Are Pirated versions ok if you own the original

I, personally, think it's alright givin the circumstance. I own The Sims 2, but my DVD drive died, so I can't use the DVD, so I downloaded the ISO and mounted it, and I can finally play the game I have already paid for. I wouldn't do it to a game that needs updates through a system or a platform *Steam* But I mean, I own the game, it's like Emulators and Roms. The law says, if you own the game, you can have the ROMs on your computer. Just my personal view, I doubt many have the same.
The thing is, while it may make you feel better about downloading it. The fact that you have an illegal copy on your PC means you still could be taken to court or fined. etc
You get the idea.

But you bought the rights to play the game and own it legally, correct?

All you'd have to do in court is present evidence that you own the game, if the above is true.
If you made the rom yourself.

Nah, to download and have on your PC...

It's a footnote that they have to put on their site. It's not illegal to host them, it's illegal for people to have them on their machine. That's why teh sites aren't in foreign countries where they can't get sued, they are right here in the USA..they can't be touched unless they have that footnote saying, "You can't download these ROMs unless you own the game in physical form"
Nah, to download and have on your PC...

It's a footnote that they have to put on their site. It's not illegal to host them, it's illegal for people to have them on their machine. That's why teh sites aren't in foreign countries where they can't get sued, they are right here in the USA..they can't be touched unless they have that footnote saying, "You can't download these ROMs unless you own the game in physical form"
In america its not even legal to make your own rom backups let alone download or distribute them.
I think if your good enough to find them, you should be able to download ANYTHING what you want..

Although I do think there are games that absolutely DESERVE to be bought (HL2, Oblivion, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3)..

Unless the game is old, and stores don't sell it anymore.. (System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Elder Scrolls 1 and 2), if that's the case, then it should be downloaded.
The law says, if you own the game, you can have the ROMs on your computer. Just my personal view, I doubt many have the same.

Does that mean, if you own the game and console, but the console is damaged (or a certain sister somehow lost both the expansion pak and jumper pak), you can still play them via ROMs?
If I go and steal a copy of HL2 from a store\you is that ok even if I own a copy of HL2?

No it isn't. While you may be thinking that is an incorrect comparision, it is very correct. Just because stealing from a store is physical material and stealing from the internet is not, it still is the same.

WTF? No it's not the same. It's different because the store has paid for their stock of the game and if someone steals the game they lose the cost price of the game. If you download a copy of a game you already own, it's not 'stealing from the internet', because no-one is losing out on anything. Your comparision is bull, sorry.
WTF? No it's not the same. It's different because the store has paid for their stock of the game and if someone steals the game they lose the cost price of the game. If you download a copy of a game you already own, it's not 'stealing from the internet', because no-one is losing out on anything. Your comparision is bull, sorry.

While it may not be 'theft', copyright infringement I still think it can be very similar (morally) to petty theft.

The one who owns the copyright chooses what they want done with their work. Even downloading games that are not in stores any more, that could still be infringing on the copyright. It depends if the copyright has expired and is in the public domain yet.

With that said, I'm sure we've all pirated something before. Yo ho!
If I go and steal a copy of HL2 from a store\you is that ok even if I own a copy of HL2?

No it isn't. While you may be thinking that is an incorrect comparision, it is very correct. Just because stealing from a store is physical material and stealing from the internet is not, it still is the same. Stealing Data and Stealing Physical Material is just as bad. While you may have a copy of the Data, the Data you are downloading doesn't belong to you.

If he owns the game, valve isn't going to lose money, because they're not really losing a customer to piracy. He paid for the game, therefore valve has already got his money, he is one of their customers.
you dont own the game, you own a license to one copy of the game, not an indefinite amount of copies of the game
WTF? No it's not the same. It's different because the store has paid for their stock of the game and if someone steals the game they lose the cost price of the game. If you download a copy of a game you already own, it's not 'stealing from the internet', because no-one is losing out on anything. Your comparision is bull, sorry.

Or you could look at it like this:

- You steal the game from a shop, the creators still get their well-deserved cash.
- You steal the game from the internet, the creators lose out on their well-deserved cash.
Or you could look at it like this:

- You steal the game from a shop, the creators still get their well-deserved cash.
- You steal the game from the internet, the creators lose out on their well-deserved cash.

God, do you even understand what we're talking about? The guy already owns the game. He has already given them their well-deserved cash. So wtf has what you've said got to do with it, you muppet?
WTF? No it's not the same. It's different because the store has paid for their stock of the game and if someone steals the game they lose the cost price of the game. If you download a copy of a game you already own, it's not 'stealing from the internet', because no-one is losing out on anything. Your comparision is bull, sorry.
We're arn't talking about loosing out on something we are talking about the law.

If he owns the game, valve isn't going to lose money, because they're not really losing a customer to piracy. He paid for the game, therefore valve has already got his money, he is one of their customers.
So? It's the law man. Plus he is talking about downloading ILLEGAL CONTENT. ILLEGAL CONTENT. Hmm..I wonder... is downloading illegal content illegal?

He is talking about downloading a pirated version. A version that runs without Steam. Not an ISO File contaning all the GCF files.
If you think the law is the same thing as morality, you're a fool.
It's up to individuals to decide what they can live with. If they determine they are not causing any harm, (which he wouldn't do by doing what he's talking about) the law can take a hike.
- You steal the game from the internet, the creators lose out on their well-deserved cash.

Not true in this case. He paid Valve for the game already. Meaning valve wouldn't lose a penny if the original poster went through with his "aquiring" of the game. Valve is my favorite developer and I always buy their top notch Half-Life games, but if I was the original poster I would not shell out another 50 bucks again either. Valve has his money and if you ask me he is morally (obviously not legally) entitled to "get" the game. Valve is not harmed in any of this process
If you think the law is the same thing as morality, you're a fool.
It's up to individuals to decide what they can live with. If they determine they are not causing any harm, (which he wouldn't do by doing what he's talking about) the law can take a hike.

Arguably the most true quote in this topic.
We're arn't talking about loosing out on something we are talking about the law.

So? It's the law man. Plus he is talking about downloading ILLEGAL CONTENT. ILLEGAL CONTENT. Hmm..I wonder... is downloading illegal content illegal?

He is talking about downloading a pirated version. A version that runs without Steam. Not an ISO File contaning all the GCF files.

Games are illegal content?