End of the road...

I actually sighed when I saw the thread had been updated fearing the worst :(

I'm really sorry.
A sigh pretty much covers it, yeah.

I just...don't know what to say to anyone about anything at the moment, I just don't have it in me to talk. Staring into space is basically it for me at the moment.
Thanks guys, I'll give you a shout in the near future Stern. Much appreciated.
I'm sorry to hear that man. :(
Take care.
I'm really sorry for your loss. My only advice for the funeral is to stay as quiet as you can and bottle it up, and let it out when you get home. Stay strong.
Major respect to you RepiV and I'm terribly sorry. I know I would'nt be able to cope with it all on my own. We are all here for you bud. Just keep on trucking.
What I can't stand is that I'm not sitting here wrecked with grief and sadness. In some way, it's actually kind of a relief to finally have a resolution to the situation when this has been hanging over our heads for so long. I feel like I should be in terrible pain right now, but I'm not. Maybe it's because I've already gone through the grieving process and accepted things for what they are - the person I knew and loved left us quite some time ago.

Not to sound rude, but this is going to hit you like a ****ing train wreck one night.

Sorry about you're mother repiV. :wierdcaringinternet-hug:
I sorry to hear that repiV. :( It's a terrible thing to experience fs...but you seem to be taking it well. Good for you.

Coincidentially, my mother just travelled Las Vegas, Nevada to be with her mother who lives there not long ago, as she was just diagnosed with two different types of cancer. (Some kind of lung cancer and a malignant growth on her neck)

Things aren't going so well and it looks like my grandmother is not long for this world. My mother is having a very difficult time coping with this, as it is just as emotionally draining as it is physically.

There's nothing I have to say that others haven't already said, but good luck to you and you family. I hope you pull through these emotionally difficult times, and I wish your mother a safe journey.
Holy shit :( I only just noticed this thread. I'm sorry man, you've really had a tough life, and so has she. Hang on there.
Sorry about your loss repiV. Losing a person close to you is one of the most difficult things in the world.
I hope you manage to come through it all ok.
A sigh pretty much covers it, yeah.

I just...don't know what to say to anyone about anything at the moment, I just don't have it in me to talk. Staring into space is basically it for me at the moment.
Thanks guys, I'll give you a shout in the near future Stern. Much appreciated.

Whatever you do you should just keep moving on though, I did that and it worked for me in time.

My Mom grieved about my Stepdad's death for a longtime and it wrecked her, and it wasn't 'till she moved on she starting getting better.
I am so sorry, mate. :( I just hope your friends are standing by you. You'll need them right now. My deepest sympathies and condolences to your family.
;( <3 Your thread post even made me teary..
Theres nothing worse than have a family member on deaths door and not being to do anything about it. My grandmother went from being fine to being in the ICU in a matter of days. Hospice was used in the last few days and she ended up dying the day I went to college. It was pretty rough on all of us and I suspect my mother was holding back alot to try and appear strong.

Sorry for your loss but im glad to hear she isnt suffering anymore.
You're a trooper, Rep, don't get down on yourself. Losing a loved one is never easy. Hope things start looking brighter for you soon.
Thanks all. Much appreciated.

I'm really sorry for your loss. My only advice for the funeral is to stay as quiet as you can and bottle it up, and let it out when you get home. Stay strong.

I think I'm expected to be giving some kind of speech at the funeral. Which I would really like to do, but only if I can manage to do so with composure and dignity. Not sure about that one.
From where I'm standing at the moment, the funeral is a really shitty ritual. I mean, we're doing alright at the moment, why do they have to go and ruin it with an hour of highly concentrated sadness? :hmph:
This period seems like a bit of a limbo, like we don't have to accept it yet because we haven't had the funeral. Calm before the storm kinda thing. We've actually had a really enjoyable evening watching Armageddon and Family Guy episodes.

Whatever you do you should just keep moving on though, I did that and it worked for me in time.

My Mom grieved about my Stepdad's death for a longtime and it wrecked her, and it wasn't 'till she moved on she starting getting better.

Absolutely. I spent five or six years utterly depressed by the fact that I couldn't become a fighter pilot due to my medical condition (and frequently deluding myself into believing that they would actually give me a chance if only I worked hard enough at it), which is the only thing I have ever wanted to do with my life. Life got a whole lot better when I just got over it though. Now I have bikes as a substitute, and TBH if it was a choice between flying the Eurofighter for a living or having motorcycles in my life, it would be a really tough decision. There's always a way onwards and upwards in life, you just have to look for it instead of holding onto the past.

I am so sorry, mate. :( I just hope your friends are standing by you. You'll need them right now. My deepest sympathies and condolences to your family.

