Are there any legal stimulants one can acquire to help concentration?


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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Are there any stimulants I can purchase from somewhere that could help my terrible concentration??

Caffiene in tablet form is an idea, but I think it makes things worse..

edit: I don't wish to go and get diagnosed with ADHD/ADD because I'm worried about having anything negative on my somewhat positive medical record.
Well, theres a bunch you can get with a prescription obviously, but as for over the counter, im not sure of any good ones.

I remember seeing a commercial for Focus Factor, but tbh i wouldn't take those if you paid me
Soma? Wait, that was from a book.....melange? Soylent green?
Go to boots, look at vitamin supplements and get Barroca. I've started having one a day since last week, it gives you a slight energy boost that lasts throughout the day, not just for an hour that caffeine would give you at most.
Ritalin has a gayload of side effects, and is unobtainable without prescription.

Go to boots, look at vitamin supplements and get Barroca. I've started having one a day since last week, it gives you a slight energy boost that lasts throughout the day, not just for an hour that caffeine would give you at most.

I'm listening... :p
eat more fish, get more sleep, and try reading as it forces you to concentrate ....drugs are NOT the answer (I cant believe I just said that)
eat more fish, get more sleep, and try reading as it forces you to concentrate ....drugs are NOT the answer (I cant believe I just said that)

I'm doing all those (except fish, I don't like any seafood D: )
I have chosen to completely change my lifestyle for the better, this just so happens to include good drugs. I am changing my diet and excercise habits, too.

I have decided that ginkgo biloba extract is ideal. Safe and natural.
Berroca basicaly contains alot of Minerals and Vitamins, hundreds of percent greater than your RDA this gives your whole health a boost.
I'm doing all those (except fish, I don't like any seafood D: )

what? you're from an island can you not like seafood? anyways fish is high in omega 3 which helps concentration
Id like to try those Solaris but I don't think they sell them in the US, do you know of anything similar?
Go to boots, look at vitamin supplements and get Barroca. I've started having one a day since last week, it gives you a slight energy boost that lasts throughout the day, not just for an hour that caffeine would give you at most.

I use Berocca too. Awesome stuff.
Hmm Berocca sounds interesting. I have an exam tomorrow afternoon so I'll run down to Boots in the morning and grab a pack.
Are there any stimulants I can purchase from somewhere that could help my terrible concentration??

Caffiene in tablet form is an idea, but I think it makes things worse..

edit: I don't wish to go and get diagnosed with ADHD/ADD because I'm worried about having anything negative on my somewhat positive medical record.

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid. I was given Dexedrine, a type of amphetamine, to solve the problem. I remember actually acquiring the Dexedrine was difficult, requiring lots of verification from doctors, as I think it is a controlled substance.

I too find that exercising increases my alertness throughout the day. Sitting at home all day makes me drowsy, sluggish, and irritable.
Berroca basicaly contains alot of Minerals and Vitamins, hundreds of percent greater than your RDA this gives your whole health a boost.

Ah, you sound like an advert. Well i'm sold. :)
Read some books ya hippie.
marijuana :)

only if he's interested in what he's trying to concentrate on

i can map for eight hours straight if i'm high the whole time but i can't read a math textbook for more than 20 seconds
I thought this thread was

'Are there any legal stimulants one can acquire to help contraception

Screw the thread title, what cool legal drugs can I try during the summer?
Ive heard stuff about herbal weed sorta stuff etc
I heard if you take poisonous mushrooms out in the forest and eat them in large quanities you get hyper stoned... or die