-applaunch ?



Don't ban me!
anyway. quick ?.
What was the fix for the -applaunch 260 bug? Did they just change the number or something.
I know that the -applaunch 260 bug was fix. I just didn't want to read 34234234234234 pages of crap to find out what. There isn't really a thread that stated what they did.

I just want to know this so I can fix my HLSW and stuff.
I don't think that it is right that we have to add yet another program to open a program. I am talking about http://www.kfx.de/steamloader.exe
Also, in this thread if someone could list all the -applaunch numbers that they know. That would help me out.
I thought about making a C++ program that started at -applaunch 10000 to -applaunch 1 to find out what opened what and what numbers did anything at all.
That code would look something like this
int a = 10000;
??????? -applaunch a ????????;
whle (a>1)
oh, and I just saw that I might of posted this in the wrong area. But, I know that many of the CS:S people would most likely know the answer the the above ? anyway.
It isn't only about that. I am wanted to know if there is a list that also shows what applaunch ? is for everygame. or is it 10 for everything or something.