Are my temps too high?


Sep 23, 2003
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hi, ive just been running a system virus scan and then scanned my pc for spyware and then i checked my temperature and it was 59C. and i thought that was way too high, i had heard people say that u should start worrying or something wen it hits 60. i am using the basic hsf that came with my cpu. my specs are:

Gigabyte 8lK1100 mobo
intel p4 2.8ghz 800mhz fsb with ht technology
1024mb pc3200 ram
hercules 9800pro
120gig seagate HD ( SATA )

my average idle temp is aobut 41C. wots going on with my temp :s ?
Hmm main guess is that your mobo is reading your temps wrong...

Or your hsf is mounted incorrectly OR it just plain sucks ass. But i've never heard of a p4 hsf that makes the temps go that high, are you ocing?
no im running at stock, i saw it hit 60 but now its settled down at 40. it hink it was cos i was running a virus scan or something i dunno, but after the scan stopped it went back down. i think i need to pruchase a new cpu hsf. u got any recomendations?
59 isnt that high. Its not dangerous

Start to worry when its at 70, not 60.
Hmm I don't remember any names... been out from the whole Modding, Cooling and Xtreme hardware scene for about 4 months now.. but the bigger copper Zalmans were pretty good. But stay away from thermaltakes.
Definately go with copper if you're going with a traditional heat sink. I have a Thermal Take Volcano, it's really nice, three speed settings, all coper. I have it always running at medium speed, and it's fairly loud, but it dropped my temperatures to 24 C in the winter, 28 C in the summer, at idle.
I've noticed virus scans and spyware scanners and other programs like that do push the temps pretty high, considering what they actually do that is. Just high cpu use, if I do any radiosity in a 3D app it'll shoot up like that too (mostly Lightwave, the others don't go as high really)

I'd probably look into it though, 59C is pretty high for winter I guess.

Try running it with the case off, if your worried buy a 12inch deskfan, point it into the case and run it on low, providing you don't mind the noise it does a good enough job keeping things cool (I'm finding it does a better job than proper computer fans)

try here also I think that link works ok. Basically it should give you info on the temps your cpu should be at and what it shouldn't reach.
Also... how old is your computer? and are you a somoker?

Do you have any casefans?

If you're a smoker, do you smoke beside the comp?
alrite thanks, i was thinking of this one coolermaster jet 4 im not from the us but i chose to use newegg cos it was easy to find it. anyone know whether this is a good hsf?
Hmm the "blower" fan that is on it sucks, it provides virtually no airflow and is hella noisy + it cloggs with dust very easily, I would not go with it.
ok, i was writing that wen like 5 of u posted so i didnt get to dea wot u said till i posted it, i mite look into the vantec airflow and thermal take volcano.
no im not a smoker im 14 :p no one in my family smokes, that my parents no of anyway coughbrothercough. i have an exhaust fan and thats bought it i need to get some intake aswell. also the case it kinda cramped against the wall but im getting this real long desk soon and it will st on the desktop.
Willber123 said:
alrite thanks, i was thinking of this one coolermaster jet 4 im not from the us but i chose to use newegg cos it was easy to find it. anyone know whether this is a good hsf?

The copper on that one rocks, but the fan it self is poor go with the Aeroflow
Yeah the Vantec Aeroflow is one of the best hsfs.
hmm, it says the heatsink material is aluminium/copper. wot is it both or something?
wot type of temps are u getting with it? wot system u got?
Great copper, Great fan, Looks cool btw... All it needs it some Uv Reactive spray.. :cheers:
I don't have it... :| But my friend get's a 30c idle 38c active and overclocked a 2.8 to a 3.05
Also, remember that heatsinks can only do a good job of cooling if the air inside the case is cool. So make sure you have some nice case fans along with a nice heatsink, then you should be fine.

I would suggest one intake away from all your PC stuff, so it stays cool longer, and one fan blowing air out the back near the back of your PC. This should give plenty of airflow.
One more thing:
Try to put all your IDE cables out of the way, they obstruct airflow and can raise the temp a lot.
alrite thanks, also, does anyone know of any good pc hardware websites in the uk, i usually use but they dont have anything vantec.
41c idle to me is not good. people say it will run fine, but if my expensive equitment is doing that temps, im goig to go insane.
Well, most CPUs run hotter then 41 degress anyway, also your NB is most likely that temp right now...
hyenolie said:
41c idle to me is not good. people say it will run fine, but if my expensive equitment is doing that temps, im goig to go insane.

41c is good for an idle temp.....