Thanks. :thumbs:
Unfortunately most of my friends have been pretty shit lately, after I smashed up my leg real bad last year most of them couldn't be bothered to visit me anymore after a while. Not even my biker buddies, the people I would have expected to understand. I like to think if any of them had a serious accident, I'd visit them at every opportunity. I talk to my friend Glenn every few days but the rest of them are basically like, call me when you're fit enough to get on the back of a bike and we'll take you for a ride. I haven't told any of them about this. They let me down bigtime.
They came round a month or so back, was supposed to just be Glenn and a couple of the guys and we were going to go to the pub, but no - a dozen bikes turn up outside my house, they stay for five minutes and chat and then go off for a ride. I was angry as **** all day, and I haven't spoken to them since.
Fortunately my best friend and his boyfriend who now live in Exeter have coincidentally been up visiting this week, so I've spent quite a bit of time with them. Real friends - they're rare. Rare and great.
And a girl from down the road I went out with a couple of times recently sent me a text saying if I need anything then she's always there for me. Which is nice, she's a good person but I stopped making contact with her after she started playing mindgame bullshit with me after a great second date.
I'm not sure if I'm making friends with the wrong people, or if people are just generally shit. Oh well. I had a long chat with my mum's oldest friend Jackie earlier, who moved to Australia 28 years ago. She offered to fly us all out there for a holiday, which is lovely.

Theres nothing worse than have a family member on deaths door and not being to do anything about it. My grandmother went from being fine to being in the ICU in a matter of days. Hospice was used in the last few days and she ended up dying the day I went to college. It was pretty rough on all of us and I suspect my mother was holding back alot to try and appear strong.

Sorry for your loss but im glad to hear she isnt suffering anymore.

Thank you. It's never easy. You know what though, hospices are just amazing places staffed by amazing people. What they've done for us has been brilliant, I don't know if you had the same experience.

At the end of the day, death is the only guarantee in life. I've got it pretty damn easy really, kids in Africa no doubt lose their parents at a much younger age in much more tragic circumstances, with very little support.
It's hard to see the sense in it all though. It's like someone just rolled the dice and decided she was going to suffer and die. There's no rhyme or reason behind it; it just is. Times like this really make you think about whether there's any kind of afterlife. It'd be nice to think she's sitting with her brother and father, waiting for when the rest of the family comes to join them. Consciousness doesn't make any sense to me on a purely physical level, so who knows.
Even though I'm always at a loss for words at these moments remember that there's always this place for you to visit.

Stay strong, man. If at times you feel lost, just look around you and remember all the good things life has to give you.
damn RepiV i feel for you :(

My sister died 5 years back of liver cancer. Was painful to see her like that. Took me some time to get on with the show. But whats importants is to look forward, if just it was as easy as it sounds.

Damn repiV.... damn. I'm no good at comforting words. I just hope you pull through.

My prayers go out to your family.

My mom had to go through this last May. my grandpa had a stroke and was sent to the hospital. He showed signs of improvement and was moved to an assisted care facility. However, he suffered another major stroke and was put on life support.

My grandpa said in his will that he didn't want to be kept alive by artificial means. He appointed my mom some time ago to take care of his estate and his representative. Well, the only way the doctors could take him off of life support was that they had to have papers signed by my mom authorizing them to take him off.

It was horrible having to see her do that. I can't imagine ever having to do that, having to decide to end your own dad's life.

Shoot, i am crying just thinking of this. ;(
Thanks all.

Even though I'm always at a loss for words at these moments remember that there's always this place for you to visit.

Stay strong, man. If at times you feel lost, just look around you and remember all the good things life has to give you.

damn RepiV i feel for you :(

My sister died 5 years back of liver cancer. Was painful to see her like that. Took me some time to get on with the show. But whats importants is to look forward, if just it was as easy as it sounds.

I'm sorry to hear that. She was quite young I take it? :|
I fully intend on living in the manner you guys have just described. I know from past experience that dwelling on what could/should have been instead of getting on with life is a totally self-destructive way of thinking that doesn't accomplish anything. I'm very proud of her, the life she lived, and the way she dealt with the ultimate challenge in life, so that's what counts. I hope she understood that. We all have to die sometime; surely it's not the length of your life that matters, but the value of the life you lead. People aren't going to remember you for whether you lived to be 30, 50 or 80, they'll remember you for what you accomplished.
I try not to take life too seriously. It seems to make basically everything easier.

My prayers go out to your family.

My mom had to go through this last May. my grandpa had a stroke and was sent to the hospital. He showed signs of improvement and was moved to an assisted care facility. However, he suffered another major stroke and was put on life support.

My grandpa said in his will that he didn't want to be kept alive by artificial means. He appointed my mom some time ago to take care of his estate and his representative. Well, the only way the doctors could take him off of life support was that they had to have papers signed by my mom authorizing them to take him off.

It was horrible having to see her do that. I can't imagine ever having to do that, having to decide to end your own dad's life.

Shoot, i am crying just thinking of this. ;(

That's horrible. :(