Are there gonna be cutscenes in HL2?

Grey Fox said:
I may only have an I.Q. of 118...

Your posts don't convince me of that.


Well, you've stated on numerous occasions that Half-Life suffered because of its lack of cutscenes, therefore implying that HL2 should have them. If I'm mistaken about this, please correct me.

You people act as if you lived in a cave before playing hl1, just go and watch some good movies or play other games, and you'll see that hl1 has a crappy story compared to them

Oh, like the MGS games?

Newsflash, buddy. Their stories and plot twists eventually got so ridiculous and stupid that I felt like hammering my face in with a jackhammer. The games shot themselves in the feet with a nuke because of that.

HL1 did not have an amazing story, but it's presentation was excellent. And despite the cliched concept, the plot twists did catch me by surprise, the situation slowly became more convoluted, and I was always yearning for answers through my suspense. That's far better than being drowned in the sea of cutscenes that the MGS games threw at me.

I don't need cutscenes to reward myself. Half-Life satisfied me just fine. Now that is an achievement.
Crazy ass cutscenes?

"Gordon, I am your rectum. Give me tranquilisers- I should NOT be talking. It's not natural. It is crazy, in fact."

No, I'd have to disagree, that would freak me the hell out. Not to mention it should be muffled by the HEV suit unless it has its own personal audio speaker. Maybe that's another game feature- your aux power continually drains unless you can find a way of stopping your ass from talking.

I think I'm looking too far into this again. Weee.
Edcrab said:
"Gordon, I am your rectum. Give me tranquilisers- I should NOT be talking. It's not natural. It is crazy, in fact."

lol go watch naked lunch.
or read William Burroughs.
Gordon, I am your rectum. Give me tranquilisers- I should NOT be talking. It's not natural. It is crazy, in fact

well yeah if thats your imagination of crazy cut scene.

Any game can have a brilliant story with several hours of FMV, but HL impressed me simply by taking what little it had (I mean really, aliens, military coverup, not exactly original) and creating one of the best games ever. That's interactivity for you...

yeah hl2 will still have that, but i'd like it if there was a nice cutscene at the end of the game.
Theres no cutscenes and thats wat makes hl2 different from any other first person shooter.
Yeppers,. that is part of the fundimental philosphy of VALVE to make Half-Life as unlike a game as possible,. and more an interactive, immersive experience.

This was aparent to me after playing the original HL demo.

Anyone who wants cut scenes jus doesnt 'get it'
cut scenes are by no means a bad thing.

But its alot more fun to be apart of the cutscene then to watch it
bizzy420 said:
yeah hl2 will still have that, but i'd like it if there was a nice cutscene at the end of the game.
Well, anything involving the g-man will be equivalent of the coolest of cutscenes.
The ending of HL was kind of a cutscene, but you could still walk around and try to jump on everything...
ok, i just looked at the first few replies, and the last few...

please tell me there aren't 4 pages of people saying "there are no cutscenes in hl2"
No offense intended, but people might take you a little more seriously if you at least made some attempt at using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. There is no speed contest going on. You can run your post through your word processor if you need help on the spelling. (Most will even check the grammar for you.)

Grey Fox said:
Wow, if you think that way you could even say that a general episode of teletubies has a really good story with a lot of twists,
listen my main point of critisizm was that hl didn't really reward me for my progression, it wasn't as if if a playde the game at a certain point i would find out something shocking or so.
in you're example where you state that the goverment trying to kill you is a plottwist, well its not a good one, I mean at a certain time in the geme you come a cross a bunch of soliders that wan't to kill and thats it, it would have been nice if you could find like a wounded soldier that would tell .....slim
One of the coolest parts in Half-life is the silo door.
"For God's sake! Open the silo doors they're coming for us it's our only way out!"
That felt like a cutscene but it was still in a first person view.
and u look through the window and see barney fighting the zombie in the vent :D (if im thinking correctly)
cut scenes dont fit into half-life. Half-life games sticks to the "first person perspective" moniker better than any other game in the genre.
Actually, even those parts of HL1 where you lose control of the game and some other things happen, Like the soldiers dragging him away and such, are NOT cutscenes.

Cutscenes are when the camera view changes from one perspective to another (actually it' not quite that either, but I don't want to quibble). Therefore, only if the camera were to leave Gordon's point of view would a "cutscene" take place.

In General, though, that kind of thing doesn't happen and you retain control of Grodon for pretty much the entirety of the game.
The player shouldn't be rewarded by a story advancement, he should part of that advancement. Passively watching the plot evolve completely removes any emotional tension or excitement. In HL2 you will have to deal with things when the shit hits the fan.