty, wasn't his response always "you could mod it" or something to that degree?

Odd that he would go against that now.

The problem is, now that you've helped guide people through the Lowlife section, you'll now have people even more stuck on Urban Flight. Instead of using the elevator sequence to challenge the gamers, they're now going to walk into the hardest chapter of the game with little practice or preperation.

Take a look at the stats: http://www.steampowered.com/stats/ep1/?gamesInfo

According to the death chart, Urban Flight contains two sections that are more difficult than the elevator section of Lowlife. Wouldn't that mean Valve has to change these sections too? I hope not.
I've played that sequence twice before the update, the first time on normal and the 2nd time on hard, and I did find it very irritating and frustrating with the lack of proper ammo and health. I would get totally swarmed by the zombies in a sort of 'unfair' challenge, forcing me to replay the game from saved game and only winning because after trying 10+ times i knew where the zombies would come from and when.

I'm glad they added more health and more ammo, but until I play the scene again I'm not sure if I agree with removing some zombies...
Well, I usually have Steam offline and whatnot, and it is set at "Do not automatically update this game." So, for now, I will be able to enjoy flinging cement blocks at endless hordes of Zombies!
theSteven said:
I actually thought the game was too easy. :|

Who are these n00bs?

The ones who spend 2 hours, trying to get steam up and running :thumbs:

I haven't played yet, so I might be talking out of line :p
Samon said:
...I have the utmost respect for Valve... I don't mind the extra addition of health packs and shotgun shells... But less Zombies? It totally takes the intensity out of it. This stuff needs to be optional.

HL2 games need to be harder, seriously. There needs to be a "Yes, I want it HARD" setting, and not just more HP on the soldiers or less damage from the guns.