Aquamark 3


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
On my Dell i got 1000+ on GFX and 6000+ on cpu.
What do all of the scores on aquamark3 mean.
lePobz said:
They mean nothing, use 3Dmark 2003 :)

that is the most 100% ignorant statemnet I've ever heard in my life.

The scores in 3Dmark03 mean closer to nothing than the aquamark 3 scores. Unlike 3D03, aquamark actually uses a game engine to test your system. 3DMark03, imo, =total shitte.

barnacle: It'd be best if you run it, and thing upload your scores to Aquamarks database, and then give us the link to that, so we can see your specs, settings, and exact scores.
lePobz said:
They mean nothing, use 3Dmark 2003 :)

Bwhahahaha... it's 3D Mark who says nothing about your PC. 3D Mark says nothing about how your PC will perform in games, it says how your PC performs in 3D Mark.
Aquamark is a test on how your PC would run Aquathingy (the game)

3Dmark03 atleast tests a wide range of 3D functions used by most games... I guess the best way to test is by averaging out across a few games benchmarks - like the video stress test in CS Source...
The reason 3Dmark2001 was popular while 3Dmark2003 is not is because 3D2001 was based of the Max Payne engine.

People hate or don't care about 3Dmark2003 because for one, it mainly tests the video card and not system performance plus it is much more of a true synthetic benchmark in that it is not a real world game that you play and it tests individual features rather than combine them like a game would.

Aquamark3 is one of the better benchmarks that don't directly test the game but the engine, although it isn't the best indicator for DX9 performance.

UT2004 is a good one, along with testing a number of other games. Variety is the best benchmark, we all agree on that. ;)

here my results (on my dell not the new pc i am building)


****, the link isn't working, what the hell
Ermmmm...maybe because the file is stored on your hard drive and not ours.
lol, well, it was on mozilla, didn't even read what i pasted