Are you a killer? Am I?


Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Of all the endless hours playing games we have all killed many humans, creatures, toasters, and other things. Sometimes weve done nothing but kill all day. Does this make us expert killers? The number of humans I've killed proabably racks up into the millions. Its all good fun but then some person who doesnt play games comes by and asks, "how can you just sit there and kill people day after day?" Are we sadistic bastards who get our thrills out of killing or do some people just need to stfu?
Have you ever tried to fire a rifle in real life?
Yes an m16. Had to shoot it under military supervision. I got marksman award too. It wasnt too hard though only half the people that were noobs didnt get the top award. Recoil wasn't as bad as I thought.
Ok. Which targets did you fire at? What was the wind direction? Did you have to fire at long range targets? If yes, did you check your chart for the correct changes to your aiming height? Make sure you looked at it for the right calibre. Did your weapon jam? Were you shot at? Was stuff exploding around you?

Just to show you that we are not people trained in the art of war, we are civilians and we're screwed if we have to fight against a trained army :p
I know how to conduct myself in a battle situation. I play airsoft all the time with guys who have been in the military and know all the tactics. Everything was pretty easy at the range and no ive never been shot at by real weapons. Im pretty sure I would stand a damn good chance against some terrorist or noob with a gun. A trained army though? Chances are I would probably die. Maybe I'd get a few though.
I am not a killer, are you? :p

RL killing differs greatly from non-RL killing. For one, unrealistic and cartoony ragdolls make things seem more fun... but is it the same thing in RL? Nope, blood and guts are repulsive as well as the pure feeling of shooting and killing someone and basically taking a life. Shooting people in games = fun, shooting people in RL = not so fun.
I know that man! I was talking about the people who actually do call us killers to point out how ridiculous they are. Im not saying we are killers but there are many who say we are.
Well.. I wouldn't say we are expert killers, but were probably better at killing than if we didn't play games, like I know how to reload various guns, but without games I'd probably be slower at it.. I can also kick ass at a "bat" fight.. Me and my friends sometimes get random weapons (crowbars, bats, fishing poles, ect.), and we "sword fight", not jokingly either, fishing poles really hurt, anyways, I pwn them regularly. So games to train us to an extent (a small extent). We are probably better at tactics and strategies too (thanks BF2).
I know how to conduct myself in a battle situation. I play airsoft all the time with guys who have been in the military and know all the tactics. Everything was pretty easy at the range and no ive never been shot at by real weapons. Im pretty sure I would stand a damn good chance against some terrorist or noob with a gun. A trained army though? Chances are I would probably die. Maybe I'd get a few though.
Good for you! :p

Now, have you ever killed someone?
Ok. Which targets did you fire at? What was the wind direction? Did you have to fire at long range targets? If yes, did you check your chart for the correct changes to your aiming height? Make sure you looked at it for the right calibre. Did your weapon jam? Were you shot at? Was stuff exploding around you?

You are right. And in addition, most of the people don't know where to aim when they are targeting at a distant running object in reality.
If people are really worried about trained killers, their attention should be focused on kids who get rifles for thier birthdays and go hunting with their dads.
You shoot at someone in airsoft they usually drop to the ground and call themselves out. You shoot at someone with a real gun and they fall to the ground with blood coming out and die if hit bad. So basically death is the only difference. Plus you would not have to get as close to kill them with a real gun. If they are running? Just lead your iron sight a little ahead of the direction they are running.
You shoot at someone in airsoft they usually drop to the ground and call themselves out. You shoot at someone with a real gun and they fall to the ground with blood coming out and die if hit bad. So basically death is the only difference.
Then you are not a killer.

Thread finished. :p
Damn I need to get better at making titles this was stupid. I didnt mean to make this the topic of discussion. I already know I'm not a killer I was just talkin about the people who think we are killers. Anyway I'm just waiting until Dark Messiah finishes downloading.
correct aiming
Well anyway lets say we are not killers. But if you took all the people of and made and army with each having an m16 and then another army made up of lawyers equal in numbers and they also had m16s who do you think would win. Im guessing army.
Well anyway lets say we are not killers. But if you took all the people of and made and army with each having an m16 and then another army made up of lawyers equal in numbers and they also had m16s who do you think would win. Im guessing army.
Yeah because we have a boatload of BF2 addicts :p

Unless all the Lawyers are clones of Angry Lawyer. They would bundle their energy into a CONCENTRATED BEAM OF AWESOMENESS and slice us all in half.
People who believe that playing videogames makes them more proficient with firearms and military tactics seriously need to grow up.
People who believe that playing videogames makes them more proficient with firearms and military tactics seriously need to grow up.


