Are there any zombie type games


Sep 12, 2003
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I have always wanted to play a game where to gun down loads of zombies but I never liked resident evil games because of the controls and camera angles but are there any zombie games or zombie mods for games out there?
Silent Hill 3 is on PC, which I hear is pretty cool and pretty scary.. Also, Hunter the Reckoning is on Xbox/PS2 (i think).. which fits your discription perfectly..
Hmmmm... Gunning Down Loads Of Zombies...

Eureka! <Snaps Fingers>

Have you tried the original Doom? Or Doom II?
Some guy told me Painkiller's alpha sucked!!
I hope the game is better.
Well he beat me to Silent Hill. Theres also the house of the dead series if you got a console. Especially fun if you have one of those guns for console. Called a gun con or somethin? There was also a mod for Unreal Tournament 2003 that was a FPS zombie game. Its called Infection. Its kinda short though. Personally, I would just recomend the silent hill series, above all its one of the best horror games ever.
Do you know how to make maps for halflife? Many times have i made a level with literally hundreds of zombies spawning. Its great doing it in opposiing force, and some fo the mods. Theres something about using a shotgun to kill them that...that just feels so right.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Do you know how to make maps for halflife? Many times have i made a level with literally hundreds of zombies spawning. Its great doing it in opposiing force, and some fo the mods. Theres something about using a shotgun to kill them that...that just feels so right.

Mainly the power of the shottie.. just pressing against your body after releasing a big, fat, slug.. erm.. :rolling:

How did you make hundreds spawn? Did you have to have them all spawn in different places as you walked there?
Wrong topic Farrowlesparrow

And Crimsonland sucks Blazekun.
That's a good idea. You want zombies? Make an HL: OpFor map with loads of attacking zombies spwaning and you with a squad of marines in the center fighting them off.
Zombies? SHotgun? Nice, but I prefer the SAW.
That Painkiller game looks awesome! Looks as if they've used some sort of Source Code aswell...
Frank said:
That Painkiller game looks awesome! Looks as if they've used some sort of Source Code aswell...

Its called Havok :)
Sprafa said:
Wrong topic Farrowlesparrow

And Crimsonland sucks Blazekun.

Wrong topic in what way exactly?

Jhahn2k4 said:
Mainly the power of the shottie.. just pressing against your body after releasing a big, fat, slug.. erm.. :rolling:

How did you make hundreds spawn? Did you have to have them all spawn in different places as you walked there?

Anyway, i didnt have them all spawning at the same time, because thet would simply lag the computer to madenss. I made a map where you arrived at a military base in the back of a truck. You get to the gates (You can only see out the back so you dont know whats happened yet and i made it so you cannot move other than look around)) and the truck stops. The driver makes a comment about something bad thats happened, then drives onward into the base. after turning a few corners, you hear a loud noise and some soldiers come running out of a doorway screaming, then a garg smashes through the wall and kills the soldiers. The garg then turnes towards you and starts to chase you. Of course, you cant do much other than sit there. (i was going to have it so you could shoot but it was difficult to fit in with everything.) The truck smahes through several fences and eventually drives into a garage where it hits the wall. You are knocked out and when you awak you see a medic standing over you trying to help. You black out again and the next time you wake up, you are on your feet with our gun in hand. You notice that the garage door is closed, if not a little battered by the garg. Trapped inside the building the soldiers discuss whats going on and decide to move out. Since the garg can still be heard outside, you leave by the back door which leads to another building. *This is getting annoying to type out so il jump over this part a little* Basically, you travel through this building discovering zombies all over the base. You find a...thing, that you assume must have caused the people to start turning to zombies (its not, its actually just something that atrracts the zombies. Created to trap them The zombies werent meant to be known about by everyone on the base, that is why you only find out about them when you arrive). Anyway, for some reason yout ake it with you..yes its a story that needs work. You go through the base a bit more, trying to find a safe way to the radio room where you can call for backup while also searching for more soldiers. You get to the radio room and call for support. They tell you one hour. At this point you look out the window to see a whole load of zombies heading your way (not realising they are atracted by the object), so you make your way across to the vehicle bay. Unfortuantely most of the vehicles are either gone or destoyed. Only one humvee is functioning with a gun (This is where i had a problem. I wanted the features of Spirit of halflife where turrets could be set to shoot your enemies, and also move with stuff. There were also going to be sentries but they just shot at you and the soldiers) Anyway, it blacks out while things get "set up", for example claymores (I faked these by just using a func_explosion and a button) So this is the point where you really start mashing zombies as they come pouring out of buildings. The humvee contains some weapons and there is a rack in the adjacent room with shotguns on it. You blast zombies for a while, and all is well untill you see the garg. The garg comes round a corner and does a little stretch and scream. All is lost when suddenly....BOOM a tank comes round the corner (fakes, its a train and i used sprites etc to make it look like it was shooting) and blows the thing to hell. You hear an osprey come flying over and it drops off some men, trucks arive and although you dont really play an active part, the clean up commences. You hear lots of shooting etc. And thats basically it.

Unfortunately, i lost the map when my harddrive broke so im going to remake it. Although this time im going to do it in svencoop 3 which has some great features i want to take advatage of. The minigun being high on the list :D

(Talk about a long post)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wrong topic in what way exactly?

Sorry but it was too late when I realized I was wrong (15 minute limit)
Hmm zombies eh ?

Download They Hunger, its a fun little HL mod.

kill zombies and improve your typing at the same time! Waht more could you want??

yes they hunger is a good zombie mod for hl. Also, if u get sven coop, download the map RE1 which is inspired be resident evil and theres a minigame in it called "zombie slaughter" which is just the spawning of zombies in a mansion where u have a minigun and blow away zombie after zombie for AS LONG AS U WANT! MUHAHAHAHAHAHahaha... haha.... heh.... *cough* k i'm done
GPRT said:

kill zombies and improve your typing at the same time! Waht more could you want??


Haha, I have typing of the dead, it actually does help your typing, I can type 45 w/pm thanks to it.

maybe more now, it's been a while since I played it.