Are gamers intolerant?

You're playing online when someone mentions they're gay. You...

  • Are extra friendly to them.

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Say/Pretend you're also gay.

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Keep playing normally.

    Votes: 70 85.4%
  • Tease and make fun of him.

    Votes: 5 6.1%
  • Harrass him until he leaves/try to kick him.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gamers are haters cuz they are hated by other haters and it spreads like AIDS! Simple as that.
Erestheux said:
Honestly, if someone announces that they are gay in the middle of playing a game, and they are being serious, I would probably make fun of them in the way that NO ONE GIVES A SHIT.

I do similar things when people mention their "hot girlfriends" the fact that they are "smoking pot" and the inevitable "I just got drunk last night and fingered a girl!" Fact is, you're playing a game. No one gives a flying f*ck about your dumbass life.
Who cares? People's buisness is their buisness.
You know, I did the impossible...I managed to find a good CS source server...amazing huh?
gay people don't bother me, furries do. I make fun of furries at every oppertunity because I am a necessary bastion of intolerance and animosity.

but gay people, no problems.
Flyingdebris said:
gay people don't bother me, furries do. I make fun of furries at every oppertunity because I am a necessary bastion of intolerance and animosity.

but gay people, no problems.

Furries don't count.

I actually had to laugh the other day ... I find that more people who scream, "Gay! Fag!" etc and add nauseam are actually themselves ... closet gays.

Let's see, a number of my friends where, and even some of the Football players I used to ... ahem ... play with not being the right phrase, but played alongside of ... were. Gay. I loved it.

Some hot ones those were! >>
K e r b e r o s said:
I actually had to laugh the other day ... I find that more people who scream, "Gay! Fag!" etc and add nauseam are actually themselves ... closet gays.

Let's see, a number of my friends where, and even some of the Football players I used to ... ahem ... play with not being the right phrase, but played alongside of ... were. Gay. I loved it.

Some hot ones those were! >>

I dont get it ...are you coming out of the closet?
I don't think you could ever generalize gamers. Gamers are people who play games, and many people play games.
Stern, I've been out of the closet for quiet sometime. :D When did you forget? That was like in October of 2003.
actually I dont have a running tab as to who's gay and who's not :)

But in all seriousness, I think we can all agree about 90% of gamers are either afraid of gays or are gay themselves and don't realize it?
It depends. I used to hear that sort of junk all the time in CS and DOD, but I haven't heard it yet in BF2.
ack there is a furry amongst us! kill it with fire!

but actually its funny you mention the whole homophobe = closet gay because i've seen it in direct effect.

Back in middle school i was picked on by just about everyone because i was the geekiest geek to ever geek in my class. Most of the picking on was done by these 3 guys who's every other word was gay, fag, homo, etc etc

Fast forward to the end of highschool, there was a middleschool class reunion around this time. Unfortunately i didn't go as i hated almost my entire middleschool class. But some of my friends who had gone to the same highschool as me went. Turns out the terrible trio had turned gay at some point. As did a few other people in class. Completely caught me by surprise when i heard the news. I was all like, well shit, thats the most ironic thing i've ever heard.
Why would I care? I'd just say "So?" and not think twice about it.
tch tch tch, as a gamer you have to say "omglololgaybuttseckzkekekekewtfwallh4x"

by saying "so?" you violate the stereotype
Some_God said:
In my school, nobody would dare use it in an offensive manner... ass kicking is a great influence. :p
In my school, if you punch a kid you are expelled. Yet, we have a huge group of kids going around calling people gay, discussing things like "Bob shaved his legs." (Its gossip, made to annoy the target.), and they always gets into fights. They haven't got expelled because they are in a handicapped program. Is this normal? It's sure as hell annoying.
Fliko said:
discussing things like "Bob shaved his legs."

I bet chuck norris shaves his legs... less air resistance for when he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

LOL. OKay, I think chuck norris jokes suck, but I had to say that.
Why the hell would you say you're gay on a game? That doesn't have to do with anything gameplay wise, unless you're having an OT conversation in the middle of a CS match in which case I will harass/flame you for that itself.
falconwind said:
So, I got this idea from the post about the WoW discrimination.

Are gamers, in general, intolerant of sexuality?

Like, when someone says 'dude, you're gay' or 'that's so gay', are you really insulted by that? Or, do you think they should be really insulted? Or do you just laugh it off? Are you really thinking that there is something homosexual about it? Or do you just substitute "dude, that's ridiculous/stupid" with "dude, that's gay" without even thinking?

When we hear about nudity or scandily-clad girls in video games, we love it. No one is saying that you should have the same reaction to muscled guys in tanktops, but would you bury a game for it? Does this say more about us as gamers or simply as men (which the majority of gamers are).

If you're playing a game online, and someone, for whatever reason, let's it slip that their gay, would you care? Would you make fun of them? Would you try and kick and ban them? Would you wedge him into a corner or team kill him?

I only ask this, because, for all the 'dude you're gay' and 'this is so gay', I think there are a lot more gay gamers than people like to believe.

When I play a game, I play the game. I don't want to have a discussion about someone's sexual orientation - whatever it may be.