Apple Handheld...

I see nothing on the apple site...

Absinthe said:
Saw that a while ago and I doubt it's legit. GR's recent mailbag sort of confirmed that, I think.
Yeah... and just look at the first line of the "press release":
Cupertino, CA (AP) April 1, 2005 -- Apple® Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) today unveiled plans for a first-generation handheld gaming system, dubbed gPod®.
Hmmm, April 1st? I can't put my finger on it... but I know something happens on April 1st. Gah... I'm such a fool. I can't think of what people do on April 1st. They should make a day for people like me and call it something like "April Fools' Day."
That would own if it were real. Bet that would be popular.