"So, I pull this thing on the side... and shoot?"

"No, you retard! *whacks head with clipboard* undo the safety first."

"It didn't have that in CS...."

*whacks head again*
People who believe that playing videogames makes them more proficient with firearms and military tactics seriously need to grow up.

Quit that flaming. That point has already been established. And if you think im not "proficient" I say to you, "BRING IT ON" I'll duel you... Regular rifles only no snipers or mgs ass.
We need to have a deathmatch with SMGs sooner or later irl.
Quit that flaming. That point has already been established. And if you think im not "proficient" I say to you, "BRING IT ON" I'll duel you.

My point isn't to say that you don't know how to shoot. Hell, if you said you did I missed it because I didn't read the posts after yours. My point is that playing video games in no way teaches you the first thing about going into combat and anyone who thinks differently seriously needs to grow up.
Get everyone together and we will form the army of We could go take over Mexico.

My point isn't to say that you don't know how to shoot. Hell, if you said you did I missed it because I didn't read the posts after yours. My point is that playing video games in no way teaches you the first thing about going into combat and anyone who thinks differently seriously needs to grow up.

that is true. Video games at the most could just help you with reaction time and possibly aiming but a real battle is a lot different.
Sure, videogames desensitize us to violence, and we probably all know how to load and eject a magazine from a gun, but do we know the first thing about zeroing the sights on a rifle, applying proper trigger pressure or adjusting our aim for wind, air density or humidity? What about learning how to shoot while moving? Do you know the right way to assault a room and clear it of targets?

The truth is that even if you did know those things, without some type of military training you'd lock up the instant someone started shooting at you. Hell, it even happens to some soldiers who've had that training and experience. But I'm sorry, this is, the place where gamers learn everything there is to know about going into combat from playing Counterstrike...
Ya right. The Pope would uber hax us with his Secret Nazi Emperor Palpetine chain lightning of death.

Thus proving my theory that the Pope is evil and Vatican City must be annexed for the good of mankind.
Sure, videogames desensitize us to violence, and we probably all know how to load and eject a magazine from a gun, but do we know the first thing about zeroing the sights on a rifle, or adjusting our aim for wind, air density or humidity? What about learning how to shoot while moving? Do you know the right way to assault a room and clear it of targets?

The truth is that even if you did know those things, without some type of military training you'd lock up the instant someone started shooting at you. Hell, it even happens to some soldiers who've had that training and experience. But I'm sorry, this is, the place where gamers learn everything there is to know about going into combat from playing Counterstrike.

There a probably a good score of us who have had other training with a rifle. Who have learned military tactics. No how to give proper cover and manuever in a squad. From just Counter Strike you probably can't learn much but there are some gamers who are good with weapons in real life. BTW my friend who is in the air force says they play CS at the base.
I... thought... Venezuela...
madog will try to take that over when we're done with Mexico.


There a probably a good score of us who have had other training with a rifle. Who have learned military tactics. No how to give proper cover and manuever in a squad. From just Counter Strike you probably can't learn much but there are some gamers who are good with weapons in real life. BTW my friend who is in the air force says they play CS at the base.
I don't know about you Americans, but here in Europe, it's not really obvious that youngsters learn military tactics and how to fire a rifle. All the tactics and information I know are from video games and websites :p
Difference for me being I have absolutely no interest in guns in real life at all.. I would never even want to be trained with them. However I wtfpwn borgasm in CSS.
Difference for me being I have absolutely no interest in guns in real life at all.. I would never even want to be trained with them. However I wtfpwn borgasm in CSS.
I want a less-than-lethal shotgun if I ever open a shop. Some nub thief would get pwnt in the nuts big time.
Sure, videogames desensitize us to violence, and we probably all know how to load and eject a magazine from a gun, but do we know the first thing about zeroing the sights on a rifle, applying proper trigger pressure or adjusting our aim for wind, air density or humidity? What about learning how to shoot while moving? Do you know the right way to assault a room and clear it of targets?

The truth is that even if you did know those things, without some type of military training you'd lock up the instant someone started shooting at you. Hell, it even happens to some soldiers who've had that training and experience. But I'm sorry, this is, the place where gamers learn everything there is to know about going into combat from playing Counterstrike...
All right I think you need to calm down a bit :p We all know that we'd fail miserably in a real combat situation. But you can't tell me that I haven't learned anything about guns since I started playing video games.