Are you a nerd?

Do people think your a nerd? or even do you think it?

  • YES

    Votes: 65 54.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 34 28.6%
  • No Comment

    Votes: 9 7.6%
  • No Where Near It!

    Votes: 11 9.2%

  • Total voters
Im a nerd and sometimes I hide it while other times I show that I really don't care. My personal style, the way I dress, talk, and think makes me someone who thinks like a nerd and likes all of those things but doesn't completely act like one. Its hard to describe really, its kind of like what Badger and El Chi are like yet different in many ways.

A geek? No, but a nerd? Well yes but I hide it with many people I know in real life and with others I let it all out.
Yeah I have that nerdy vibe, I act pretty awkward alot of the time, but when I'm around the right people I can have an enjoyable time :)

That said, I'm really pale, and since I've gotten a computer I've become rather slovenly :x
I'm a nerd in disguise. But I prefer the term "geek" it's more appropriate ;)
what exactly is the techinal difference between geek and nerd?
surely it must be marginal..
Yes i am a nerd, just like every single person who visits this forum :stare:
The dictionary is wrong. :P

A geek is an obsessive e.g. music geek is someone who is obsessed and knowledgeable of music, while a nerd is a socially inept geek. People simply can't tell them apart. :P
Well i am not a "nerd" as you name it i am a "nerd in counter-strike and hl2 only".

I am almoste the best in my class att school.
Btw i am 12 years old. And I go in to an old closed factory sometimes. "kicking in doors and take stone chrusing windows. Ohh and i have done real moltov coktails. it is true. And Having Relly i mean relly funn with my Friends "Evry bodey in my class think's i am a Computer nerd. Only if the hade known. :D dont flame me.
Ghoetic, your smartest in ur class you say? why cant you spell proper then?
I am not a nerd. I have lots of friends(cool friends i guess you could call them) I hang out with lots of girls (the sterotipical nerd doesnt hang out with girls) I play football and baseball for my highschool. I just like to play video games lol but no one knows i do its like my alter ego.
KinGadY said:
Ghoetic, your smartest in ur class you say? why cant you spell proper then?

Well i were in a rush and Am from sweden i just type something and submit it.

"there is no sp00n - The matricks" :P :afro:
KinGadY said:
Ghoetic, your smartest in ur class you say? why cant you spell proper then?

You're talking about the language he is using, which has nothing to do with smarts especially when it is not your primary language.
by definition, no one can KNOW they are a nerd. if they know they are, they immidiately enter the realm of the geek.

nerds are geeks that don't know it.
geeks are nerds that DO know it.

I am a geek, not a nerd
"Der izz no spoon"
-Teh Matrix


But I'm not puny, and I'm not emo.
i vote NO, but i should have voted YES probally ;)

meh, i think working at just add water for a week has got me thinking im all cool and trendy... but i still come home and go straight on a computer game forum, then play some CS and make sure ive done all my homework...

oh well at least i dont look like a geek... right?
i am kinda spotty :/
:dozey: I dunno am I a nerd or geek for loving video games and that I dig computer tech and stuff and upgrade my PC often just to play PC games? Probably so. Oh well, who cares you bastards!?!?111111 Well, I guess I do... :(
Quite nerdy & proud of it. It's time for the societies to accept us :D We'll be taking over one day you know!
I am a nerd, I guess. I dont really look it I think, but when people get me started on computers and stuf like that, it kinda comes out. I had a couple a chicks think it was cool once... and I put emphasis on the once... sigh
:dozey: That's exactly how I am, I don't look like a nerd, I wouldn't be classified as one if I were to just meet a total stranger. Sometimes it makes me mad when I go to Fry's or CompUSA or whatever and ask one of the employees about some computer tech, they treat me and/or give me a look like I am not computer literate. Just because you don't act, look, or dress like a nerd doesn't mean you are one!
kidrock450 said:
I am not a nerd. I have lots of friends(cool friends i guess you could call them) I hang out with lots of girls (the sterotipical nerd doesnt hang out with girls) I play football and baseball for my highschool. I just like to play video games lol but no one knows i do its like my alter ego.

That's what's called being on the down-low :naughty:
I'm a geek.
meaning I'm populer, have a tan, spend time in athletic events, and can still build a PC in under 20 minutes. (ALOT less if it's a larger case)
Well, I'm an X athlete. I used to be able to do anything (sprinting was my fav)...since I got my first comp, my life has just gone down hill, lol :D

Only my brother and my mum call me a geek, but i just tell em to STFU!

I really hate being called a Geek / Nerd, I dunno why ;(
I'm not smart at all.. but I run a mod, and I can map, so I guess that classes me as that
Badger you go to a grammar school, your pretty smart. I think we have got to an age that simply playing games doesnt make you a nerd now but if thats what you do most of the time then I suppose you are a "semi-nerd", If you are a l33t hax0r and you use linux then your a nerd :P I suppose im a semi-nerd. But Id rather call myself " a gamer! :O". But really I dont think of myself of a nerd because I only use computers and games because I get bored, its not in my lifestyle.
simmo said:
Well, I'm an X athlete. I used to be able to do anything (sprinting was my fav)...since I got my first comp, my life has just gone down hill, lol :D

Only my brother and my mum call me a geek, but i just tell em to STFU!

I really hate being called a Geek / Nerd, I dunno why ;(

Aww, ya big geek.

/me hugs

That's like me. I used to be able to outsprint, climb or jump over justabout anything. And if that didn't work, I'd set light to it! :E

I'm a nerd. Yes.

I have an unhealthy devotion to internet forums such as this one when i should probably be out meeting my future wife and experiencing life.
Mr-Fusion said:
I'm a nerd. Yes.

I have an unhealthy devotion to internet forums such as this one when i should probably be out meeting my future wife and experiencing life.

Life's resolution sucks, it's not wide screen and you can't adjust gamma or brightness, and it's full of assholes and ads. At least you can block and/or ignore assholes and popups on the net ;)
CB | Para said:
Life's resolution sucks, it's not wide screen and you can't adjust gamma or brightness, and it's full of assholes and ads. At least you can block and/or ignore assholes and popups on the net ;)

You need to install Booze 2.0
Don't even bother with Drugs 2000, though. It starts off well but goes downhill very quickly. Am I a nerd? Well I'm not spotty if that helps. I do wear glasses, but onyl for reading at long range.
Sulkdodds said:
Don't even bother with Drugs 2000, though. It starts off well but goes downhill very quickly. Am I a nerd? Well I'm not spotty if that helps. I do wear glasses, but onyl for reading at long range.

and yet you are very obviously, from even the most blind observers, a nerd... from the way you have to show off your cleverness to the way you get top scores in most tests and essays... although i beat you on our romeo and juliet essay :P

i guess being a nerd is better than not being a nerd though, as all th nerds become scientists and then witness fatal experiments gone wrong, then grab loads of guns and blast down aliens DIE XEN etc.

or at least thats what HL taught me :)
or at least thats what HL taught me
Half life teaches all! I learned many things, such as what a geiger counter was (spelling=bad), and heard clever words such as lamda, half life etc...
Anyhow going ot, Id have to say : if you enjoy it and it does no harm, whats the problem? :thumbs:
I just bought the family guy dvd collection. does that make me cool or a nerd?

i think it's pretty nifty. but that sounds pretty nerdy..
I kinda am. I love computers and computer games :D but who here dosen't?
sHm0zY said:
I kinda am. I love computers and computer games :D but who here dosen't?

That one guy who pretends he doesn't care about HL2, forgot his name but he's a troll, a big time troll.
CB | Para said:
That one guy who pretends he doesn't care about HL2, forgot his name but he's a troll, a big time troll.

lol I never seen anyone here like that, iI wanna talk to him.